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Ambros, Pavel (2005) Komplementarita západního a východního pojetí misijního poslání církve: Příspěvek ke studiu křesťanských kořenů Evropy [Complementarity of the Eastern and Western Approaches to the Church’s Mission: A Contribution to the Study of the Christian Roots of Europe]. Studia theologica, VII (3). pp. 93-99. ISSN 1212-8570

Andronovas, Linas (2005) Holiness as Practices: The Witnessing Community in Contemporary Society. Journal of European Baptist Studies, 5 (2). pp. 5-19. ISSN 1213-1520

Asamoah-Gyadu, Johnson Kwabena (2005) An African Pentecostal on Mission in Eastern Europe: The Church of the 'Embassy of God' in the Ukraine. Pneuma, 27 (2). pp. 297-321. ISSN 0272-0965


Balabán, Milan (2005) Ubíráme se všichni k vrcholům téhož duchovního horstva? [Are we all going to the summits of the same spiritual mountain?]. Křesťanská revue, 72,1. pp. 5-8.

Bel, Valer (2005) Misiunea prin activitatea didactică religioasă [The Mission Through the Religious Educational Activity]. Theologia Orthodoxa, 50 (2). pp. 21-28. ISSN 2065-9474

Bowers, Sarah (2005) Finding the spirituality of Ukrainian students in a post Soviet world: a visual ethnography. Doctoral thesis, King's College London.


Cherevko, Olexandr (2005) Constructing a theology of Mission for Evangelical Christian and Baptist Churches in the contemporary post-communist context of Ukraine. Masters thesis, IBTS Prague.

Csiszér, Monika (2005) Hungarian Church Ministries Among Roma. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 13 (2). p. 16. ISSN 2576-344X


Davis, Howard (2005) Mediating Religion in Post-Soviet Russia: Orthodoxy and National Identity in Broadcasting. Studies in World Christianity, 11 (1). pp. 65-86. ISSN 1750-0230

Didara, Miroslav (2005) Developing a Deeper Understanding of God: a Strategy for Revitalizing the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Croatia. Doctoral thesis, Andrews University.

Dyck, Johannes (2005) Revival as Church restoration: patterns of a revival among ethnic Germans in Central Asia after World War II. In: Mission in the Former Soviet Union. Neufeld Verlag, Schwarzenfeld, Germany:, pp. 74-93.


Elliott, Mark R. (2005) Protestant Missions in Russia Today. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 13 (4). pp. 1-5.


Fedorov, Vladimir (2005) An Orthodox View on Theological Education as Mission. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 25 (3). pp. 1-37. ISSN 1069-4781

Fojtíková, Jitka (2005) Misie – součást spirituality Milosrdných sester sv. Karla Boromejského [Mission - Part of the Spirituality of the Merciful Sisters of St. Karel Boromejský]. Masters thesis, Praha: KTF UK.

Froese, Paul (2005) Secular Czechs and Devout Slovaks: Explaining Religious Differences. Review of Religious Research, 46 (3). pp. 269-283.


Gaál, Sándor (2005) "A kezdeményező egyház" - Victor János egyházépítő szolgálata különös tekintettel a misszióra és a gyülekezetépítésre [“Initiative Church” - János Victor’s Contribution to the Issue of Church Development with Special Attention to Missions and Church Growth in the Reformed Church in Hungary]. Doctoral thesis, Debreceni Református Hittudományi Egyetem.

Gonda, László (2005) Elközelített az Isten Országa. A keresztyén misszió újszövetségi alapvetésének egyes szempontjai Johannes Verkuyl missziológiájában [The Kingdom of God is near. Some aspects of the New Testament foundations of Christian mission in the missiology of Johannes Verkuyl]. In: Hit és tudomány [Faith and science]. Debrecen-Sárospatak, Sárospataki Ref. Teológiai Akad., pp. 89-100.

Gonda, László (2005) Jövel Szentlélek, gyógyíts és békéltess meg! Missziói és Evangélizációs Világkonferencia Athénban [Holy Spirit, come, heal and reconcile! The Athens World Conference on missions and evangelism]. Teológiai Szemle, XLVIII. pp. 230-231.

Goodwin, Stephen R. (2005) Fractured Land, Healing Nations: A Contextual Analysis of the Role of Religious Faith Sodalities Towards Peace-Building in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Doctoral thesis, The University of Edinburgh.

