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Bargár, Pavol (2022) Pursuing shalom in the city: a theological reflection on the beautiful and the good in urban settings. Acta Missiologica, 16 (1). pp. 236-249. ISSN 2453-7160
Bargár, Pavol (2021) Toward Comm/unity Amid Brokenness. Christian Mission as (a Pursuit of) Relational Anthropology. International Review of Mission, 110 (2). pp. 231-245. ISSN 1758-6631
Bargár, Pavol (2021) The Modern, the Postmodern, and... the Metamodern? Reflections on a Transforming Sensibility from the Perspective of Theological Anthropology. Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies, 38 (1). pp. 3-15. ISSN 1759-8931
Bargár, Pavol (2021) The phenomenon of "F-Word Pseudoreligion' as a challenge in mission in Central and Eastern Europe. ACTA Missiologiae, 9. pp. 37-50. ISSN 2060-1204
Bargár, Pavol (2020) “Together towards a Banquet”: The Feast as Promise and Resistance in Together Towards Life and Contemporary Theological Discourse. International Review of Mission, 109 (1). pp. 99-111. ISSN 1758-6631
Bargár, Pavol (2020) The Role and Story of Christian Identity. Acta Missiologica, 14 (1). pp. 20-33. ISSN 2453-7160
Bargár, Pavol (2019) Learning about Spirituality Together with “Seekers”; Reading Together towards Life in the Czech Postsecular Context. International Review of Mission, 108 (2). pp. 326-336. ISSN 1758-6631
Bargár, Pavol (2019) Mission amidst Ideologies: Ideology and Hegemony in The Cape Town Commitment, Together towards Life, Evangelii Gaudium, and Mission of the Orthodox Church in Today’s World. Exchange, 48 (2). pp. 85-104.
Bargár, Pavol (2018) Narrativity as a Locus Hermeneuticus for Ecumenical Theology: Culture, Koinonia and Transformation. Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies, 35 (1). pp. 30-43. ISSN 1759-8931
Bargár, Pavol (2018) Premieňajúce nasledovanie: teologicko-antropologické skúmanie [Transforming Discipleship: Theological-Anthropological Explorations]. Acta Missiologica, 12 (1). pp. 29-40. ISSN 2453-7160
Bargár, Pavol (2018) Towards Reconciliation in a Broken World: Report and Reflection from the ICCJ Conference in Hungary. Acta Missiologica, 12 (2). pp. 134-137. ISSN 2453-7160
Bargár, Pavol (2017) The Current Discourse on Refugees in Europe in Light of the Sacred: A Czech Case. A Cultural Sociological Approach in Dialogue with a Missiological Perspective. Acta Missiologiae, 5. pp. 15-24.
Bargár, Pavol (2017) Misia Pravoslávnej cirkvi v súčasnom svete: misiologická reflexia dokumentu svätého a veľkého koncilu Pravoslávnej cirkvi [Mission of the Orthodox Church in Today's World: Missiological Reflection of the Document of the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodoy Church]. Acta Missiologica, 11 (1). pp. 23-31. ISSN 2453-7160
Bargár, Pavol (2017) Pondering "The Mission of the Orthodox Church in Today's World": A Protestant Missiological Reflection. International Review of Mission, 106 (2). pp. 389-399. ISSN 1758-6631
Bargár, Pavol (2016) Koncepcie teológie misie relevantné pre súčasnú dobu vo významných misiologických dielach [Concepts of Theology of Mission Relevant Today as Discussed in Significant Missiological Works]. Acta Missiologica, 10 (2). pp. 9-16. ISSN 2453-7160
Bargár, Pavol (2015) Blessed Are You Who Are Poor: The Poor in Together Towards Life, The Cape Town Commitment and Evangelii Gaudium. International Review of Mission, 104. pp. 242-254.
Bargár, Pavol (2015) The Emerging Church Movement: Some Missiologically Relevant Challenges and Impulses. Acta Missiologiae, 4. pp. 27-44.
