Items where Subject is "B Mission theology/theory > Peacemaking and Reconciliation"

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Bargár, Pavol (2017) Misia Pravoslávnej cirkvi v súčasnom svete: misiologická reflexia dokumentu svätého a veľkého koncilu Pravoslávnej cirkvi [Mission of the Orthodox Church in Today's World: Missiological Reflection of the Document of the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodoy Church]. Acta Missiologica, 11 (1). pp. 23-31. ISSN 2453-7160

Bargár, Pavol (2020) “Together towards a Banquet”: The Feast as Promise and Resistance in Together Towards Life and Contemporary Theological Discourse. International Review of Mission, 109 (1). pp. 99-111. ISSN 1758-6631

Bel, Valer (1998) Propovaduirea Evangheliei [The Preaching of the Gospel]. Theologia Orthodoxa, 43 (1-2). pp. 77-86. ISSN 2065-9474

Beliakova, Nadezhda and Kliueva, Vera (2023) Diversity of Shades of Silence: Russian Evangelicals during the War in Ukraine. Review of Ecumenical Studies, 15 (3). pp. 478-504. ISSN 2359-8107

Bjelajac, Branko (1998) The Second Balkan Evangelical Conference. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 18 (5). Art. 5. ISSN 1069-4781

Bogdanović, Dajana (2018) Successful Practices in Local Communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Religija i tolerancija, 16 (30). pp. 237-252. ISSN 1821–3545

Brandes, Dieter (2020) The mission of Christians for reconciliation in Europe. Studia Universitatis Babeș - Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica, 65 (1). pp. 309-344.

Cherenkov, Mykhailo N. (2022) The Church at War: Overseas Front. Bogomyslie, 32 (1).

Cherenkov, Mykhailo N. (2014) «Миссиология после Майдана»: шанс для украинских протестантов [Missiology after Maidan: a chance for Ukrainian Protestants]. Христианская мысль [Khristianskaya mysl], 8. pp. 127-141.

Dură, Nicolae (1997) Misiunea conciliatoare a propovaduirii [The Reconciling Mission of the Preaching]. Theologia Orthodoxa, 42 (1-2). pp. 139-150. ISSN 2065-9474

Fazlić, Hazim (2015) Perspectives on Building Trust among Communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Challenges and the Role of Faith Communities. Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 50 (2). ISSN 2162-3937

Funk, Julianne (2019) Religions as Loci of Conflict Prevention: Local Capacities of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Religious Communities. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 39 (5). Art. 21. ISSN 1069-4781

Gonda, László (2005) Jövel Szentlélek, gyógyíts és békéltess meg! Missziói és Evangélizációs Világkonferencia Athénban [Holy Spirit, come, heal and reconcile! The Athens World Conference on missions and evangelism]. Teológiai Szemle, XLVIII. pp. 230-231.

Goodwin, Stephen R. (2003) From UN Safe Havens to Sacred Spaces: Contributions of Religious Sodalities to Peace Building and Reconciliation in Post-War Bosnia and Herzegovina. Studies in World Christianity, 9 (2). pp. 171-188. ISSN 1750-0230

Gustafson, Scott (2020) The Lebanese Evangelical Church’s Response to the Syrian Crisis: The Shaping of Identity. International Bulletin of Mission Research, 45 (1). pp. 51-61. ISSN 2396-9407

Hayes, Stephen Tromp Wynn (1999) Nationalism, violence and reconciliation. Missionalia: Southern African Journal of Missiology, 27 (2). pp. 189-207. ISSN 0256-9507

Himcinschi, Mihai (2010) Human violence from a missionary perspective. Altarul Reîntregirii, XV (1). pp. 17-44.

Jović, Rastko (2021) Mission and Reconciliation. Theology for a New Remembrance. International Review of Mission, 110 (1). pp. 6-15. ISSN 1758-6631

Kalenychenko, Tetiana (2017) Public Religion During the Maidan Protests in Ukraine. Euxeinos, 24. pp. 23-38.

Kraliuk, Petro and Plyska, Yuriy (2020) Religious organizations in Belarus during protests against the regime of Aleksandr Lukashenko. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 40 (10). pp. 27-46.

