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Ambros, Jakub (2015) Vzťah misií katolíckej cirkvi a oficiálnej rozvojovej pomoci v Slovenskej republike [The Relation Between Catholic Missions and Official Humanitarian Aid in the Slovak Republic]. Acta Missiologica, 9 (1). pp. 21-35. ISSN 2453-7160

Ambros, Pavel (2015) Teologická opce pro dialog křesťanského Východu a Západu [Theological Option for the East and West Christian Dialogue]. Studia theologica, 17-Feb. 152–174.

Bargár, Pavol (2015) Blessed Are You Who Are Poor: The Poor in Together Towards Life, The Cape Town Commitment and Evangelii Gaudium. International Review of Mission, 104. pp. 242-254.

Bargár, Pavol (2015) The Emerging Church Movement: Some Missiologically Relevant Challenges and Impulses. Acta Missiologiae, 4. pp. 27-44.

Bayram, Mushfig (2015) Kyrgyzstan: "Draconian" Proposed Religion Law and Administrative Code. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 35 (1). Article 5. ISSN 1069-4781

Bilotas, Viktor (2015) Jesuits’ mission in Siberia during the period of N. Khrushchev‘s rule [Миссия иезуитов в Сибири в период правления Н. Хрущева]. SOTER: religijos mokslo žurnalas, 83 (55). pp. 27-37.

Bjelajac, Branko (2015) The Challenges and Opportunities of Diverse Backgrounds in the Evangelical Churches in Serbia. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 35 (2). pp. 29-38. ISSN 1069-4781

Bogomilova, Nonka (2015) Problems of Teaching Religion in Public Schools in Bulgaria Today: Retrospective and Prospective. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 35 (1). Art. 2. ISSN 1069-4781

Brudiu, Razvan (2015) Euharistie și martiriu – evenimente ecleziale în misiunea Bisericii (Eucharist and martyrdom - ecclesial events in the mission of the Church). Altarul Reintregirii, 20 (2). pp. 55-68. ISSN Print 1584-8051, Online 2457-9394

Colda, Ioan Colda (2015) The Cathedral of National Salvation and the Palace of the Gospel: Desiring the Salvation of the Romanian Nation through the Gospel of Christ. Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății de Conștiință), 2 (1).

Costin, Silviu Marcel (2015) Misiune prin Euharistie în parohia de azi. Exemple pastorale din opera Sfântului Ioan Gură de Aur [Mission through Eucharist in Today’s Parish. Pastoral Examples from the Works of Saint John Chrysostom]. Altarul Reintregirii, XX (3). pp. 115-127. ISSN Print 1584-8051, Online 2457-9394

Fazlić, Hazim (2015) Perspectives on Building Trust among Communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Challenges and the Role of Faith Communities. Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 50 (2). ISSN 2162-3937

Filimon, Ioan (2015) Christian Mission and Interreligious Dialogue in Archbishop Anastasios Yannoulatos' Theology. International Journal of Orthodox Theology, 6 (1). pp. 87-102. ISSN 2190-0582

Filimon, Ioan (2015) Interreligious Dialogue as a Missionary Imperative in a Postmodern Society. International Journal of Orthodox Theology, 6 (2). pp. 125-153. ISSN 2190-0582

Filimon, Ioan (2015) Misiunea creştină şi dialogul interreligios - câteva perspective ortodoxe pentru o societate contemporană [Christian mission and interreligious dialogue - few Orthodox prospects for a contemporary society]. Altarul Reintregirii, XX (2). 115 -128. ISSN Print 1584-8051, Online 2457-9394

French, April L. (2015) Evangelical Women in Siberia as Preservers of Memory. Keston Newsletter, 22. pp. 1-7.

Hoskins, Daniel Gene (2015) Russification as a factor in religious conversion. Making Lenin roll over in his grave. Culture and Religion, 16 (4). pp. 430-444.

