Items where Geographical area is "Balkan countries" and Year is 2021

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Number of items: 20.

Božić, Damjan S. (2021) Феномен дијаспоре у контексту промена и повезаности различитих културних окружења [The Phenomenon of Diaspora in the Context of Changes and Connections Between Different Cultural Environments]. Teološki pogledi, 54 (1). pp. 149-162. ISSN 2683-4057

Erolova, Yelis (2021) Cases of contemporary re-Islamization among Roma in Bulgaria. Romani Studies, 31 (2). pp. 211-230. ISSN 1757-2274

Glendenning, Cezarina (2021) "Ne vode svi putovi do Boga, ali Bog ide svim putovima do ljudi": Doktrina prethodne milosti kao paradigma misijskog djelovanja [“Not all roads lead to God, but God walks all roads to reach people.” The Doctrine of Prevenient Grace as a Paradigm for Mission]. Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology, 15 (1). pp. 79-91. ISSN 1846-4599

Jakobfi, Igor (2021) Socijalni pastoral s mladima. Primjer udruge Prijatelji sv. Martina [Social Pastoral Care of Young People. The Example of the Friends of St. Martin Association]. Diacovensia, 29 (4). pp. 599-622. ISSN 1849-014X

Jović, Rastko (2021) Mission and Reconciliation. Theology for a New Remembrance. International Review of Mission, 110 (1). pp. 6-15. ISSN 1758-6631

Keramidas, Dimitrios (2021) Mission and Christian Unity. Some Recent Hermeneutic Approaches in the Orthodox Church. International Review of Mission, 110 (2). pp. 196-216. ISSN 1758-6631

Kovač, Tomislav (2021) Misijsko poslanje Crkve – stanje i perspektive. Znanstveni simpozij u povodu 30. obljetnice enciklike Redemptoris missio Zagreb, 12. prosinca 2020. [Missional Task of the Church - State and Perspectives. Scientific Symposium for the 30th anniversary of the encyclic Redemptoris missio, Zagreb, December 12 2020]. Bogoslovska smotra, 91 (1). pp. 149-155. ISSN 1848-9648

Merdjanova, Ina (2021) Women, Orthodox Christianity, and Neosecularization in Bulgaria. In: Women and Religiosity in Orthodox Christianity. Orthodox Christianity and Contemporary Thought . Fordham University Press, New York, New York, USA, pp. 50-75. ISBN 9780823298617

Punda, Edvard and Rapić, Darko (2021) Migracije u naravi i poslanju Crkve. Temeljni stavovi i posebni teološki izazovi [Migrations in the Nature and Mission of the Church. Basic Attitudes and Specific Theological Challenges]. Crkva u svijetu, 56 (4). pp. 551-566. ISSN 1848-9656

Symon, David (2021) Misijní práce mezi nominálními křesťany: Případová studie českých misionářů v jihovýchodní Evropě (Mission to Nominal Christians: Case Study of Czech Missionaries in South-Eastern Europe). In: Sympozium Vyšší odborné školy misijní a teologické v, 29.1.2021, Kolín. (Unpublished)

Symon, David (2021) Mission in Two Directions: Missiological Implications of Religious Identity in Czechia and in Former Yugoslavia Countries. Acta Missiologiae, 9. pp. 51-66. ISSN 2060-2104

Tsirevelos, Nikolaos (2021) Το περιοδικό Πάντα τα Έθνη – 40 χρόνια ιεραποστολικής ενημέρωσης και θεολογικής σπουδής των αναγνωστών [Pánta ta Éthni Magazine - 40 years of missionary information and theological study of readers]. Πάντα τα Έθνη [Pánta ta Éthni], 40 (159). pp. 18-24.

Tsirevelos, Nikolaos (2021) The Awakening of the Orthodox Witness to the Nations. Communication Approach in the Missionary Journal Porefthedes. Theology & Culture, 2 (1). pp. 11-34. ISSN 2708-6755

Tsirevelos, Nikolaos (2021) Edukimi fetar, Dëshmia e Krishterë dhe Teknologjia e Komunikimit dhe Informacionit [Religious Education, Christian Witness and Communication and Information Technology]. Departamenti i Teologjisë dhe Kulturës, Kolegji Universitar Logos, Tirana, Albania. ISBN 978-9928-4594-7-3

Ungar, Florjan (2021) Srednja generacija kot temeljni nosilec vere v družini [The Middle Generation as the Fundamental Bearer of Faith in the Family]. Masters thesis, Univerza v Ljubljani, Teološka fakulteta.

Veronis, Luke Alexander (2021) Discipleship on the margins. In: Living the gospel of Jesus Christ : Orthodox and Evangelical approaches to discipleship and Christian formation. Regnum Studies in Mission . Regnum Books International, Oxford, UK. ISBN 9781913363871

Voulgaraki, Evi (2021) Following Jesus Christ. Understanding Orthodox Mission Today, in Theory and Praxis. Theologia Orthodoxa, 66 (2). pp. 39-50. ISSN 2065-9474

Vranješ, Nikola and Seletković, Ivan (2021) Izazovi i plodovi djelovanja karizmatskog pokreta danas [Challenges and Fruits of the Work of Charismatic Movement Today]. Crkva u svijetu, 56 (1). pp. 85-107. ISSN 1848-9656

Đonlagić, Halida (2021) The Effects of the Dominant Public Discourse and the Influence of (Non)Knowledge as a Sign of Resistance/Support to Women's Faith-Based Peace Activism in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 41 (3). pp. 1-19. ISSN 2693-2148

Šarčević, Ivan (2021) Uzaludnost vjeroučiteljevanja? Katehete u evangelizacijskom procesu [The Futility of Religious Teaching? Catechists in the Evangelization Process]. Bosna Franciscana, 27 (54). pp. 23-44. ISSN 1330-7487

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