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Geychenko, Alexander (2020) The Church, Kingdom and Society in the Writings of Vasilii V. Ivanov (1846–1919): towards a Public Theology for Post-Soviet Baptists. International Journal of Public Theology, 14 (3). pp. 319-335.
Geychenko, Alexander (2014) Образ церкви как народа Божьего: рецепция библейского образа в ключевых экклезиологических документах католической, экуменической и евангелической традиций [The Image of the Church as the People of God: Reception of the Biblical Image in Key Ecclesiological Documents of the Catholic, Ecumenical and Evangelical Traditions]. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology (2014/S). pp. 33-57. ISSN 2789-1577
Geychenko, Alexander (2014) Вся Церквь несет все Евангелие всему миру: Итоги обсуждения Лозанской богословской рабочей группы [The Whole Church Carries the Gospel to the Whole World: Discussion Results of the Lausanne Theological Group]. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology (2014/S). pp. 153-168. ISSN 2789-1577
Geychenko, Alexander (2007) Необходимость проповеди Евангелия с точки зрения современного евангельского богословия [The necessity of proclaiming the Gospel from the point of view of contemporary evangelical theology]. In: Богословие в евангелизме: доклады богословского форума украинских евангельских богословских учебных заведений (Theology in evangelism: papers of the theological forum of Ukrainian theological training institutions). Zaporozhye: Piligrim, pp. 79-96.
Geychenko, Alexander (2016) Pie in the Sky or Blood and Soil? Post-Soviet Evangelicals between Scylla of Religious Escapism and Charybdis of Nationalism. In: Mini-symposium “Race and Migration: Theological Explorations”, 17 May 2016, Protestantse Theologische Universiteit, Amsterdam. (Submitted)