Istodor, Gheorghe (2015) Contemporary challenges to the Church Mission from the perspective of post-modern art and technology. Dialogo, 2 (1). pp. 247-254. ISSN 2393-1744

Jović, Rastko (2015) Doing Gender Justice as a Mission Imperative. International Review of Mission, 104 (1). pp. 26-36. ISSN 1758-6631

Kasselouri-Hatzivassiliadi, Eleni (2015) Mission, Gender, and Theological Education: An Orthodox Perspective. International Review of Mission, 104 (1). pp. 37-45. ISSN 1758-6631

Kimber, Gillian (2015) Trinitarian Theology as the Basis for a Common Approach to Mission: A Way Forward for Romanian Orthodox and Baptist Churches? Acta Missiologiae, 4. pp. 81-104.

Kolář, Ondřej (2015) Hermeneutická misiologie Theo Sundermeiera [The hermeneutical missiology of Theo Sundermeier]. Misiologické fórum, 4. pp. 16-23.

Kolář, Ondřej (2015) K misijní úloze laiků v evangelické církvi [To the Missionary Role of the Laity in the Evangelical Church]. Misiologické fórum, 4. pp. 8-13.

Koosa, Piret (2015) Sometimes we’ll have to prove that we’re not crocodiles: Evangelical Christians’ Stigmatisation as Sectarians in a Komi Village. Études finno-ougriennes, 47. ISSN 2275-1947

Kovač, Valerija Nedjeljka (2015) Aktualnost evanđeoskih savjeta u svjetlu "izlaska" kao poslanja Crkve i posvećenoga života [Actuality of Evangelical Counsels in the Light of “Coming Out” as a Mission of the Church and Consecrated Life]. Služba Božja: liturgijsko-pastoralna revija, 55 (3-4). pp. 354-374. ISSN 1849-1057

Krastić, Zoran (2015) ХРИШЋАНСКА ТЕОЛОГИЈА У СУСРЕТУ СА ПОСТМОДЕРНИСТИЧКОМ РЕЛИГИОЗНОШЋУ [Christian theology meeting postmodern religiousness]. Теологикон [Teologikon], 4 (1). pp. 186-194. ISSN 2367-7856

Kuburić, Zorica (2015) A Spiral of Development and/or Fall. Kultura, 148. pp. 49-66.

Lakatos, Ioan Dinu (2015) Úloha Božieho slova pri transformácii človeka v misii [The role of God's Word in the transformation of humans in mission]. Misiologické fórum, 4. pp. 24-29.

Magda Džafić, Ela (2015) In Search of a Crisis in Croatia. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 35 (2). pp. 7-14. ISSN 2693-2148

Malancea, Mihai (2015) Unicitatea lui Isus Cristos în raport cu fondatorii marilor religii ale lumii [The uniqueness of Jesus Christ in relation to the founders of the great religions of the world]. Pulsul Slujirii - Pulse of Ministry, 23. pp. 7-20.

Maršić, Šimo (2015) Nova evangelizacija pred izazovom integralne formacije unutar skupina mladih u Vrhbosanskoj nadbiskupiji [The New Evangelization Faced With the Challenge of Integral Formation of a Group of Young People in the Vrhbosna Archdiocese]. Vrhbosnensia: časopis za teološka i međureligijska pitanja, 19 (1). pp. 85-115. ISSN 2233-1387

Matulevicius, Saulius (2015) From Pentecost to 'inner healing': religious change and Pentecostal developments in the post-socialist Lithuanian Catholic milieu. Approaching Religion, 5 (1). pp. 67-78.

McPhee, Peggy (2015) Aspects of Theology of Mission in Bulgaria: National Missionaries Share their Views with Respect to Sin and Salvation. Acta Missiologiae, 4. pp. 105-120.

Mielcarek, Krzysztof (2015) "Będziecie moimi świadkami po krańce ziemi" (Dz 1,8): Łukaszowa wizja świadectwa z perspektywy Dziejów Apostolskich [You Will Be My Witnesses to the Farthest Parts of the Earth (Acts 1:8): Lukan Vision of a Witness From the Perspective of Acts]. Verbum Vitae, 28. pp. 257-296.

