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Kool, Anne-Marie (2022) Mission in Eastern and Central Europe: Revolutions in European Mission: Textbook of applied missiology. Association of Evangelical Churches in the Slovak Republic, Banska Bystrica. ISBN 978-80-971394-8-3
Kool, Anne-Marie (2018) Missionaire vorming en onderwijs op de schop? Een zoektocht naar nieuwe wegen in Oost-Europa (Missionary formation and education turned upside down? A quest for new avenues in Eastern Europe). In: Hendrik Kraemer Lezing [Hendrik Kraemer Public Lecture], 8 June 2018, Protestant Theological University. (Unpublished)
Kool, Anne-Marie (2016) Re-visiting Mission in, to and from Europe through Contemporary Image Formation. In: The State of Missiology Today: Global Innovations in Christian Witness. Missiological engagements . Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic.
Kool, Anne-Marie (2016) Eastern European Churches Engaging Roma People: Historical and Missiological Perspectives in: Mission in Central and Eastern Europe: Realities, Perspectives, Trends. In: Mission in Central and Eastern Europe: Realities, Perspectives, Trends. Regnum Edinburgh Centenary series, Regnum (34). Oxford: Regnum, pp. 520-543.
Kool, Anne-Marie (2016) A Missiologist's look at the Future: A Missiological Manifesto For the 21st Century. In: Mission in Central and Eastern Europe: Realities, Perspectives, Trends. Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series (34). Regnum Books International, Oxford, UK, pp. 694-710. ISBN 9781911372172
Kool, Anne-Marie (2016) Revolutions in European Mission: What Has Been Achieved in 25 Years of Eastern European Mission? In: Mission in Central and Eastern Europe: Realities, Perspectives, Trends. Oxford: Regnum, pp. 30-55.
Kool, Anne-Marie (2015) Spiritual Transformation: A Reponse. In: The Mission of God: Studies in Orthodox and Evangelical Mission. Oxford, UK: Regnum Books International, pp. 193-200.
Kool, Anne-Marie (2014) Grenzenlos Berufen - Trends, Gefahren und Aufgaben in der Weltmission heute [Called without boundaries - Trends, Dangers and Tasks in World Mission Today]. SMD Transparent, 4, 201.
Kool, Anne-Marie (2013) Behind the former iron curtain: teaching missiology in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Wild: Women in Leadership Development. Woodinville, WA: Harmon Press. ISBN 193595931X, 9781935959311
Parushev, Parush R. and Reimer, Johannes and Kool, Anne-Marie and Mănăstireanu, Dănuț (2013) Evangelical Mission in the Eastern Orthodox Contexts: Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine. Chișinău, MD: Universitatea Divitia Gratiae.
Kool, Anne-Marie (2013) From Marginalization to Revitalization: Missiology’s Contribution to the Renewal of Theological Curricula of Theological Institutions in Eastern European Contexts. In: Evangelical Mission in the Eastern Orthodox Contexts: Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine. Universitatea Divitia Gratiae, Chișinău, MD, pp. 9-37.
Kool, Anne-Marie (2012) European Churches’ Perspectives on Mission work among the Roma. In: Don McClure Mission Lectures, 2012. September 24-25.. (Unpublished)
Kool, Anne-Marie (2012) Evangelism in theological education and missiological formation, a Central and Eastern European Perspective with a Hungarian focus. In: Consultation for Evangelism in Theological Education and Missiological formation, WCC Commission for Mission and Evangelism, 30 October 2012, Ecumenical Institute Bossey, Switzerland. (Unpublished)
Avtzki, Kyriaki and Kool, Anne-Marie and Goundiaev, M. and Noort, G. (2012) Report, WCC Consultation on Evangelism in Theological Education and Missional Formation in Europe. In: WCC Consultation on Evangelism in Theological Education and Missional Formation in Europe, 28-31 October 2012, Bossey, Switzerland. (Unpublished)
Kool, Anne-Marie (2011) Changing Images in the Formation for Mission: Commission V in Light of Current Challenges – A Western Perspective. In: Edinburgh 1910: Mission Then and Now. Regnum Edinburgh 2010 series. . Regnum / Pasadena, CA: William Carey / Bangalore, India: SATHRI, Oxford, UK.
Penner, Peter F. and Kool, Anne-Marie (2010) Theological Education in Eastern and Central Europe. In: Handbook of Theological Education in World Christianity: Theological Perspectives – Regional Surveys – Ecumenical Trends. Oxford: Regnum Books, pp. 531-548.