Grodź, Stanisław (2005) Objawienie w islamie i sposoby jego uwiarygodniania [Revelation in Islam and its methods of celebration]. In: Filozofować w kontekście teologii. Objawienie [Philosophy in the context of theology. Revelation]. Religia i mistyka (3). Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin, PL, pp. 97-116. ISBN 83-7363-256-5

Grombířová, Marie (2005) Lidové misie redemptoristů v Čechách v současnosti [The Redemptorist People's Missions in Czech at present]. Masters thesis, Praha: KTF UK.

Górski, Jan (2005) Udział Kościoła katolickiego w Polsce w reewangelizacji krajów byłego ZSSR [Participation of the Catholic Church in Poland in the re-evangelization of the countries of the former USSR]. Sympozjum, 14 (1). pp. 83-89.


Hošek, Pavel (2005) Na cestě k dialogu: křesťanská víra v pluralitě náboţenství [On the journey to dialogue: Christian faith in the plurality of religions]. Praha: Návrat domů. ISBN 80-7255-126-4


Ilić, Angela (2005) On the road towards religious pluralism? Church and state in Serbia. Religion, State and Society, 33 (4). pp. 273-313. ISSN 1465-3974

Iloaie, Stefan (2005) Neue missionstheologische Entwürfe der Orthodoxen Kirche in Rumänien [New projects of the missionary theology in the Romanian Orthodox Church]. Theologia Orthodoxa, 50 (1). pp. 41-46. ISSN 2065-9474


Karetnikova, Marina (2005) The missionary movement in Russia: the 19th and 20th centuries. In: Mission in the Former Soviet Union. Schwarzenfeld, Germany: Neufeld Verlag, pp. 64-73.

Kenworthy, Scott M. (2005) An Orthodox Social Gospel in Late-Imperial Russia. Religion and Society in Central and Eastern Europe, 1 (1). pp. 1-29. ISSN 1553-9962

Klingsmith, Scott (2005) Advantages Romanians Bring to Missions. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 13 (2). pp. 10-11.

Klingsmith, Scott (2005) Hungary, Poland and Romania as Mission-Sending Nations. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 13 (3). pp. 13-14.

Klingsmith, Scott (2005) Missionary Sending Movements: A Polish Case Study. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 13 (1). pp. 12-15.

Klingsmith, Scott (2005) The Romanian International Mission: A Case Study. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 13 (2). pp. 8-9.

Kool, Anne-Marie (2005) Church Planting: A Compliment and a Warning. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 13 (2). p. 16.

Kool, Anne-Marie (2005) De “impact” van het PMTI op de spiritualiteit van de kerk op het grondvlak. Een evaluatief moment na tien jaar PMTI (1995-2004) [The “impact” of the PMTI on grassroot level spirituality of the church. An evaluation moment after ten years of PMTI (1995-2004)]. In: MiniConference GB, SHOE and GZB, 2005 May 4, Nijkerk, "De Schakel". (Unpublished)

Kool, Anne-Marie (2005) The Hungarian Foreign Mission Movement as a Factor in the Revival of the Mainline Protestant Churches in the Middle of the 20th Century. In: Mission Verandert –Mission Verandert Sich = Mission Transforms – Mission Is Transformed. Festschrift Für Klaus Fiedler Mission Transforms – Mission Is Transformed. Nurnberg, Verlag für Theologie und Religionwissenschaft, pp. 234-254.

Kool, Anne-Marie (2005) Individual and Community in Transition. Exploring a Relevant Missiology for Hungary. Swedish Missiological Themes, 93 (3). pp. 347-367.

Kool, Anne-Marie (2005) Otthonom az egyházam?! [Is my church my home?!]. In: Gyor: Reformed Church Days - Transdanubia (REND) series of events., 4th December 2005, Veszprém. (Unpublished)

Kovács, Ábrahám (2005) Angolszász és német hatások az első magyarországi protestáns kórház, a Bethesda megalapításakor [Anglo-Saxon and German influences on the founding of the first Protestant hospital in Hungary, Bethesda]. Egyháztörténeti Szemle, 6 (1). pp. 79-94.

Kovács, Ábrahám (2005) Missziói, egyházépítési és egyházi megújulási elgondolások találkozása és gyakorlati megvalósulása a Budapesti Református Egyházban a 19. század végén [Missions, Church planting and renewal ideas and practical implementation in the Budapest Reformed Church in the late 19th century]. In: Horizont. L’Harmattan, Budapest-Pápa, pp. 154-179.