Milkov, Kostake (2015) The Witness of Evangelical Communities in Contested Balkan Identities. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 35 (2). pp. 1-6. ISSN 1069-4781

Mladenovska-Tešija, Julijana (2015) Be Salt on Earth: Can Evangelical Churches Make a Difference in Croatia? Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 35 (3). Art. 4. ISSN 1069-4781

Murray, Jesse D. (2015) “The Person Chosen by Me”: Runaway Brides, Orthodox Missionaries, and the Construction of Empire among the Buriats, 1870s–1917. Sibirica: Interdisciplinary Journal of Siberian Studies, 14 (1). pp. 40-67. ISSN 1361-7362

Myronovych, Dmytro (2015) Narrativization of Religious Conversion Experience in the Environment of Evangelical Protestantism in Ukraine. Władza Sądzenia, 6. pp. 96-114. ISSN 2300-1690

Măcelaru, Marcel V. (2015) Entering the Sabbath of Life: Theological Musings on Gerassapience. Theologica Wratislaviensia, 10. pp. 109-115.

Nagy, Dorottya (2015) Becoming Part of the LandScape: Chinese Christians' Presence in Post-1989 Hungary. Acta Missiologiae, 4. pp. 121-148.

Nagy, Dorottya (2015) Minding Methodology. Mission Studies, 32.2. pp. 203-233.

Nechaeva, Marina Yu. (2015) Женские миссионерские монастыри Пермской епархии: от идеалов к воплощению [Missionary nunneries of the Perm diocese: from ideals to their implementation]. Вестник Екатеринбургской духовной семинарии [Vestnik of the Ekaterinburg Theological Seminary, 4 (12). pp. 86-111.

Noble, Tim (2015) Ignatian and Hesychast Spirituality: Praying Together. St Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 59:1. pp. 43-53.

Noble, Tim (2015) Mission Born in the Place of Encounter Between East and West. Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies, 56:1-2. pp. 289-299.

Noble, Tim (2015) Missionary Convictions and the Convictions of the Other. Baptistic Theologies, 7:1. pp. 1-12.

Noble, Tim (2015) Mutuality in Ecumenical Encounter. Communio Viatorum, 57:2. pp. 107-112.

Noble, Tim (2015) ’The Pathway into the Kingdom of Heaven’: The Indigenization of Russian Orthodox Tradition in Alaska. Mission Studies, 32:1. pp. 32-46.

Papathanasiou, Athanasios N. (2015) Contemporary Missionary Efforts in the Orthodox Churches: Limitations and Possibilities. International Journal of Orthodox Theology, 6 (2). pp. 117-123. ISSN 2190-0582

Parfenova, Evgenia (2015) Preaching of Repentance as an Important Part of Ecclesial Mission in Contemporary Protestant Churches in Russia. Вестник Свято-Филаретовского института (Vestnik of the St. Philaret’s Christian Orthodox Institute), 15. pp. 84-96. ISSN ISSN 2658-7599 (Print), 2713-3141 (Online)

Pavel, Aurel (2015) Archbishop Anastasios Yannoulatos' Contribution to the Development of Orthodox Missionary Theology. International Journal of Orthodox Theology, 6 (1). pp. 63-86. ISSN 2190-0582

Penner, Peter F. (2015) Missional Hermeneutics. Acta Missiologiae, 4. pp. 7-26.

Petraru, Gheorghe (2015) Eastern Orthodox Church and the Christian Mission in the Twenty-First Century. Mission Studies, 32. pp. 371-383. ISSN 0168-9789

Petrović, Srećko (2015) ЦРКВА, НАЦИОНАЛИЗАМ И ХРИШЋАНСКИ ИДЕНТИТЕТ: КРАТКО РАЗМАТРАЊЕ О ОПАСНОСТИМА ЕТНОФИЛЕТИЗМА [Church, Nationalism and Christian Identity: A Brief Review on the Dangers of Ethnophiletism]. Теологикон [Teologikon], 4 (1). pp. 195-218. ISSN 2367-7856

Petrovski, Samuil and Foster, Joel (2015) Serbian evangelicals gain visibility but are still “regarded with suspicion”. Evangelical Focus.

