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Acan, Biljana and Ivanković, Ljilja (2008) Zajednica Arka: jedinstvo u različitostima [The Arc: Unity in Differences]. Nova Prisutnost, 6 (3). pp. 464-472. ISSN 1848-8676

Anonymous (2012) Kazakh Church Dependence upon Foreign Support and Ways to Overcome it. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 20 (4). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2576-344X


Bakmaz, Marina and Zubić, Zrinka (2008) Zajednica "Vjera i svjetlo" [Organization "Faith and Light"]. Nova Prisutnost, 6 (3). pp. 473-483. ISSN 1848-8676

Baloban, Stjepan (2013) Današnji znakovi vremena i poslanje Crkve [Modern Day Signs of the Times and the Mission of the Church]. Diacovensia, 21 (1). pp. 46-61. ISSN 1849-014X

Bargár, Pavol (2021) Toward Comm/unity Amid Brokenness. Christian Mission as (a Pursuit of) Relational Anthropology. International Review of Mission, 110 (2). pp. 231-245. ISSN 1758-6631

Bogdanović, Dajana (2018) Successful Practices in Local Communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Religija i tolerancija, 16 (30). pp. 237-252. ISSN 1821–3545

Botica, Florin Paul (2012) Christianity and Folk Religion in Romania (pt. 2). East-West Church & Ministry Report, 20 (1). pp. 12-14. ISSN 2576-344X

Boyd, Timothy L. Sr. (2017) Factors advancing or limiting evangelical mission in Ukraine. Doctoral thesis, Columbia Biblical Seminary.

Bria, Ion (1999) Evangelism, Proselytism, and Religious Freedom in Romania: An Orthodox Point of View. Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 36 (1-2). pp. 163-183. ISSN 2162-3937

Buda, Daniel (2016) Inter-Orthodox Consultation for a Response to the Faith and Order Text "The Church: Towards a Common Vision". Review of Ecumenical Studies, 8 (3). pp. 433-445. ISSN 2359-8107

Bučková, Mária and Bučko, Ladislav and Hardy, Mária (2018) Evangelization of Families at the Salesian Center in Bratislava. European Journal of Science and Theology, 14 (5). pp. 101-111. ISSN 1842-8517

Bütösi, János (1998) "Csodák" a missziói konferencián Debrecenben ["Miracles" at the mission conference in Debrecen]. Református Tiszántúl, 6 (3). pp. 15-16.


Cacanoska, Ružica (2018) Protestantism in Macedonia Today. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 38 (1). pp. 1-29. ISSN 1069-4781

Ciobotea, Daniel D. I. (1989) Unity and Mission: An Orthodox Perspective. International Review of Mission, 78 (309). pp. 30-36. ISSN 1758-6631

Cohen, Emil and Kanev, Krassimir (1999) Religious Freedom in Bulgaria. Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 36 (1-2). pp. 243-263. ISSN 2162-3937


Deyneka, Anita (1993) Building Bridges for God's Kingdom in the CIS. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 1 (1). p. 8.

Dosov, Mirzabek (2021) Critical missiology from the periphery in relation to Christian transformative witness in Uzbekistan. Pulsul slujirii - Pulse of Ministry, 28. pp. 95-109.

Drápal, Dan (1997) Will We Survive Western Missionaries?: Reflections of a Czech Pastor on Meeting the Western Missionaries. Ampelos, Praha. ISBN 8023840134, 9788023840131


Ecis, Kristina (2019) Business as Mission - A Case Study from Latvia. Glocal Conversations, 7 (1). pp. 14-24. ISSN 2296-7176

Elliott, Mark R. (2020) Dependency Versus Sustainability in Missions in the Russian and African Contexts. Missiology: An International Review, 48 (1). pp. 83-93. ISSN 2051-3623


Fazlić, Hazim (2015) Perspectives on Building Trust among Communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Challenges and the Role of Faith Communities. Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 50 (2). ISSN 2162-3937

Fedorov, Vladimir (2013) The Meaning of the New WCC Affirmation on Mission and Evangelism for a Russian Orthodox Missiologist. International Review of Mission, 102 (2). pp. 214-217. ISSN 1758-6631

Filimon, Ioan (2015) Interreligious Dialogue as a Missionary Imperative in a Postmodern Society. International Journal of Orthodox Theology, 6 (2). pp. 125-153. ISSN 2190-0582

Forgacova, Magdalena and Hinlicky, Paul R. (1999) Slovak Churches and Proselytism. Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 36 (1-2). pp. 116-140. ISSN 2162-3937

Funk, Julianne (2019) Religions as Loci of Conflict Prevention: Local Capacities of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Religious Communities. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 39 (5). Art. 21. ISSN 1069-4781

Földesi, Tamás (1999) Mission and Proselytizing: The Hungarian Case. Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 36 (1-2). pp. 141-162. ISSN 2162-3937


Gluchovskiy, P. (2015) Церковь и миссионерские агентства [Mission and mission agencies]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing.