Kowalewski, Wojciech (2005) Missiological Challenges in Polish Evangelical Theological Education. In: Theological Education as Mission. Neufeld Verlag Schwarzenfeld, Germany, pp. 331-341. ISBN 978-3937896182

Kuburić, Zorica (2005) Religious and National Identity in Process of Globalization of Serbia. In: Religion and Globalization, (Danijela Gavrilović, ed.). Yugoslav Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Serbia.

Kuznecoviene, Jolanta (2005) Quest for the Alternative Spirituality: Construction of Religious Identity in Contemporary Lithuania. Space – Society – Economy, 7.


Leete, Art (2005) Religious Revival as Reaction to the Hegemonization of Power in Siberia in the 1920s to 1940s. Asian Folklore Studies, 64 (2). pp. 233-245.

Leininger, Andy (2005) Developing multiple groups of disciple-makers in Belarus. Doctoral thesis, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Long, Esther Grace (2005) Identity in evangelical Ukraine: Negotiating regionalism, nationalism, and transnationalism. Doctoral thesis, University of Kentucky.

Lubanska, Magdalena (2005) Народна сотириология на мюсюлманите (помаците) и православните от района на Чепеларе в България [National soteriology of Muslims (Pomaks) and Orthodox Christians from the Chepelare region in Bulgaria]. Sofia: International Center for Minority Studies and Intercultural Relations. ISBN 954-8872-58-7


Marinić, Marko and Mihaljević, Vine and Tadić, Stipe (2005) Perspektive novih laičkih eklezijalnih pokreta - Koncilska obnova Katoličke crkve u Hrvatskoj [A Perspective of New Lay Ecclesiastic Movements - Council's Renovation of the Catholic Church in Croatia]. Nova Prisutnost, 3 (2). pp. 259-274. ISSN 1848-8676

Mateescu, Aurel (2005) Persecution in Romanian Baptist life: From early years to present day. Masters thesis, IBTS Prague.

Matulić, Tonči (2005) (Bio)etičko tematiziranje fenomena biološkog rata: Jedan stari-novi izazov kršćanskoj savjesti [(Bio)Ethical Thematization of the Phenomenon of Biological War: An Old - New Challenge to Christian Conscious]. Nova Prisutnost, 3 (1). pp. 65-78. ISSN 1848-8676

Miboc, Vasile (2005) Report on the Conference on World Mission and Evangelism, Athens. International Review of Mission, 94 (374). pp. 406-413. ISSN 1758-6631

Milič Lochman, Jan (2005) The Faith We Confess: an Ecumenical Dogmatics. Wipf & Stock Publishing, Oregon, United States of America. ISBN 978-1597520089

Mills, Paul S (2005) Globalization and the world economy - for richer or poorer, for better or worse? Cambridge Papers, 14 (1). pp. 1-4. ISSN 1361-7710


Naclad, Constantin (2005) The Mission – Science or Vocation? European Journal of Science and Theology, 1 (4). pp. 41-52. ISSN 1842-8517

Negrov, Alexander (2005) An overview of liberation theology in orthodox Russia. HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies, 61 (1/2). pp. 327-345. ISSN 0259-9422 (Print), 2072-8050 (Online)

Novák, David (2005) Czech Evangelicals and Evangelism. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 13 (1). pp. 8-10.


Palán, Aleš (2005) Než krokodýl spolkne stín : čtyřicet let Zdeňka Čížkovského v Jižní Africe [Before the crocodile swallows the shadow: Forty years of Zdeněk Čízkovský in South America]. Kostelní Vydří: Karmelitánské nakladatelství. ISBN 8071928836, 9788071928836

Papathanasiou, Athanasios N. (2005) Future, the Background of History: Essays on Church Mission in an Age of Globalization. Orthodoxy in Dialogue With the Modern World (3). Alexander Press, Montreal, Canada. ISBN 9781896800486

Parla, Ayse (2005) Terms of belonging: Turkish immigrants from Bulgaria in the imagined homeland. Doctoral thesis, New York University.

Parushev, Parush R. (2005) Narrative Paradigms of Emergence – Contextual Orthodox Theological Identity. Religion in Eastern Europe, 25 (2). pp. 1-39.

Parushev, Parush R. (2005) What it is like living to tell the Christian story in Post-Communist Europe? World Mission Magazine of Baptist Missionary Society in the UK, Jul-Au. pp. 16-17.