Pirri-Simonian, Teny (2015) "Go Forth...": The European Project for Interreligious Learning (EPIL). International Review of Mission, 104 (1). pp. 91-97. ISSN 1758-6631

Poperechniy, Pavel (2015) 4"i": Patru caracteristici a conceptului reînnoit de misiune [4 "i": Four aspects of a renewed mission concept]. Pulsul slujirii - Pulse of Ministry, 23. pp. 82-90.

Poperechniy, Pavel (2015) Влияние космологии и эсхатологии на целостное понимание миссии [Influence of cosmology and eschatology on a holistic understanding of mission]. Pulsul Slujirii - Pulse of Ministry, 23. pp. 104-123.

Raška, Francis D. (2015) Bibles for Communist Europe – A Cold War story, Part I. Hungarian Review, VI (3). pp. 40-62.

Remmel, Atko and Uibu, Marko (2015) Outside Conventional Forms: Religion and Non-Religion in Estonia. Religion and Society in Central and Eastern Europe, 8 (1). pp. 5-20.

Ringvee, Ringo (2015) Charismatic Christianity and Pentecostal churches in Estonia from a historical perspective. Pentecostalism around the Baltic Sea, 5 (1). pp. 57-66.

Sandu (Ursu), Ioana-Zoia (2015) Un model de monahism și misiune: „Rugul aprins” de la Mănăstirea Antim [A model of monasticism and mission: “The Burning Bush Movement” at the Antim Monastery]. Altarul Reintregirii, XX (2). pp. 267-278. ISSN Print 1584-8051, Online 2457-9394

Searle, Joshua T. (2015) Царство Божие - Справедливость и мир: Уроки Мартина Лютера Кинга и Глена Стассена [Kingdom of God - Justice and peace: Lessons from Martin Luther King and Glen Stassen]. Богомыслие [Bogomysliye], 16. pp. 40-49.

Searle, Joshua T. (2015) Moving Towards an Ecumenism of Koinonia: A Critical Response to 'The Church: Towards a Common Vision' from a Baptistic Perspective. Journal of European Baptist Studies, Jan. pp. 17-27.

Stegu, Tadej (2015) The new evangelisation and adult religious education in Slovenia: challenges and possibilities. British Journal of Religious Education, 37 (1). pp. 53-63.

Theocharous, Myrto (2015) Becoming a Refuge: Sex Trafficking and the People of God. Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, 59 (2). pp. 309-322. ISSN 0360-8808

Trajanov, Kirche (2015) ЗА ЕСХАТОЛОГИЈАТА, ИСТОРИЈАТА И МИСИЈАТА НА ЦРКВАТА ВО ЕКЛИСИОЛОШКИ КОНТЕКСТ [About the Eshatology, History and the Mission of the Church in an Ecclesiastical Context]. Теологикон [Teologikon], 4 (1). pp. 131-154. ISSN 2367-7856

Vranješ, Nikola (2015) Inkulturacija kao postulat nove evangelizacije [Inculturation as a Postulate of the New Evangelization]. Riječki teološki časopis, 46 (2). pp. 283-300. ISSN 1849-0921

Zaprometova, Olga M. (2015) The Mission of Communion: A Case Study of the Lord's Supper in the Traditional Russian Pentecostal Context. Acta Missiologiae, 4. pp. 57-80.

Zovkić, Mato (2015) Muslime in Bosnien-Herzegowina zwischen inneren Dialog und Beziehungen zu Andersglaubenden. Religionen unterwegs, 21.2. pp.4-9.

Černý, Pavel (2015) Církev jako relikt minulosti, nebo součást evangelijního příběhu [The Church: Relic of the Past or Part of the Gospel Story?]. Theologia vitae: časopis Sdružení evangelikálních teologů, 5 (1). pp. 11-29.