Kool, Anne-Marie (2008) Missionair gemeente zijn in Oost en West [Being a Missionary congregation in East and West]. In: Themadag Gemeentecontacten van Het Central and Eastern European Institute for Mission Studies (CIMS) [Theme day for Congregational twinning links organized by The Central and Eastern European Institute for Mission Studies], 9th February 2008, Sionspoort, Houten. (Unpublished)
Kool, Anne-Marie (2008) Leadership Issues in Central and Eastern Europe: Continuing Trends and Challenges in Mission and Missiology. Acta Missiologiae, No.1,2. pp. 135-152.
Kool, Anne-Marie (2008) Trends and Challenges in Mission and Missiology in “Post-Communist” Europe. Mission Studies, 25. pp. 21-36.
Kool, Anne-Marie (2007) The Church in Hungary and Central and Eastern Europe: Trends and Challenges. Princeton Theological Seminary Bulletin, 28 (2). pp. 146-164.
Kool, Anne-Marie (2006) De Uitbreiding van de EU naar het Oosten – Een Uitdaging voor de Kerken. Het Antwoord van de Kerken van Midden- en Oosteuropa op de Uitdaging van het Post-Communisme [The Expansion of the EU to the East - A Challenge for the Churches. The Response of the Churches of Central and Eastern Europe to the Challenge of Post-Communism]. Wereld en Zending, 3, 200. 72–85.
Kool, Anne-Marie (2006) Mission and Missiology as Bridge building. Vision document for the Central and Eastern European Institute for Mission Studies of the Károli Gáspár Reformed University (KRE) in the Reformed Church of Hungary. Budapest: Central and Eastern European Institute for Mission Studies of the Károli Gáspár Reformed University. (Unpublished)
Kool, Anne-Marie (2005) Otthonom az egyházam?! [Is my church my home?!]. In: Gyor: Reformed Church Days - Transdanubia (REND) series of events., 4th December 2005, Veszprém. (Unpublished)
Kool, Anne-Marie (2005) De “impact” van het PMTI op de spiritualiteit van de kerk op het grondvlak. Een evaluatief moment na tien jaar PMTI (1995-2004) [The “impact” of the PMTI on grassroot level spirituality of the church. An evaluation moment after ten years of PMTI (1995-2004)]. In: MiniConference GB, SHOE and GZB, 2005 May 4, Nijkerk, "De Schakel". (Unpublished)
Kool, Anne-Marie (2005) Church Planting: A Compliment and a Warning. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 13 (2). p. 16.
Kool, Anne-Marie (2005) The Hungarian Foreign Mission Movement as a Factor in the Revival of the Mainline Protestant Churches in the Middle of the 20th Century. In: Mission Verandert –Mission Verandert Sich = Mission Transforms – Mission Is Transformed. Festschrift Für Klaus Fiedler Mission Transforms – Mission Is Transformed. Nurnberg, Verlag für Theologie und Religionwissenschaft, pp. 234-254.
Kool, Anne-Marie (2005) Individual and Community in Transition. Exploring a Relevant Missiology for Hungary. Swedish Missiological Themes, 93 (3). pp. 347-367.
Kool, Anne-Marie (2004) Hogyan végezhetnek missziót az egyházi munkások? [How can Church workers carry out mission?]. In: Retraite at the Nagykörös KGRE Teacher training college, Nagykörös. (Unpublished)
Kool, Anne-Marie (2004) Die EU–Osterweiterung – Eine Herausforderung für die Kirchen: Die Antwort der Kirchen in Mittel- und Osteuropa auf die Herausforderung des Post-Kommunismus. Leuenberg Nord-West Gruppe, Frenswegen, Germany. (Unpublished)
Kool, Anne-Marie (2004) A romák közötti szolgálat tervezésekor átgondolásra érdemes témák [Themes relevant to reflect on in planning ministry among Roma]. In: En Christo. Tanulmányok a 85 éves Dr. Bütösi János tiszteletére. Debreceni Református Hittudományi Egyetem, Debrecen, pp. 164-176. ISBN 9638429437, 9789638429438
Kool, Anne-Marie (2003) The Effect of Liberation on the Missionary Calling of the Churches in Hungary and Central and Eastern Europe. In: Fullness of life for all : challenges for mission in early 21st century. Currents of Encounter, 22 . Rodopi, Amsterdam:, pp. 147-161.
Kool, Anne-Marie (2003) Egyén és közösség az átmeneti idoszakban:Releváns missziológia feltárásaMagyarország számára. (Individual and community in transition. Exploring a relevant missiology for Hungary). Debrecen: Debrecen Református Tudományos Egyetem.
Kool, Anne-Marie (2003) Együtt az ige körül. Missziós kiscsoportok vezetése a gyülekezetben [Together around the Word. Leading small mission groups in the congregation]. Protestáns missziói tanulmányi intézet, Budapest.
Kool, Anne-Marie (2003) Individual and Community in Transition – Exploring a Relevant Missiology for Hungary. Other thesis, Reformed University of Divinity, Debrecen, Hungary.
