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Bogomilova, Nonka (2015) Problems of Teaching Religion in Public Schools in Bulgaria Today: Retrospective and Prospective. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 35 (1). Art. 2. ISSN 1069-4781
Krastić, Zoran (2015) ХРИШЋАНСКА ТЕОЛОГИЈА У СУСРЕТУ СА ПОСТМОДЕРНИСТИЧКОМ РЕЛИГИОЗНОШЋУ [Christian theology meeting postmodern religiousness]. Теологикон [Teologikon], 4 (1). pp. 186-194. ISSN 2367-7856
McPhee, Peggy (2015) Aspects of Theology of Mission in Bulgaria: National Missionaries Share their Views with Respect to Sin and Salvation. Acta Missiologiae, 4. pp. 105-120.
Petrović, Srećko (2015) ЦРКВА, НАЦИОНАЛИЗАМ И ХРИШЋАНСКИ ИДЕНТИТЕТ: КРАТКО РАЗМАТРАЊЕ О ОПАСНОСТИМА ЕТНОФИЛЕТИЗМА [Church, Nationalism and Christian Identity: A Brief Review on the Dangers of Ethnophiletism]. Теологикон [Teologikon], 4 (1). pp. 195-218. ISSN 2367-7856
Trajanov, Kirche (2015) ЗА ЕСХАТОЛОГИЈАТА, ИСТОРИЈАТА И МИСИЈАТА НА ЦРКВАТА ВО ЕКЛИСИОЛОШКИ КОНТЕКСТ [About the Eshatology, History and the Mission of the Church in an Ecclesiastical Context]. Теологикон [Teologikon], 4 (1). pp. 131-154. ISSN 2367-7856
Kozhuharov, Valentin (2015) Principles of Orthodox Mission: Bulgarian Missionary Reflection. In: Orthodox and Inter-Christian Perspectives in Mission. Vesta Publishing House, Veliko Trnovo, pp. 95-131. ISBN 978-9545430565
Kozhuharov, Valentin (2015) Christianstvo, Pravoslavie i Missia [Christianity, Orthodoxy and Mission]. Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria: Vesta Publishing House.