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Forster, Joel (2024) Leaving your country for work: feeling guilty or being on mission? Evangelical Focus.
Smirnova, Irina Yu. (2024) Записка Парфения (Агеева) о присоединении к России Киргизской степи: к истории христианизации среднеазиатских народов [The Narrative of Parthenius (Ageev) on the Accession of the Kyrgyz Steppe to Russia: from the History of Christianization of Central Asian Peoples]. Гуманитарный вектор [Humanitarian vector], 19 (2). pp. 150-162. ISSN 1996-7853 (Print), 2542-0038 (Online)
Kalenychenko, Tetiana (2024) Meeting the other: Peacebuilding and religious actors in a time of war. In: Dispossession: Anthropological Perspectives on Russia’s War Against Ukraine. Routledge, pp. 225-241. ISBN 978-1-032-46622-4
UNSPECIFIED (2024) Богословські аспекти доктрини/ідеології «русского міра»: Тези круглого столу [Theological aspects of the doctrine/ideology of "Russian world": Roundtable results]. Documentation. Київська православна богословська академія, Київ.
Zagidulin, Ruslan and Dosov, Mirzabek and Spichak, Alexander and Kolesnikov, Pavel (2024) A Eurasian Portrait. Documentation. Lausanne Movement.
Muraru, Lidia (2024) The cross-cultural mission of the Romanian evangelical Christians in the post-Communist period: the impact of the ministry of the Romanian Evangelical missionaries. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN ASIN: B0DQ7KGSWN
Vallikivi, Laur (2024) Nenets reindeer herders and Russian evangelical missionaries in the post-Soviet arctic. Indiana Indiana University Press, Bloomington. ISBN 9780253068767