Kool, Anne-Marie (2003) Missziológia a teológiai tantervben Hollandiában és Magyarországon [Missiology in the curriculum of Theology in the Netherlands and Hungary]. In: “Tisztán Tisztát”. Ünnepi kötet Dr. Márkus Mihály Püspök-Professzor 60. születésnapja tiszteletére. Pápa: PRTA, pp. 77-93. ISBN 963 212 198 8
Kool, Anne-Marie (2003) Post-Communist Europe: From “Intercultural Theology” to Missiology. In: Towards an Intercultural Theology: Essays in Honour of J.A.B. Jongeneel. Uitgeverij Meinema, Zoetermeer, NL.
Kool, Anne-Marie (2002) Egyén és közösség az átmeneti idõszakban. Releváns missziológia feltárása Magyarország számára [Individual and community in transition. Exploring a relevant missiology for Hungary]. Post-Doctoral thesis, Debreceni Református Hittudományi Egyetem.
Kool, Anne-Marie (2001) Tien jaar geopende deuren. Een evaluatief moment. Ontwikkelingen in de protestantse kerken in Midden- en Oost-Europa met het oog op missionaire-diaconale gemeentecontacten aan het begin van de 21ste eeuw. Nieuwjaarsreceptie van de Stichting Hulp Oost-Europa [Ten years open doors. An evaluation moment. Developments in the Protestant churches in Central and Eastern Europe with a view to missionary-diaconal twinning links congregational contacts at the beginning of the 21st century]. In: New Year's reception of the Help Eastern Europe Foundation [Stichting Hulp Oost-Europa], 13th January 2001, AC Restaurant “De Meern”, De Meern. (Unpublished)
Kool, Anne-Marie (2000) Are Western Ministries Serious about Partnership with Hungary’s Historic Churches? East-West Church & Ministry Report, 8 (4). p. 16.
Kool, Anne-Marie (2000) A Protestant Perspective on Mission in Eastern and Central Europe. Religion in Eastern Europe, XX (6). pp. 1-21.
Kool, Anne-Marie (1999) Introduction to Missiology: The Church’s Global Mission — Third World Missons: Growth and Relevant Issues. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Kool, Anne-Marie (1999) Tien jaar geopende deuren, 1988-1998. Een evaluatief moment. De ontwikkelingen in de gereformeerde en evangelicale kerken in Midden- en Oost-Europa en de betekenis daarvan voor missionaire-diakonale gemeente-contacten [Ten years open doors, 1988-1998. An evaluation moment. The developments in the Reformed and Evangelical churches in Central and Eastern Europe and their significance for missionary-diaconal congregational contacts]. Admainfo, 18, 5. pp.1-7.
Kool, Anne-Marie (1996) Bibliographical notes on Partnership and Mission. PEN.
Kool, Anne-Marie (1996) Why is Europe different? On the uniqueness of mission to Europe. In: North Atlantic Area Fellowship of the Free Met¬hodist Church, 4th September 1996, Budapest, Hungary. (Unpublished)
Kool, Anne-Marie (1995) Paradigm changes in the Hungarian Protestant Theology of Mission and its effect on the present situation. a case study. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Kool, Anne-Marie (1995) Trends in Christian Mission in Hungary and other parts of Eastern Europe. In: Overseas Ministries Study Center, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. (Unpublished)
Kool, Anne-Marie and Davies, Peter (1994) Mission Studies and Training in the Context of Post-Communist Europe. Consultation on Theological Education and Leadership Development in Post-Communist Europe. p. 11. (Unpublished)
Kool, Anne-Marie (1993) God Moves in a Mysterious Way: The Hungarian Protestant Foreign Mission Movement (1756–1951). Serie MISSION, 4 . Zoetermeer, NL: Boekencentrum.
Kool, Anne-Marie (1993) God moves in a mysterious way. The Hungarian protestant foreign mission movement (1756-1951). Doctoral thesis, Utrecht University.
Kool, Anne-Marie (1991) Thought and questions on as well as recommendations for Postgraduate level Theological Education serving (former) Eastern Europe in particular, based on the vision of Regent College Vancouver (Unpublished). UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Kool, Anne-Marie (1989) A misszió az egyháznak luxus vagy lényeg? [Is mission a luxury or an essence for the church?]. Lelkipásztor, IX/64. 503–510.
Kool, Anne-Marie Samen getuigen van Jezus Christus vandaag: Spirituele verbondenheid én culturele verschillen tussen Centraal Europa en Nederland [Witnessing together to Jesus Christ today: Spiritual connectedness and cultural differences between Central Europe and the Netherlands]. In: Nieuwe moed. Leven met de kerk in Oost-Europa. Artios Reeks.