Items where Author is "Noble, Tim"

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Noble, Tim (2018) Proselytism and the ethics of mission. Acta Missiologiae, 6. pp. 47-64. ISSN 2060-2104

Noble, Tim (2017) Kirche und Zivilgesellschaft / Theologie und Zivilreligion [Church and civil society / theology and civil religion]. Ökumenische Rundschau, 66:2. pp. 222-236.

Noble, Tim (2016) Emmanuel Levinas and Vladimir Jankélévitch: The Possibilities and Limits of Hospitality. Communio Viatorum, 58:2. 172–90.

Noble, Tim (2016) Misie jako pohostinnost vůči druhému [Mission as hospitality to the 'other']. Misiologické fórum, 2. 17–25.

Noble, Ivana and Noble, Tim (2016) The Starets-Disciple Relationship According to Mother Maria Gysi. Baptistic Theologies, 7:2. pp. 88-100.

Noble, Tim (2015) Ignatian and Hesychast Spirituality: Praying Together. St Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 59:1. pp. 43-53.

Noble, Tim (2015) Mission Born in the Place of Encounter Between East and West. Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies, 56:1-2. pp. 289-299.

Noble, Tim (2015) Missionary Convictions and the Convictions of the Other. Baptistic Theologies, 7:1. pp. 1-12.

Noble, Tim (2015) Mutuality in Ecumenical Encounter. Communio Viatorum, 57:2. pp. 107-112.

Noble, Tim (2015) ’The Pathway into the Kingdom of Heaven’: The Indigenization of Russian Orthodox Tradition in Alaska. Mission Studies, 32:1. pp. 32-46.

Noble, Tim (2014) Living in the Truth in the Past and the Present in the Czech Republic. Forum Mission: Reconciliation – Justice – Peace,, 10. pp. 151-168.

Noble, Tim (2014) ’You shall not make my Father’s house a house of trade’: Liberation Theology’s Critique of Late Modern Capitalism. Journal of European Baptist Studies, 14 (2). pp. 31-47.

Noble, Ivana and Noble, Tim (2013) Orthodox Theology in Western Europe in the 20th Century. European History Online (EGO), 07 (04).

Noble, Tim (2013) Between the Swiss Train and the Eschaton: Mission in a Time of Waiting. Baptistic Theologies, 5 (1). pp. 147-162.

Noble, Tim (2012) Библията и поклонникът на Изток и на Запад: Употребата на Св. Писание в ‘Откровени разкази на един странник пред неговия духовен отец’ и ‘Пътешественикът от този свят до онзи’ [The Bible and the Pilgrim in the East and the West: Scripture in 'Revelation of a stranger to his spiritual father' and 'The traveler from this world to that one']. Богословска Мисъл [Theological Thought], 16:3-4. pp. 92-110.

Noble, Tim (2012) Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Russian Orthodox Mission to Alaska. Communio Viatorum, 54 (2). pp. 164-183.

Noble, Tim (2011) Pilgrims Progressing: Ignatius of Loyola and John Bunyan. Baptistic Theologies, 3 (2). pp. 64-78.

Noble, Tim (2011) What to do when your best ideas are too good. Baptistic Theologies, 3 (1). pp. 31-44.

Noble, Tim (2011) A Writ Good Guide: The Bible in The Way of the Pilgrim and The Pilgrim’s Progress. Journal of European Baptist Studies, 12 (1). pp. 20-35.

Noble, Tim (1997) Interview with Bishop Vaclav Maly. The Month (Second New Series), 30. pp. 224-227.

Book Section

Noble, Tim (2017) Mission as Hospitality towards the Other. In: Reforming Theology. Migrating Church. Transforming Society. A Compendium for Ecumenical Education. Hamburg: Missionshilfe Verlag, 192–197.

Noble, Tim (2014) Springtime in Paris: Orthodoxy Encountering Diverse Others Between the Wars. In: Den Blickweiten: Wenn Ökumene den Religionenbegegnet: Tagungsbericht der 17. Wissenschaftlichen Konsultation der Societas Oecumenica (Beiheft zur Ökumenischen Rundschau 99). Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, pp. 295-310.

Noble, Tim (2014) Teologie osvobození a sociálni nauka katolicke církve [Liberation theology and social teaching of the Catholic Church]. In: Katolická sociální nauka a současná věda: Interdisciplinární analýzy sociálních encyklik Jana Pavla II. Praha: Vyšehrad, pp. 57-80.

Noble, Ivana and Noble, Tim (2013) A non–synthetic dialectics between the Christian East and West: A starting point for renewed communication. In: Kommunikation ist Möglich. Theologische, ökumenische und interreligiöse Lernprozesse. Festschrift für Bernd Jochen Hilberath. Matthias Grünewald Verlag, Ostfildern, pp. 273-281.

Noble, Tim (2013) Budování duchovniho místa v hesychasmu a u Ignáce [Building a spiritual place in Hesychasm and by Ignatius]. In: Sensorium Dei: Člověk – prostor – transcendence. Brno: CDK, 67–80.

Noble, Tim (2013) Poutníkova bible. Bible v Upřímných vyprávěních poutníka svému duchovnímu otci a v Poutníkově cestě [Pilgrim's Bible. The Bible in the Honorable Tales of the Pilgrim to His Spiritual Father and the Way of the Pilgrim]. In: Velehradské dialogy I. Olomouc: Refugium, 241–61.

Noble, Tim (2013) Social Work as Theology’s Challenging Other. In: Teologie a sociální práce: dvacet let dialogu (Michal Kaplánek, ed.). UK–ETF, Praha, pp. 61-73.

Noble, Tim (2012) Addressing the Other: Mission, Unity and the Question of Place. In: Mission und Einheit: Gemeinsames Zeugnis getrennter Kirchen? – Mission and Unity: Common Witness of Separated Churches? Beiheft zur Ökumenischen Rundschau (91). Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig, pp. 131-146.

Noble, Tim (2007) Liberation Theology Today – Challenges and Changes. In: Mezinárodní symposium o teologii osvobození: sborník pří spěvků. Teologická fakulta Jihočeské university, České Budějovice, pp. 22-36. ISBN 9788070409770


Noble, Tim (2019) Mission from the Perspective of the Other: Drawing Together on Holy Ground. Pickwick Publications. ISBN 978-1-5326-5048-2

Noble, Ivana and Noble, Tim and Bauerová, Kateřina and Parushev, Parush R. (2016) Mnohohlas pravoslavné teologie ve 20. století na Západě [The polyphony of Orthodox theology in the 20th century in the West]. Brno: CDK. ISBN 978-80-7325-403-2

Parushev, Parush R. and Noble, Tim and Noble, Ivana and Bauerová, Kateřina (2015) Wrestling with the Mind of the Fathers in (Post-)modern Orthodox Theology. SVS Press, Yonkers, New York.

Parushev, Parush R. and Noble, Tim and Bauerová, Kateřina and Noble, Ivana (2012) Cesty pravoslavné teologie ve 20. století na Západ [The Ways of Orthodox Theology in the West in the Twentieth Century]. Centrum pro studium democracie a kultury.


Noble, Tim (2009) Keeping the Window Open: The Theological Method of Clodovis Boff and the Problem of the Alterity of the Poor. Doctoral thesis, VU University Amsterdam.

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