Černý, Pavel (2015) Jeden Pán, jedna víra a současné eklesiologické hledání [One Lord, one faith and contemporary ecclesiological searching]. Studia theologica, 17 (3). pp. 155-170.

Šegula, Andrej (2015) Podoba laika v dokumentih drugega vatikanskega koncila in izziv za danes [Image of the Layperson in the Documents of the Second Vatican Council and Its Challenge for Today]. Bogoslovni vestnik, 75 (3). pp. 417-425. ISSN 1581-2987

Šoltésová, Viktória (2015) Stratégie misijnej práce na Slovensku a v Čechách [Strategies for mission work in Slovakia and Chechia]. Misiologické fórum, 4. pp. 30-33.

Šoltésová, Viktória (2015) Výzva medzináboženského dialógu a paradigmy teológie náboženstva [The challenge of interfaith dialogue and the paradigm of the theology of religion]. Misiologické fórum, 1. pp. 7-15. ISSN 1805-7934

Book Section

Ambros, Pavel (2015) Výchova k eucharistické zbožnosti nebo iniciace k misijnímu poslání? Poznámky k dilematu obětního a koinonického charakteru eucharistie po Druhém vatikánském koncilu [Education for eucharistic piety or initiation to the mission sending? Notes on the dilemma of the sacrificial and coinonical character of the Eucharist after the Second Vatican Council]. In: Mezi historií a evangeliem. Existence a život církve ve světle II. vatikánského koncilu. Marek Mervart, Červený Kostelec, pp. 227-243.

Ataev, Boris M. (2015) The role of Bible translation in preserving the languages of Dagestan. In: Language vitality through Bible translation. Berkeley insights in linguistics and semiotics . Peter Lang, New York, pp. 207-216. ISBN 9781433128929

Belyaev, Alexander (2015) Миссия Бога в Книге Откровения [Mission of God in Revelation]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on Missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing, pp. 96-107.

Cherenkov, Mykhailo N. (2015) Глобальное (пост)секулярное общество как контекст и предмет миссиологии [Global (post)secular society as the context and subject of missiology]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on Missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing, pp. 282-297.

Dmitrenko, O. (2015) Актуальность богословия труда, или преобразующая сила христиан-профессионалов [The relevance of a theology of work, or the transforming power of Christian professionals]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on Missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing, pp. 363-370.

Dubrovskiy, Mikhail (2015) Особенности христианской миссии в современном городе [Specifics of Christian mission in contemporary cities]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on Missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing, pp. 315-324.

Dyck, Johannes (2015) Миссия евангельских церквей в СССР: Между тюрьмой и свободой (1929–1987) [The mission of the evangelical churches in the Soviet Union: between prison and freedom (1929-1987)]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on Missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing, pp. 206-212.

Gluchovskiy, P. (2015) Церковь и миссионерские агентства [Mission and mission agencies]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing.

Hošek, Pavel (2015) Discerning the Signs of the Times in the Post-Communist Czech Republic: A Historical, sociological and Missiological Analysis of Contemporary Czech Culture. In: A Czech Perspective on Faith in Secular Age (Halík, Tomáš and Hošek, Pavel, eds.). Washington, USA: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, pp. 14-17.

Klinchenko, T. (2015) Миссия и диаспора [Mission and diaspora]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on Missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing, pp. 351-362.

Kondyuk, Denys (2015) Миссия Бога в Книге Псалмов [Mission of God in the book of Psalms]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on Missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing, pp. 32-44.

Kool, Anne-Marie (2015) Spiritual Transformation: A Reponse. In: The Mission of God: Studies in Orthodox and Evangelical Mission. Oxford, UK: Regnum Books International, pp. 193-200.

Kostin, Boris (2015) Миссия Бога в Послании к Римлянам [Mission of God in the Epistle to the Romans]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on Missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing, pp. 79-95.