Pastuszak, Jarosław (2005) Dialog jako forma vytváření nábozenské kultury: fenomenologie nábozenského dialogu [Dialogue as a form of religious culture: phenomenology of religious dialogue]. Doctoral thesis, Olomouc: CMTF UP.

Pelkmans, Mathijs (2005) Baptized Georgian: religious conversion to Christianity in autonomous Ajaria. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working papers, Nr. 71. pp. 1-32. ISSN 1615-4568

Pelkmans, Mathijs (2005) Evil spirits and healing power: Charismatic Christianity in Kyrgyzstan. In: Religious conversion after socialism, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, April 7-9, 2005, Halle/Saale, Germany.

Pelkmans, Mathijs (2005) Missionary Encounters in Kyrgyzstan: Challenging the National Ideal. Central Eurasian Studies Review, 4 (1). pp. 13-16.

Pelkmans, Mathijs and Vaté, Virginie and Falge, Christiane (2005) Christian conversion in a changing world: confronting issues of inequality, modernity, and morality. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report 2004–2005. pp. 23-34.

Penner, Peter F. (2005) Critical Evaluation of Recent Developments in the CIS. In: Mission in the Former Soviet Union. Schwarzenfeld, Germany: Neufeld Verlag.

Penner, Peter F. (2005) Интерпретация Библии с перспективы миссии [Missional Bible interpretation]. In: Commentary to the Bible, Acts of the Aposltes, Epilogue. St. Petersburg: Light in the East Publishing.

Penner, Peter F. (2005) Scripture, Community, and Context in God’s Mission in the FSU. In: Mission in the Former Soviet Union. Schwarzenfeld, Germany: Neufeld Verlag.

Petrenko, Vitali Ivanovich (2005) The Development of the Concept of Authority within the Russian Orthodox Church. Doctoral thesis, University of Durham.


Raiter, Michael and Wilson, Michael (2005) Culture, Human Identity, and Cross-Cultural Ministry: Some Biblical reflections. The Reformed Theological Review, 64 (3). pp. 121-134.

Rajki, Zoltan (2005) Preobraćenja u Mađarskoj posle promene režima [Conversions in Hungary After the Change of Regime]. Religija i tolerancija (4). pp. 13-32. ISSN 1821–3545

Raychynets, Oksana (2005) Baptist mission efforts in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Masters thesis, IBTS Prague.

Renöckl, Helmut (2005) Socijalno-etičke opaske o duhovnoj i crkvenoj obnovi u državama srednje Europe [Socio-Ethical Remarks on Spiritual Renewal and the Restitution of the Church in Central Europe]. Diacovensia, 13 (2). pp. 263-285. ISSN 1849-014X

Rogobete, Silviu (2005) Between fundamentalism and secularization: The place and the role of religion in Post-Communist Orthodox Romania. In: Religion and Democracy in Moldova. Maribor/Chișinău: Iscomet/Aser, pp. 105-110.

Rojnik, Ivan (2005) Kako daleč je evangelizacija 40 let po koncilu? [How Far is Evangelisation 40 Years After Vatican II]. Bogoslovni vestnik, 65 (3). pp. 423-428. ISSN 1581-2987


Sakoésovâa, Edita (2005) Spirituality among young Christians in post-communist Slovakia. Masters thesis, Trinity International University.

Salajka, Milan (2005) O čem dnes přemýšlejí křesťané ve světě a u nás [What are Christians thinking about today in the world and in our country]. Praha: Náboženská obec Církve československé husitské. ISBN 8025406814, 9788025406816

Sandu, Dan (2005) Eastern Orthodox Theology and Practices Related to Ecological Issues. European Journal of Science and Theology, 1 (2). pp. 35-44. ISSN 1842-8517

Sawatsky, Walter (2005) The Centrality of Mission and Evangelization in the Slavic Evangelical Story. In: Mission in the Former Soviet Union. Neufeld Verlag, Schwarzenfeld, Germany, pp. 38-63. ISBN 9783937896175

Sawatsky, Walter (2005) Educators for Mission and the Western Missionaries. In: Theological Education as Mission. Occasional Publications . Neufeld Verlag, Schwarzenfeld, Germany, pp. 215-246. ISBN 9783937896182

Sawatsky, Walter (2005) Inter-Church Mission Dialogue – Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant and Evangelical. In: Mission in the Former Soviet Union. Neufeld Verlag, Schwarzenfeld, Germany, pp. 164-187. ISBN 9783937896175

Sawatsky, Walter (2005) Mennonites and Mission in Eurasia. Mission Focus: Annual Review, 13. pp. 128-135.