Himcinschi, Mihai (2003) Misiune şi dialog. Ontologia misionară a Bisericii din perspectiva dialogului interreligios [Mission and dialogue. The missionary ontology of the Church from the perspective of interreligious dialogue]. Edit. Reîntregirea, Alba Iulia. ISBN 973-8252-36-9


Ignat, Adrian (2019) Mission and Ecumenism of the Local Church. International Journal of Orthodox Theology, 10 (3). pp. 73-88. ISSN 2190-0582

Ikić, Niko (2013) Poslanje Crkve i vjerska sloboda u ekumenskom kontekstu. Pogled iz katoličke perspektive [The Mission of the Church and Religious Freedom in the Ecumenical Context. View from a Catholic Perspective]. Diacovensia, 21 (4). pp. 649-675. ISSN 1849-014X

Ionita, Viorel (2014) Co-Operation and the Promotion of Unity: An Orthodox Perspective. In: Called to Unity For the Sake of Mission. Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series, 25 . Regnum Books International, Oxford, UK, pp. 116-127. ISBN 978-1-908355-68-3


Jović, Rastko (2021) Mission and Reconciliation. Theology for a New Remembrance. International Review of Mission, 110 (1). pp. 6-15. ISSN 1758-6631


Keramidas, Dimitrios (2021) Mission and Christian Unity. Some Recent Hermeneutic Approaches in the Orthodox Church. International Review of Mission, 110 (2). pp. 196-216. ISSN 1758-6631

Kimber, Gillian (2015) Trinitarian Theology as the Basis for a Common Approach to Mission: A Way Forward for Romanian Orthodox and Baptist Churches? Acta Missiologiae, 4. pp. 81-104.

Knežević, Tomo (2007) Misijsko poslanje Crkve s posebnim osvrtom na župnu zajednicu [The Missional Task of the Church With a Special Review of the Parish Community]. Vrhbosnensia: časopis za teološka i međureligijska pitanja, 9 (2). pp. 267-304. ISSN 2233-1387

Kolář, Ondřej (2015) Hermeneutická misiologie Theo Sundermeiera [The hermeneutical missiology of Theo Sundermeier]. Misiologické fórum, 4. pp. 16-23.

Kool, Anne-Marie (2000) Are Western Ministries Serious about Partnership with Hungary’s Historic Churches? East-West Church & Ministry Report, 8 (4). p. 16.

Kool, Anne-Marie (1996) Bibliographical notes on Partnership and Mission. PEN.

Kool, Anne-Marie (2016) Revolutions in European Mission: What Has Been Achieved in 25 Years of Eastern European Mission? In: Mission in Central and Eastern Europe: Realities, Perspectives, Trends. Oxford: Regnum, pp. 30-55.

Kool, Anne-Marie Samen getuigen van Jezus Christus vandaag: Spirituele verbondenheid én culturele verschillen tussen Centraal Europa en Nederland [Witnessing together to Jesus Christ today: Spiritual connectedness and cultural differences between Central Europe and the Netherlands]. In: Nieuwe moed. Leven met de kerk in Oost-Europa. Artios Reeks.

Koranyi, Andràs (1999) Mission as a Call to Metanoia and Witness to Hope - a Historical Survey. International Review of Mission, 88 (350). pp. 267-278. ISSN 1758-6631

Kosmidis, Nikos (2020) A Search for a Theology of Life. The Challenge of COVID-19 for Orthodox Ecclesiology and Religious Practices. The Ecumenical Review, 72 (4). pp. 624-635. ISSN 1758-6623

Kostadinova, Olga (2017) Социална функция и дейности на Българската Православна Църква [Social function and activities of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church]. Икономика и управление [Economics and Management], 13 (2). pp. 208-222. ISSN 2683-1325

Kovač, Valerija Nedjeljka (2015) Aktualnost evanđeoskih savjeta u svjetlu "izlaska" kao poslanja Crkve i posvećenoga života [Actuality of Evangelical Counsels in the Light of “Coming Out” as a Mission of the Church and Consecrated Life]. Služba Božja: liturgijsko-pastoralna revija, 55 (3-4). pp. 354-374. ISSN 1849-1057


Leininger, Andy (2005) Developing multiple groups of disciple-makers in Belarus. Doctoral thesis, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Lilleorg, Ago and Soom, Kaido and Lehtsaar, Tõnu (2021) Characteristics of Growing Churches in Estonia: A Qualitative Study. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 41 (5). pp. 1-26. ISSN 2693-2148

Lubenets, Yulia (2019) История христианской миссии [History of Christian mission]. In: Новые горизонты миссии 2 [New horizons of mission 2: The mission, the world and the church]. Kolloquium Publishing, Cherkassy, Ukraine, pp. 337-353. ISBN 978-966-8957-71-0


MacPhee, Peggy J. (2010) Implicit theology of mission of Bulgarian field workers with implications for cross cultural collaboration in mission. Doctoral thesis, Biola University.