Kostochakov, Gennady V. (2015) Can Bible translation revitalize the dying Shor language? In: Language vitality through Bible translation. Berkeley insights in linguistics and semiotics . Peter Lang, New York, pp. 225-239. ISBN 9781433128929

Kozhuharov, Valentin (2015) Christian Mission: The Issue of Missionary Awareness. In: Orthodox and Inter-Christian Perspectives in Mission Paperback. Vesta Publishing House, Veliko Trnovo, pp. 167-197. ISBN 978-9545430565

Kozhuharov, Valentin (2015) Freedom of Religion and Christian Mission in Russia before and after the Era of the Soviet Union. In: Freedom of Belief & Christian Mission. Regnum Edinburgh centenary series (28). Oxford, UK: Regnum Books International, OCSM, pp. 212-219.

Kozhuharov, Valentin (2015) Principles of Orthodox Mission: Bulgarian Missionary Reflection. In: Orthodox and Inter-Christian Perspectives in Mission. Vesta Publishing House, Veliko Trnovo, pp. 95-131. ISBN 978-9545430565

Kozhuharov, Valentin (2015) Theology, Mission and Missiology: Function and Relevance to Inter-Christian Relations. In: Orthodox and Inter-Christian Perspectives in Mission Paperback. Vesta Publishing House, Veliko Trnovo, pp. 199-223. ISBN 978-9545430565

Kukharchuk, R. (2015) Публичная весть. Миссия в масс-медиа [Public message: mission in mass-media]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on Missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing, pp. 305-314.

Lebedev, Vladimir (2015) Миссия церкви в Евангелии от Матфея [Mission of the Church in the Gospel of Matthew]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on Missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing, pp. 64-78.

Lubenets, Yulia (2015) История развития миссии в Евразии [The history of mission in Eurasia]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on Missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing, pp. 173-188.

Lubenets, Yulia (2015) Роль женщины в миссии Бога [The role of women in the mission of God]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on Missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing, pp. 371-384.

Malancea, Mihai (2015) Евангельская миссия на территории постсоветской Средней Азии [Evangelical missions on the territory of post-Soviet Central Asia]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on Missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing, pp. 261-273.

Nahapetyan, Asatur (2015) Миссия как евангелизм и насаждение церквей [Mission as evangelism and church planting]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on Missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing, pp. 298-304.

Pelkmans, Mathijs (2015) Mediating Miracle Truth: Permanent Struggle and Fragile Conviction in Kyrgyzstan. In: The Anthropology of Global Pentecostalism and Evangelicalism. New York University Press, pp. 177-194. ISBN 978-0814772607

Pelkmans, Mathijs (2015) Mediating miracle truth: permanent struggle and fragile conviction in Kyrgyzstan. In: The Anthropology of Global Pentecostalism and Evangelicalism. NYU Press, pp. 177-195. ISBN 9780814772607

Penner, Peter F. (2015) Герменевтика миссии [Missional Hermeneutics]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing.

Penner, Peter F. (2015) Герменевтика контекста [The context of mission]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing.

Reimer, Johannes (2015) Социальная справедливость и социальная ответственность как миссия [Social justice and social responsibility as mission]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on Missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing, pp. 340-350.

Remmel, Atko (2015) (Anti)-religious Aspects of the Cold War: Soviet Religious Policy as Applied in the Estonian SSR. In: Behind the Iron Curtain. Estonia in the Era of the Cold War. P. Lang, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 359-392. ISBN 9783631668498

Rempel, Heinrich (2015) Роль церкви в постхристианском мире [The role of the Church in a post-Christian world]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on Missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing, pp. 325-339.

Rohtmets, Priit (2015) Estonian Missionaries in China during the Early 20th Century. In: When Gods Spoke. Researches and Reflections on Religious Phenomena and Artefacts. Studia Orientalia Tartuensia. Series Nova (VI). University of Tartu Press, Tartu, pp. 272-285.

Rusin, Ivan (2015) Иисус Корана и Евангелий. Сходства и различия [The Jesus of the Qur’an and the Gospels: Similarities and differences]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on Missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing, pp. 229-244.