Magda Džafić, Ela (2015) In Search of a Crisis in Croatia. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 35 (2). pp. 7-14. ISSN 2693-2148

Makovskiy, Artem (2023) Military Chaplains’ Provision of Psychological Assistance to Soldiers in Ukraine. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 43 (6). Art.7. ISSN 1069-4781

Malancea, Mihai (2016) Comunitatea Evanghelică față-n față cu Criza din Orientul Mijlociu [The Evangelical Community is facing the Middle East Crisis]. Pulsul Slujirii - Pulse of Ministry, 24. pp. 7-16.

Marinić, Marko and Mihaljević, Vine and Tadić, Stipe (2005) Perspektive novih laičkih eklezijalnih pokreta - Koncilska obnova Katoličke crkve u Hrvatskoj [A Perspective of New Lay Ecclesiastic Movements - Council's Renovation of the Catholic Church in Croatia]. Nova Prisutnost, 3 (2). pp. 259-274. ISSN 1848-8676

Matulić, Tonči (2005) (Bio)etičko tematiziranje fenomena biološkog rata: Jedan stari-novi izazov kršćanskoj savjesti [(Bio)Ethical Thematization of the Phenomenon of Biological War: An Old - New Challenge to Christian Conscious]. Nova Prisutnost, 3 (1). pp. 65-78. ISSN 1848-8676

McCarthy, Eli (2023) Praxis of Accompaniment: A Way of Just Peace amid the War in Ukraine. Journal of Catholic Social Thought, 20 (2). pp. 431-455.

Merdjanova, Ina (2000) In Search of Identity: Nationalism and Religion in Eastern Europe. Religion, State and Society, 28 (3). pp. 233-262. ISSN 1465-3974

Milovanović, Aleksandra Djurić (2017) Alternative Religiosity in Communist Yugoslavia: Migration as a Survival Strategy of the Nazarene Community. Open theology, 3. pp. 447-457.

Milovanović, Aleksandra Djurić (2016) “God Doesn’t Know about Nationalities”: Questioning Religion and Nationalism in Evangelical Communities in Romania. OMNES: The Journal of Multicultural Society, 7 (1). pp. 1-21.

Mladenovska-Tešija, Julijana (2015) Be Salt on Earth: Can Evangelical Churches Make a Difference in Croatia? Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 35 (3). Art. 4. ISSN 1069-4781

Noble, Ivana (2019) Contemporary Religiosity and the Absence of Solidarity with Those in Need. Journal of Nationalism, Memory & Language Politics, 13 (2). pp. 1-15.

Noble, Tim (2014) Living in the Truth in the Past and the Present in the Czech Republic. Forum Mission: Reconciliation – Justice – Peace,, 10. pp. 151-168.

Ocvirk, Drago Karl (2004) Some Basic Conditions for Missionary Activities as Reconciliation and Peacebuilding. Bogoslovni vestnik, 64 (2). pp. 385-398. ISSN 1581-2987

Oprean, Daniel G. (2020) Biblical Models for the Practice of Forgiveness in Public Life. Journal of Humanistic and Social Studies, XI (1(21)). pp. 131-142. ISSN 2067-6557 (Print), 2247-2371 (Online)

Panych, Olena (2023) Ukrainian Evangelicals and the War. Review of Ecumenical Studies Sibiu, 15 (3). pp. 459-477. ISSN 2359-8107

Perica, Vjekoslav Reconciliation Attempts and the Return to Conflict in the Balkans, 2010-2022 (and Parallels to the Russian War on Ukraine). Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 42 (4). Art.4. ISSN 1069-4781

Pirri-Simonian, Teny (2015) "Go Forth...": The European Project for Interreligious Learning (EPIL). International Review of Mission, 104 (1). pp. 91-97. ISSN 1758-6631

Planinić, Josip Još o ekumenizmu i propovijedima [More On Ecumenism and Homilies]. Nova Prisutnost, 2 (2). pp. 331-335. ISSN 1848-8676

Poperechniy, Pavel (2008) Реакция христиан на страдания общества: уроки притчи о добром самарянине [How can Christians react to the pain in society: lessons from the Good Samaritan]. Pulsul Slujirii - Pulse of Ministry, 14. pp. 3-9.

Przybyłowski, Jan Kazimierz (2016) Pokój jako misja Kościoła [Peace as a mission of the Church]. Roczniki Teologiczne, 63 (6). pp. 131-144.

Reimer, Johannes (2019) The Mission of the Church in a World of War. Anabaptist Witness, 6 (1). pp. 49-62.

Romocea, Cristian Gabriel (2004) Reconciliation in the Ethnic Conflict in Transylvania: Theological, Political and Social Aspects. Religion, State & Society, 32 (2). pp. 159-176.