Mandarić, Blaženka Valentina (2018) Suradnja vjeroučitelja i župnika pred izazovom evangelizacije u suvremenoj kulturi [The Cooperation Between Religious Education Teachers and Parish Priests Faced With the Challenge of Evangelisation in the Contemporary Culture]. Bogoslovska smotra, 88 (3). pp. 687-709. ISSN 1848-9648

Marcu, Doru (2018) Eschatology and mission after Crete I: Illustration in the light of the documents Relations of the Orthodox Church with the rest of the Christian World and The Mission of the Orthodox Church in Today's World. Acta Missiologiae, 6. pp. 35-45. ISSN 2060-2104

Matošević, Lidija and Šeba, Enoh and Knežević, Ruben (2022) Two Protestants, Three Churches: Croatian Protestantism: Churches, Denominations, and Theological Institutions. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 42 (9). Art.3. ISSN 1069-4781

Mihăiţă, Nifon (Metropolitan Nifon of Targoviste) (2014) Challenges and Hopes for Unity: An Eastern Orthodox Perspective. International Review of Mission, 103 (1). pp. 148-152. ISSN 1758-6631

Mihăiţă, Nifon (Metropolitan Nifon of Targoviste) (2020) The Mission of the Church in the Contemporary World in Light of the Decisions of the Holy and Great Council. The Ecumenical Review, 72 (3). pp. 452-460. ISSN 1758-6623

Mladenovska-Tešija, Julijana (2015) Be Salt on Earth: Can Evangelical Churches Make a Difference in Croatia? Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 35 (3). Art. 4. ISSN 1069-4781


Nikolić, Marko (2010) Актуелни односи Римокатоличке и српске Православне цркве [Contemporary Relations of Serbian Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches]. Zbornik Matice srpske za društvene nauke, 133. pp. 19-37. ISSN 0352-5732

Noble, Tim (2019) Mission from the Perspective of the Other: Drawing Together on Holy Ground. Pickwick Publications. ISBN 978-1-5326-5048-2


Oleinik, Olga (2017) The Orthodox Mission Network. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 25 (3). pp. 11-12. ISSN 2576-344X


Papathanasiou, Athanasios N. (2001) Is Mission a Consequence of the Catholicity of the Church? An Orthodox Perspective. International Review of Mission, 90 (359). pp. 409-416. ISSN 1758-6631

Papathanasiou, Athanasios N. (2004) Missionary Experience and Academic Quest. The Research Situation in Greece. In: European Traditions in the Study of Religion in Africa. Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, Germany, pp. 301-311. ISBN 978-3447050029

Park, Sung-Kon (2017) Missional Ecclesiology: Missionary Encounters between the Presbyterian Church of Korea (Tonghap) and Protestant Churches in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Doctoral thesis, Károli Gáspár Reformed University.

Pope, Earl A. (1999) Ecumenism, Religious Freedom, and the "National Church" Controversy in Romania. Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 36 (1-2). pp. 184-201.

Puljić, Želimir (2008) Put ljepote za evangelizaciju i dijalog [The Road of Beauty for Evangelization and Dialogue]. Vrhbosnensia: časopis za teološka i međureligijska pitanja, 12 (1). pp. 168-176. ISSN 2233-1387


Sawatsky, Walter (2012) Serious mission partners in Eastern Europe: Reflections on 20 years of post-communism. Mission Focus Annual Review, 20. pp. 145-169.

Shenk, David W. (2019) Peacemaking in Albania and Kosovo. In: Fruit to harvest: witness of God's great work among Muslims. William Carey Press, Littleton, CO. ISBN 9781645081623

Siu Fong Liu (2017) Mission Strategy and Leadership Training: A Missiological Study and Action Research for Diaspora Chinese Congregations in Ukraine. Doctoral thesis, Logos Evangelical Seminary.