Sawatsky, Walter (2005) Return of Mission and Evangelization in the CIS (1980s – present). In: Mission in the Former Soviet Union. Neufeld Verlag, Schwarzenfeld, Germany, pp. 94-119. ISBN 9783937896175

Sawatsky, Walter (2005) Why We Must Talk – The Urgency of Mission Dialogue Among Evangelicals in the CIS. In: Mission in the Former Soviet Union. Neufeld Verlag, Schwarzenfeld, Germany, pp. 202-225. ISBN 9783937896175

Sawatsky, Walter (2005) ‘Without God We Cannot, Without Us God Won’t – Thoughts on God’s Mission within Cis in the Future’. In: Mission in the Former Soviet Union. Neufeld Verlag, Schwarzenfeld, Germany, pp. 250-274. ISBN 9783937896175

Schneider, Jiří (2005) O cukru, kvasu a soli: Kulinářská úvaha o poslání křesťanů čili misii [About sugar, yeast and salt: A culinary reflection on the sentness of Christians or missions]. Křesťanská revue (speciál), 72. pp. 37-38.

Stir, Ioan (2005) Theology of Religious Freedom: The Oncken Paradigm at the Interface of Western and Eastern Cultures. Doctoral thesis, Baylor University.

Sveen, David E. (2005) Leadership Development as a Nonformal Learning Experience in Central and Eastern Europe. Doctoral thesis, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

Szűcs, Ferenc (2005) Európa és Magyarország jövője a keresztyénség [The future of Europe and Hungary is Christianity]. Confessio, 1. pp. 111-115.


Tiessen, Douglas P. (2005) Global interdependent ministry partnerships in the Russian context. Mission Studies, 22 (1). pp. 115-134. ISSN 0168-9789

Timiş, Vasile (2005) Educaţia religioasă, componentă a misiunii bisericii în lume [The Religious Education, Component of the Mission of the Church in the World]. Theologia Orthodoxa, 50 (2). pp. 79-84. ISSN 2065-9474

Tomka, Miklós (2005) Church, State and Society in Eastern Europe. Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change, Iva, Eastern and Central Europe, 28 . The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, Washington, United States of America. ISBN 9781565182264


Vakhtin, Nikolai (2005) The Russian Arctic between Missionaries and Soviets: The Return of Religion, Double Belief, or Double Identity? In: Rebuilding Identities. Pathways to Reform in Post-Soviet Siberia. Dietrich Reimer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 27-38.

Vassiliadis, Petros (2005) Reconciliation as a Pneumatological Mission Paradigm: Some Preliminary Reflections by an Orthdox. International Review of Mission, 94 (372). pp. 30-42. ISSN 1758-6631

Vassiliadou, Anastasia (2005) Discerning the Spirit of Athens. International Review of Mission, 94 (374). pp. 435-439. ISSN 1758-6631

Vaté, Virginie (2005) Conversion to Pentecostalism in Chukotka: A quest for an ‘indigenous’ religion? In: “Religious Conversion after Socialism”, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, April 7-9 2005, Halle/Saale, Germany.

Vaté, Virginie (2005) Reinterpreting Chukchi religiosity after conversion to Pentecostalism. In: Popular religiosity after socialism, May 28-29, 2005, Czerniejewo, Poland.


Říčan, Marek (2005) S. Mark Heim a jeho řešení otázky spásy nekřesťanů [S. Mark Heim and his solution to the question of the salvation of non-Christians]. Teologická reflexe, 2,2. pp. 160-174.


Šimunović, Milan (2005) Nova evangelizacija i kateheza braka i obitelji. Premišljanje klasičnih i pokretanje novih modela obiteljskog pastorala [The New Evangelisation and the Catechesis of Marriage and the Family. Reconsidering the Classical Means and Founding New Models of Pastoral Care of the Family]. Bogoslovska smotra, 75 (1). pp. 229-272. ISSN 1848-9648


Žigon, Zvone (2005) Ljudje odprtih src. Slovenski misijonarji o sebi [People With Open Hearts. Slovene Missionaries About Themselves]. Migracije, 7 . Založba ZRC / Slovenian Migration Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia. ISBN 961-6500-93-7

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