Items where Author is "Penner, Peter F."

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Number of items: 31.


Penner, Peter F. (2021) О языках и народах – Божий замысел в истории спасения народов: Вавилонская башня, Пятидесятница, Небесный Иерусалим [Tongues and nations - God's design in the history of salvation]. Альманах «Богомыслие» [Almanakh Bogomyslie], 30. pp. 14-35.

Penner, Peter F. (2018) Missiology as a theological and academic discipline [Миссиология как теологическая дисциплина]. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology (21). pp. 186-198. ISSN 2789-1577

Penner, Peter F. (2015) Missional Hermeneutics. Acta Missiologiae, 4. pp. 7-26.

Penner, Peter F. (2008) Western Missionaries in Central and Eastern Europe. Acta Missiologiae, 1. pp. 33-54.

Penner, Peter F. and Parushev, Parush R. and Brown, Wesley and Grams, Rollin Gene (2004) Church and Context Survey: Baptists of the North Caucasus Region, Russia. Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies, 21 (3). pp. 162-173. ISSN 1759-8931

Penner, Peter F. (2004) Discerning and Following God's Mission. Journal of European Baptist Studies, 4 (2). pp. 34-39. ISSN 1213-1520

Penner, Peter F. (2004) Mission Education in Central and Eastern Europe. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 12 (3). p. 14.

Penner, Peter F. (2003) Critical Evaluation of Recent Developments in the Commonwealth of Independent States. Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies, 20 (1). pp. 13-29. ISSN 1759-8931

Penner, Peter F. (2003) Hermeneutics, Biblical Ethics and Christian Witness. Journal of European Baptist Studies, 4 (1). pp. 20-26. ISSN 1213-1520

Book Section

Penner, Peter F. (2019) Разные модели экклессиологии в Новом Завете [Different ecclesiological models in the New Testament]. In: Новые горизонты миссии 2 [New horizons of mission 2: The mission, the world and the church]. Kolloquium Publishing, Cherkassy, Ukraine, pp. 282-300. ISBN 978-966-8957-71-0

Penner, Peter F. (2019) Миссиональная природа церкви [Missionary nature of the church]. In: Новые горизонты миссии 2 [New horizons of mission 2: The mission, the world and the church]. Kolloquium Publishing, Cherkassy, Ukraine, pp. 246-264. ISBN 978-966-8957-71-0

Penner, Peter F. (2016) The Word and Its Mission: Slavic Bible Commentary - A Contextual and Relevant Commentary for Eurasia. In: Mission in Central and Eastern Europe: Realities, Perspectives, Trends. Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series (34). Regnum Books International, Oxford, UK, pp. 505-519. ISBN 9781911372172

Penner, Peter F. (2015) Герменевтика миссии [Missional Hermeneutics]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing.

Penner, Peter F. (2015) Герменевтика контекста [The context of mission]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing.

Penner, Peter F. and Kool, Anne-Marie (2010) Theological Education in Eastern and Central Europe. In: Handbook of Theological Education in World Christianity: Theological Perspectives – Regional Surveys – Ecumenical Trends. Oxford: Regnum Books, pp. 531-548.

Penner, Peter F. (2008) The Use of the Book of Acts in Mission Theology and Praxis. In: Bible and Mission: A Conversation Between Biblical Studies and Missiology. Schwarzenfeld: Neufeld Verlag.

Penner, Peter F. (2007) Peace Identity – Peace Witness? A Case Study from East European Context. In: Anabaptism and Mission. Schwarzenfeld: Neufeld Verlag.

Penner, Peter F. (2006) Evangelikale Mission in Zentral- und Osteuropa [Evangelical missions in Central and Eastern Europe]. In: Jahrbuch Mission 2006: Europa – Aktuelle Adressen aus Mission und Ökumene. Hamburg: Missionshilfe Verlag, pp. 97-103.

Penner, Peter F. (2006) John called Mark: the Role of a Second Generation Christian in Mission. In: Ethnic Churches in Europe – a Baptist Response. Schwarzenfels: Neufeld Verlag.

Penner, Peter F. (2005) Critical Evaluation of Recent Developments in the CIS. In: Mission in the Former Soviet Union. Schwarzenfeld, Germany: Neufeld Verlag.

Penner, Peter F. (2005) Интерпретация Библии с перспективы миссии [Missional Bible interpretation]. In: Commentary to the Bible, Acts of the Aposltes, Epilogue. St. Petersburg: Light in the East Publishing.

Penner, Peter F. (2005) Scripture, Community, and Context in God’s Mission in the FSU. In: Mission in the Former Soviet Union. Schwarzenfeld, Germany: Neufeld Verlag.

Penner, Peter F. (1999) Theologische Ausbildung für Gemeinde und Mission: Ein Blick in die Gegenwart evangelikaler Christen in der GUS. In: Gemeinsam im Auftrag des Herrn, Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von John N. Klassen. PULS Verlag, Bonn, pp. 169-187.


Penner, Peter F. and Ubeivolc, Vladimir and Rusin, Ivan and Zagidulin, Ruslan (2019) Новые горизонты миссии 2 [New horizons of mission 2: The mission, the world and the church]. Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing. ISBN 978-966-8957-71-0

Negrov, Alexander and Cherenkov, Mykhailo N. and Penner, Peter F. (2017) Вера и труд [Faith and work]. St. Petersburg: SPbCU.

Penner, Peter F. and Ubeivolc, Vladimir and Rusin, Ivan and Zagidulin, Ruslan (2015) Новые горизонты миссии: размышления о missio Dei в постсоветском пространстве [New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on missio Dei in the FSU]. Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing.

Penner, Peter F. (2014) Миссиология и Герменевтика: Прочтение библейских текстов в контексте миссии [Missional Hermeneutics]. Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing.

Penner, Peter F. (2012) Missionale Hermeneutik – Biblische Texte kontextuell und relevant lesen [Missional Hermeneutics – Reading Bible texts in a Contextually Relevant way]. Neufeld Verlag, Edition Wortschatz.

Penner, Peter F. and Shenk, Wilbert R. and Ott, Bernhard and Shenk, David W. and Hoekema, Alle G. and Randall, Ian and Klassen, Heinrich and Nichols, Greg and Parushev, Parush R. and Andronoviene, Lina and Jones, Keith G. and Sawatsky, Walter (2007) Anabaptism and Mission. Occasional publications . Neufeld Verlag, Schwarzenfeld, Germany. ISBN 9783937896434

Penner, Peter F. (1999) Научите все народы [Disciple all Nations]. St. Petersburg: Biblia dla vsekh.


Penner, Peter F. (1997) Theologische Ausbildung: eine verpflichtende Mission. Faktoren zur Bestimmung von Leitlinien für theologische Ausbildung in der GUS. Doctoral thesis, University of South Africa.

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