Sivov, Plamen (2008) The Church as an Agent of Community Development in Bulgaria. Studies in World Christianity, 14 (3). pp. 214-219. ISSN 1750-0230

Smrke, Marjan (1999) Proselytism in Post-Socialist Slovenia. Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 36 (1-2). pp. 202-220. ISSN 2162-3937

Sonea, Cristian (2017) Missio Dei – the Contemporary Missionary Paradigm and Its Reception in the Eastern Orthodox Missionary Theology. Review of Ecumenical Studies, 9 (1). pp. 70-91. ISSN 2359-8107

Stamoolis, James J. and Nassif, Bradley (2014) Historic Meeting in Albania between Orthodox and Evangelicals to Discuss Mission. International Bulletin of Mission Research, 38 (2). pp. 70-72. ISSN 2396-9407

Symon, David (2018) Emerging Mission from the Czech Republic. Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies, 35 (4). pp. 195-205. ISSN 1759-8931


Tankler, Üllas (2022) The Theology of Partnership in Mission: Reflections on Interdependence. European Journal of Theology, 31 (1). pp. 73-91. ISSN 2666-9730

Tiessen, Douglas P. (2005) Global interdependent ministry partnerships in the Russian context. Mission Studies, 22 (1). pp. 115-134. ISSN 0168-9789

Trantham, Raymond S (1996) Developing a logistical support structure for an independent Christian Church missionary working in Odessa Ukraine. Other thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary.


Ungar, Florjan (2021) Srednja generacija kot temeljni nosilec vere v družini [The Middle Generation as the Fundamental Bearer of Faith in the Family]. Masters thesis, Univerza v Ljubljani, Teološka fakulteta.


Vasilyeva, Irina and Tytarenko, Vita (2020) Dynamics and Growth Prospects of the Protestant Denominations in Ukraine. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 40 (3). pp. 72-87.

Vassiliadis, Petros (2013) An Orthodox Assessment of the New Mission Statement. International Review of Mission, 102 (2). pp. 174-178. ISSN 1758-6631

Vassiliadis, Petros (2013) A Theology of Mission from an Orthodox Perspective. In: Foundations for Mission. Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series, 13 . Regnum Books International; Oxford Centre for Mission Studies, Oxford, UK, pp. 154-162. ISBN 978-1-908355-12-6

Vassiliadou, Anastasia (2005) Discerning the Spirit of Athens. International Review of Mission, 94 (374). pp. 435-439. ISSN 1758-6631

Veronis, Luke Alexander (2013) The danger of arrogance and ignorance: An Albanian case study. Lausanne-Orthodox Consultation. (Unpublished)

Voulgaraki, Evi (2021) Following Jesus Christ. Understanding Orthodox Mission Today, in Theory and Praxis. Theologia Orthodoxa, 66 (2). pp. 39-50. ISSN 2065-9474

Voulgaraki, Evi (2020) Metropolitan George Khodr of Mount Lebanon. A Life of Mission and Dialogue. In: Contested Coexistence: Insights on Arabic Christianity from Theology to Migration. Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, Germany, p. 73. ISBN 978-3-447-11491-2

Voulgaraki, Evi (2017) Reading the Document on Mission of the Holy and Great Council from a Missiological Point of View. International Review of Mission, 106 (1). pp. 136-150. ISSN 1758-6631


Wachsmuth, Melody J. and Magda, Ksenija (2014) "Poznavanje Tijela" u transkulturalnim odnosima: Kritička analiza misionarskog partnerstva u Jugoistočnoj Europi [“Discerning the Body” in Cross-Cultural Relationships: A Critical Analysis of Missional Partnership in Southeastern Europe]. Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology, 8 (1). pp. 25-43. ISSN 1846-4599

Währisch-Oblau, Claudia (2006) ‘We Shall be Fruitful in this Land’: Pentecostal and Charismatic New Mission Churches in Europe. In: Fruitful in this Land. Pluralism, Dialogue and Healing in Migrant Pentecostalism. Uitgeverij Boekencentrum, Zoetermeer, pp. 32-46.


Yoder, Bill (1992) Observations on Western Missions in Eastern Europe. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe: Vol. 12 : Iss. 2 ,, 12 (2). pp. 33-38.

Young, David (2001) We came to Kosova: twenty-five years of evangelical experience. Christian Pubs, Ross-Shire, UK.


Zaprometova, Olga M. (2018) “Now you are the body of Christ, and members in particular” (1 Cor. 12:27): Pentecostalism and its Mission. International Review of Mission, 107 (1). pp. 190-203. ISSN 1758-6631


Žigon, Zvone (2005) Ljudje odprtih src. Slovenski misijonarji o sebi [People With Open Hearts. Slovene Missionaries About Themselves]. Migracije, 7 . Založba ZRC / Slovenian Migration Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia. ISBN 961-6500-93-7

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