Sawatsky, Walter (2015) Контекст постсоветского православия [The context of post-Soviet Orthodoxy]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on Missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing, pp. 245-260.

Shumilin, Alexander (2015) Миссия в Новом Завете [Mission in the New Testament]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on Missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing, pp. 45-63.

Skurydin, Yuriy (2015) Миссия Бога в Ветхом Завете [Mission of God in the Old Testament]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on Missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing, pp. 16-31.

Song, Eun Sub (2015) The effect of Bible translation on literacy among Nenets Christians. In: Language vitality through Bible translation. Berkeley insights in linguistics and semiotics . Peter Lang, New York, pp. 217-223. ISBN 9781433128929

Tsvirinko, Vyacheslav (2015) Миссия первых евангельских движений в Российской империи и СССР [The mission of the first evangelical movements in the Russian Empire and in the Soviet Union]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on Missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing, pp. 189-205.

Ubeivolc, Vladimir (2015) Целостная миссия [Holistic mission]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on Missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing, pp. 397-410.

Ubeivolc, Vladimir (2015) Just Missional – The Church and Social Justice: Human Trafficking. In: Missional – Embracing a Paradigm Shift for Missions: papers presented at the Conference of the Association of Evangelical Missiology in Cooperation with Mission-Net Congress 2013-2014. Edition AfeM / Mission reports (22). Nürnberg, Germany: VTR.

Ubeivolc, Vladimir (2015) Why Do We Struggle With Our Traditional Mission Concepts? In: "Missional" : Embracing a Paradigm Shift for Missions: papers presented at the Conference of the Association of Evangelical Missiology in Cooperation with Mission-Net Congress 2013-2014,. Edition AfeM / Mission reports (22). Nürnberg, Germany: VTR.

Ubeivolc, Vladimir (2015) Миссия церкви или миссиональная церковь [The mission of the Church or Missional church]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on Missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing, pp. 159-172.

Ubeivolc, Vladimir (2015) Миссия Духа [The mission of the Spirit]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on Missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing, pp. 144-158.

Zagidulin, Ruslan (2015) Миссия и богословское образование [Mission and theological education]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on Missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing, pp. 385-396.

Zagidulin, Ruslan (2015) Миссия Христа [The mission of Christ]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on Missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing, pp. 129-143.

Zweininger, Jakob (2015) Роль знамений и исцелений в миссии [The role of signs and wonders in mission]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on Missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing, pp. 274-281.

Conference or Workshop Item

Kleinhempel, Ullrich R. (2015) New Religious Movements in Russia and the position of the Orthodox Church. In: "Forum Orthodoxie", Evangelical Church of Germany (EKD), 12 – 13th March, 2015, Hannover, Germany. (Unpublished)

Mikeshin, Igor (2015) Russian Evangelicalism Glocalized. In: 15th Annual Aleksanteri Conference: Culture and Russian Society, October 21-23, 2015, Helsinki, Finland. (Submitted)

Vagramenko, Tatiana (2015) Remembering the past in the “born-again” present: conversion of Nenets and Khanty oral histories. In: 12th International ETMU Days "Mobile Roots – Rethinking Indigenous and Transnational ties”, 22-24 October, 2015, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland. (Unpublished)


Gibaut, John, ed. (2015) Called to Unity: For the Sake of Mission. Regnum Edinburgh centenary series, 25 . Wipf & Stock.

Laarse, van der, Rob and Cherenkov, Mykhailo N. and Proshak, Vitaliy V. and Mykhalchuk, Tetiana, eds. (2015) Religion, state, society, and identity in transition: Ukraine. Wolf Legal Publishers, Oisterwijk, The Netherlands. ISBN 9789462402652

Baronas, Darius and Rowell, S. C. (2015) The Conversion of Lithuania: From Pagan Barbarians to Late Medieval Christians. Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, Vilnius. ISBN 978-609-425-152-8

Butta, Tomáš (2015) Seznámení s Mistrem Janem: pohledy na českého reformátora Jana Husa a úryvky z jeho spisů [Familiar with Master John: Views of the Czech Reformer Jan Hus and excerpts from his writings]. Církev československá husitská.

