Items where Geographical area is "Balkan countries" and Year is 2015

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Number of items: 18.


Fazlić, Hazim (2015) Perspectives on Building Trust among Communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Challenges and the Role of Faith Communities. Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 50 (2). ISSN 2162-3937

Filimon, Ioan (2015) Christian Mission and Interreligious Dialogue in Archbishop Anastasios Yannoulatos' Theology. International Journal of Orthodox Theology, 6 (1). pp. 87-102. ISSN 2190-0582


Jović, Rastko (2015) Doing Gender Justice as a Mission Imperative. International Review of Mission, 104 (1). pp. 26-36. ISSN 1758-6631


Kasselouri-Hatzivassiliadi, Eleni (2015) Mission, Gender, and Theological Education: An Orthodox Perspective. International Review of Mission, 104 (1). pp. 37-45. ISSN 1758-6631

Kovač, Valerija Nedjeljka (2015) Aktualnost evanđeoskih savjeta u svjetlu "izlaska" kao poslanja Crkve i posvećenoga života [Actuality of Evangelical Counsels in the Light of “Coming Out” as a Mission of the Church and Consecrated Life]. Služba Božja: liturgijsko-pastoralna revija, 55 (3-4). pp. 354-374. ISSN 1849-1057

Krastić, Zoran (2015) ХРИШЋАНСКА ТЕОЛОГИЈА У СУСРЕТУ СА ПОСТМОДЕРНИСТИЧКОМ РЕЛИГИОЗНОШЋУ [Christian theology meeting postmodern religiousness]. Теологикон [Teologikon], 4 (1). pp. 186-194. ISSN 2367-7856


Magda Džafić, Ela (2015) In Search of a Crisis in Croatia. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 35 (2). pp. 7-14. ISSN 2693-2148

Maroney, Eric Kane (2015) Conflict, Change, and Conversion: Forty years of conversion among Baptists in Croatia 1970 - 2010. Doctoral thesis, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Maršić, Šimo (2015) Nova evangelizacija pred izazovom integralne formacije unutar skupina mladih u Vrhbosanskoj nadbiskupiji [The New Evangelization Faced With the Challenge of Integral Formation of a Group of Young People in the Vrhbosna Archdiocese]. Vrhbosnensia: časopis za teološka i međureligijska pitanja, 19 (1). pp. 85-115. ISSN 2233-1387


Papathanasiou, Athanasios N. (2015) Contemporary Missionary Efforts in the Orthodox Churches: Limitations and Possibilities. International Journal of Orthodox Theology, 6 (2). pp. 117-123. ISSN 2190-0582

Pavel, Aurel (2015) Archbishop Anastasios Yannoulatos' Contribution to the Development of Orthodox Missionary Theology. International Journal of Orthodox Theology, 6 (1). pp. 63-86. ISSN 2190-0582

Petrović, Srećko (2015) ЦРКВА, НАЦИОНАЛИЗАМ И ХРИШЋАНСКИ ИДЕНТИТЕТ: КРАТКО РАЗМАТРАЊЕ О ОПАСНОСТИМА ЕТНОФИЛЕТИЗМА [Church, Nationalism and Christian Identity: A Brief Review on the Dangers of Ethnophiletism]. Теологикон [Teologikon], 4 (1). pp. 195-218. ISSN 2367-7856


Strujić, Jure (2015) Evangelizacijsko poslanje Crkve i novi oblici komunikacije [The Evangelizing Mission of the Church and the New Forms of Communication]. Doctoral thesis, Katolički bogoslovni fakultet u Spllitu.


Theocharous, Myrto (2015) Becoming a Refuge: Sex Trafficking and the People of God. Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, 59 (2). pp. 309-322. ISSN 0360-8808

Trajanov, Kirche (2015) ЗА ЕСХАТОЛОГИЈАТА, ИСТОРИЈАТА И МИСИЈАТА НА ЦРКВАТА ВО ЕКЛИСИОЛОШКИ КОНТЕКСТ [About the Eshatology, History and the Mission of the Church in an Ecclesiastical Context]. Теологикон [Teologikon], 4 (1). pp. 131-154. ISSN 2367-7856

Tsirevelos, Nikolaos (2015) Θεολογική θεμελίωση της Ορθόδοξης μαρτυρίας. Σπουδή στο έργο του Αρχιεπισκόπου Αλβανίας Αναστασίου [Archbishop Anastasios' theological foundation of Orthodox witness]. Acta Varia Academica (9). Ostracon Publishing, Thessaloniki, Greece. ISBN 978-618-5146-06-1


Vranješ, Nikola (2015) Inkulturacija kao postulat nove evangelizacije [Inculturation as a Postulate of the New Evangelization]. Riječki teološki časopis, 46 (2). pp. 283-300. ISSN 1849-0921


Šegula, Andrej (2015) Podoba laika v dokumentih drugega vatikanskega koncila in izziv za danes [Image of the Layperson in the Documents of the Second Vatican Council and Its Challenge for Today]. Bogoslovni vestnik, 75 (3). pp. 417-425. ISSN 1581-2987

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