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Măcelaru, Marcel V. (2016) The Bible, Christian Existence and Mission. In: Mission in Central and Eastern Europe, Realities, Perspecctives, Trends. Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series (34). Regnum Books International, Oxford UK, pp. 67-83. ISBN 9781911372172
Măcelaru, Ligia M. and Măcelaru, Marcel V. (2016) Empowering People with Disability to Reach their Full Potential Within the community: The Case of ACAS. In: Mission in Central and Eastern Europe: Realities, Perspectives , Trends. Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series (34). Regnum Books International, Oxford UK, pp. 363-371. ISBN 9781911372172
Măcelaru, Marcel V. (2016) Holistic Mission in Post-Communist Romania: A Case Study on the Growth of the 'Elim' Pentecostal Church of Timisoara (1990-1997). In: Mission in Central and Eastern Europe: Realities, Perspectives, Trends. Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series (34). Regnum Books International, Oxford, UK, pp. 327-344. ISBN 9781911372172
Măcelaru, Marcel V. (2016) Istoria veterotestamentară: între literatură și teologie [Old Testament Historical Narratives – Between Literature and Theology]. In: Interpetarea Biblică între Biserică și Universitate: perspective interconfesionale, Studia Oecumenica, 10 (Alexandru Ioniță, ed.). Cluj: Presa Universitară Clujeană / Sibiu: Editura Andreiană, Cluj-Napoca / Sibiu, pp. 97-105.
Constantineanu, Corneliu and Măcelaru, Marcel V. (2016) Re-Imagining the Seminary: A Conference Report. In: Mission in Central and Eastern Europe: Realities, Perspectives, Trends. Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series (34). Regnum Books International, Oxford, UK, pp. 655-667. ISBN 9781911372172
Măcelaru, Marcel V. (2016) Truth, Justice, Uprightness: Human Flourishing in Prophetic Perspective. In: Truth and Compassion: Lessons from the Past and Premonitions of the Future. Theologie Ost–West: Europäische Perspektiven (20). Berlin: Lit Verlag.
Măcelaru, Marcel V. (2015) Entering the Sabbath of Life: Theological Musings on Gerassapience. Theologica Wratislaviensia, 10. pp. 109-115.
Măcelaru, Marcel V. (2014) Theology Encounters Globalization. European Journal of Science and Theology, 10 (1). pp. 67-78. ISSN 1842-8517
Măcelaru, Marcel V. (2014) Burdens of Identity – On Christian Existence in a Post-Christian World. Values of Christian Relationships. Puterea de a fi altfel (Corneliu Constantineanu, Georgeta Rață and Patricia Runcan, eds.), 3. pp. 169-174.
Măcelaru, Marcel V. (2014) Cultural Diversity – A Biblical Argument. Christian Values vs Contemporary Values. Puterea de a fi altfel, 2. pp. 283-290.
Măcelaru, Marcel V. (2014) Equality – A Christian Imperative? Christian Values vs Contemporary Values. Puterea de a fi altfel, Feb-14. pp. 75-82.
Măcelaru, Marcel V. (2013) The Practice of Equality and the Problem of Religious Liberty’. In: Jurnalul Libertății de Conștiință. Editura Universitară, Bucharest, RO, pp. 603-621.
Măcelaru, Marcel V. (2012) Babel – From Text to Symbol: Possibilities for Reconciliation in the Hebrew Bible. In: Reconciliation: The Way of Healing and Growth. Theologie Ost-West, 16 (16). Lit Verlag, Zurich, 51–58.
Măcelaru, Marcel V. and Mladenovska-Tešija, Julijana (2012) Demokracija, dijalog i dar-al salam: međuvjerski dijalog i praktično djelovanje [Democracy, Dialogue and dar-al salam: International Dialogue and Practical Implementation]. Osijek, HR: Evanđeoski teološki fakultet.
Măcelaru, Marcel V. (2011) The Role of the Bible in Shaping Cultural Identities. In: Humanity after Selfish Prometheus: Chances of Dialogue and Ethics in a Technicized World. Theologie Ost–West: Europäische Perspektiven. Theologie Ost–West: Europäische Perspektiven (15). Lit Verlag, Berlin, DE, pp. 167-173.
Măcelaru, Marcel V. (2009) Communicating the Gospel to Postmodern People: Lessons from C.S. Lewis, J.R.W. Stott and N.T. Wright. In: Postmodernity – Friend or Foe? Communicating the Gospel to Postmodern People: Theological and Practical Reflections from Central and Eastern Europe. Utrecht, NL: Kerk in Actie / Timișoara, RO: Mirton, pp. 123-47.
Măcelaru, Marcel V. and Constantineanu, Corneliu (2009) Theological Pilgrimages: Collected Faculty Papers, 2007–2009. Evanđeoski teološki fakultet, Osijek, HR.
Măcelaru, Marcel V. (2007) From Divine Speech to National/Ethnic Self-Definition in the Hebrew Bible: Representation(s) of Identity and the Motif of Divine–Human Distancing in Israel’s Story. Doctoral thesis, Oxford University.