Global Christian Forum (2015) Tirana Consultation, Discrimination, Persecution, and Martyrdom: Following Christ Together. Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft, Bonn. ISBN 978-3-86269-155-5

Halík, Tomáš (2015) A Czech Perspective on Faith in a Secular Age. Washington, DC: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy.

Kozhuharov, Valentin (2015) Christianstvo, Pravoslavie i Missia [Christianity, Orthodoxy and Mission]. Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria: Vesta Publishing House.

Kozhuharov, Valentin (2015) Orthodox and Inter-Christian Perspectives on Mission. Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria: Vesta Publishing House.

Parushev, Parush R. and Noble, Tim and Noble, Ivana and Bauerová, Kateřina (2015) Wrestling with the Mind of the Fathers in (Post-)modern Orthodox Theology. SVS Press, Yonkers, New York.

Penner, Peter F. and Ubeivolc, Vladimir and Rusin, Ivan and Zagidulin, Ruslan (2015) Новые горизонты миссии: размышления о missio Dei в постсоветском пространстве [New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on missio Dei in the FSU]. Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing.

Radford, David (2015) Religious Identity and Social Change: Explaining Christian conversion in a Muslim world. Routledge advances in sociology, 150 . Routledge. ISBN 9780367869755

Sinichkin, Alexey (2015) Возрождение вопреки безбожию [Revival in spite of godlessness]. Korosten’: Triada.

Sonea, Cristian (2015) Apostolat și responsabilitate. O viziune teologică asupra misiunii laicatului [Apostleship and responsibility. A theological vision on the mission of the laity]. Cluj University Press, Cluj, Romania.

Tsirevelos, Nikolaos (2015) Θεολογική θεμελίωση της Ορθόδοξης μαρτυρίας. Σπουδή στο έργο του Αρχιεπισκόπου Αλβανίας Αναστασίου [Archbishop Anastasios' theological foundation of Orthodox witness]. Acta Varia Academica (9). Ostracon Publishing, Thessaloniki, Greece. ISBN 978-618-5146-06-1

Yannoulatos, Anastasios (2015) In Albania: Cross and Resurrection. Crestwood,N.Y.: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press.


Ecis, Kristina (2015) The Long Term Formative Impact of YWAM Latvia DTS Upon the Mission Activities of Those Who Participate in the Program. Masters thesis, IBTSC.

Maroney, Eric Kane (2015) Conflict, Change, and Conversion: Forty years of conversion among Baptists in Croatia 1970 - 2010. Doctoral thesis, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Megrelidze, Tinatin (2015) Women and mission within the Apostolic Orthodox Church in post-communist Georgia (1989-2014). Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Scobie, Chris J. (2015) The Body of Christ in 1 Corinthians: A Fresh Reading, Implications for Faith Communities, and an Ecumenical Dialog between Catholics and Pentecostals. Doctoral thesis, Ljubljana, SLO: Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana.

Strujić, Jure (2015) Evangelizacijsko poslanje Crkve i novi oblici komunikacije [The Evangelizing Mission of the Church and the New Forms of Communication]. Doctoral thesis, Katolički bogoslovni fakultet u Spllitu.

Szatmari, Emilia (2015) "Közegyházi életünk sodrában" Dr. Koncz Sándor életműve a 20. század történeti és egyháztörténeti viszonyainak tükrében ["In the stream of our public church life". Dr. Sándor Koncz's oeuvre in the light of the historical and ecclesiastical relations of the 20th century]. Doctoral thesis, Debrecen Reformed University of Divinity.

Yuchkovski, Alexander (2015) A comparison of the evangelical movement in Russia in the 1920s and the 1990s. Doctoral thesis, Middlesex University / Oxford Centre for Mission Studies.


Fetler Malof, Josef (2015) The Story of the Fetler Family Band, 1934-1944. [Video]

This list was generated on Sat Feb 22 13:14:20 2025 CET.