Bargár, Pavol (2014) Changing Landscapes of Mission in Post-Communist Europe: Together Towards Life in Dialog with a Protestant missiologist from a Central European context. The Ecumenical Review, 66 (1). pp. 72-81. ISSN 1758-6623
Bargár, Pavol (2014) Mission in New Contexts: Post-Communist Europe in Dialogue with Together Towards Life. The Ecumenical Review, 66.1. pp. 72-81.
Bargár, Pavol (2014) Nigerian-Initiated Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches in the Czech Republic: Active Missionary Force or a Cultural Ghetto? Exchange, 43 (1). pp. 48-67.
Bargár, Pavol (2013) Misia a stvorenie: Niekoľko poznámok k tézam E.Conradieho [Mission and creation: Some reflections on Conradie's theses]. Misiologické fórum, 2. pp. 21-23. ISSN 1805-7934
Bargár, Pavol (2013) Neustále iskrenie: Evanjelium a kultúra v misiologickej perspektíve. Stručný náčrt vývoja niektorých pojmov [Constant Spark: The Gospel and Culture in a Missiological Perspective. A brief outline of the development of some concepts]. Misiologické fórum, 1. pp. 10-14. ISSN 1805-7934
Bargár, Pavol (2012) Misijná prax českých a slovenských cirkví vo svetle krízových situáci í charakteristických pre ich kontext [Missionary practice of the Czech and Slovak churches in the light of crisis situations characteristic of their context]. Misiologické info, 1. pp. 5-20.
Bargár, Pavol (2012) Misiológia ako interkulturálna teológia a jej vzťah k religionistike [Missiology as intercultural theology and its relation to religious studies]. Misiologické info, 1. pp. 25-29.
Bargár, Pavol (2012) Misionálna cirkev [Missional church]. Misiologické info, 2. pp. 24-28. ISSN 1803-1390
Bargár, Pavol (2012) Niekoľko poznámok k dokumentu "Spoločne k životu: Misia a evanjelizácia v meniacom sa prostredí" [A few notes on "Together Towards Life: Mission and Evangelism in Changing Landscapes"]. Misiologické info, 3. pp. 18-31. ISSN 1803-1390
Bargár, Pavol (2012) Pivná cirkev? Niekoľko poznámok z misiologickej perspektívy [Beer church? Some reflections from a missiological perspective]. Misiologické info, 2. pp. 38-40. ISSN 1803-1390
Bargár, Pavol (2011) Book Review, Stephen B. Bevans & Roger P. Schroeder, Constants in Context. Acta Missiologiae, 3. pp. 135-139.
Sonea, Cristian and Bargár, Pavol and Kopiec, Piotr and Marcu, Doru and Zeljković, Stefan and Adrian, Leș and Crețu, Iustinian (2022) Contextual Report of the Central and Eastern European Region. In: The future of mission cooperation: The living legacy of the International Missionary Council. World Council of Churches, Geneva, pp. 137-163. ISBN 978-2-8254-1830-7
Sonea, Cristian and Nagy, Dorottya and Kluj, Wojciech and Marcu, Doru and Bargár, Pavol (2022) Report of the Regional Center for Central and Eastern Europe. In: A Hundred Years of Mission Cooperation: The Impact of the International Missionary Council 1921-2021. World Council of Churches, Geneva, pp. 339-356. ISBN 978-2-8254-1813-0
Bargár, Pavol (2016) Mission in the Czech Republic: An Ecumenical Perspective. In: Mission in Central and Eastern Europe: Realities, Perspectives, Trends. Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series (34). Regnum Books International, Oxford, UK, pp. 270-291. ISBN 9781911372172
Jurechová, Zuzana and Bargár, Pavol (2011) Crisis Situations in the Czech-Slovak Context after 1989. CECMS, Prague.
Jurechová, Zuzana and Bargár, Pavol (2011) Krizové situace v česko-slovenském kontextu po roce 1989 [Crisis situation in the Czech-Slovak context after 1989]. Praha: SCMS.
Bargár, Pavol (2008) Mýty moderného človeka [Myths of the Contemporary Man: An Application of the "Mythic Reading" Method to the Selected Works of the World of the World Literature of the 20th and 21st Centuries]. Doctoral thesis, Protestant Theological Faculty of the Charles University, Prague.