Sawatsky, Walter (2005) Mennonites and Mission in Eurasia. Mission Focus: Annual Review, 13. pp. 128-135.

Schreiter, Robert J. (2017) Osobité charakteristiky kresťanského zmierenia významné aj pre súčasnú misijnú činnosť [The Distinctive Characteristics of Christian Reconciliation Relevant for Current Mission Activities]. Acta Missiologica, 11 (1). pp. 8-22. ISSN 2453-7160

Schreiter, Robert J. (2016) Zmierenie ako misijný model pre prvú polovicu 21. storočia [Reconciliation as a Mission Model for the First Half of the 21st Century]. Acta Missiologica, 10 (1). pp. 5-11. ISSN 2453-7160

Searle, Joshua T. (2013) Библейские и социально-этические основания для богословия миротворчества в разрешении насильственных конфликтов [The Biblical and Social-Ethical Grounds for a Theology of Peacemaking in Resolving Violent Conflicts]. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology (2013/S). pp. 215-226. ISSN 2789-1577

Searle, Joshua T. (2015) Царство Божие - Справедливость и мир: Уроки Мартина Лютера Кинга и Глена Стассена [Kingdom of God - Justice and peace: Lessons from Martin Luther King and Glen Stassen]. Богомыслие [Bogomysliye], 16. pp. 40-49.

Searle, Joshua T. (2016) The Kingdom of God is Justice and Peace: Lessons for Post-Soviet Evangelicals from Glen H. Stassen. European Journal of Theology, 25 (1). pp. 73-80.

Soloviy, Roman (2020) The Challenges of Radical Hospitality for Evangelical Public Theology: the Ukrainian Case. International Journal of Public Theology, 14 (3). pp. 276-295.

Soporan, Florian Dumitru (2014) Mission and identity: Foreign queens, founding dynasties and their subjects in central and eastern Europe. Transylvanian Review, 23 (3). pp. 108-119.

Strohm, Theodor (2012) Thesen zu: Ökumenische Diakonie im Horizont des Reiches Gottes [Theses On: Ecumenical Diakonia in the View of the Kingdom of God]. International Journal of Orthodox Theology, 3 (1). pp. 142-162. ISSN 2190-0582

Tatsiun, Radislav (2018) Біблійні аспекти культури свободи як етапу на шляху до соціального примирення [Biblical aspects of the culture of freedom as a stage on the way to social reconciliation]. Практична філософія. Науковий журнал, 2 (68). pp. 166-173.

Tatsiun, Radislav (2017) Миротворчий характер Царства: соціальна справедливість як наявність світу у світлі біблійної ідеї Ювілейного року [The peace-making nature of the Kingdom: social justice as the presence of the world in the light of the biblical idea of the Jubilee year]. Практична філософія. Науковий журнал, 4. pp. 137-146.

Tomka, Miklós (2009) Religious Identity and the Gospel of Reconciliation: A Central European View. Mission Studies, 26 (1). pp. 31-44.

Ubiparipović, Stefan (2016) Religious Identities in South-Eastern Europe: Influence of the Catholic Church in Croatia and the Serbian Orthodox Church in the 21st Century. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 36 (3). pp. 25-36. ISSN 2693-2148

Vassiliadis, Petros (2020) Mission and Reconciliation in the Orthodox Church From Busan (2013) to Karlsruhe (2022). International Review of Mission, 109 (2). pp. 180-194. ISSN 1758-6631

White, John E. (2014) Evangelicalism in Eastern Ukraine: Drifting Between Division and Unity. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 22 (3). pp. 27-28. ISSN 2576-344X

Zovkić, Mato (2002) Contributions by Religious Communities to Reconciliation in Bosnia – Reconciliation in Bosnia-Herzegovina in the Perspective of Its Catholic Inhabitants. Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 39.1.

Zvagulis, Peter (2008) Countering the Impact of Hate Speech: A Mission of Peacemaking and Reconciliation. Acta Missiologiae, 1. pp. 91-106.

Đonlagić, Halida (2021) The Effects of the Dominant Public Discourse and the Influence of (Non)Knowledge as a Sign of Resistance/Support to Women's Faith-Based Peace Activism in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 41 (3). pp. 1-19. ISSN 2693-2148

Book Section

Dolenc, Bogdan (2016) Ecumenical Dialogue in a New Europe: Steps Towards a Purification of Historical memories in the Balkans. In: Mission in Central and Eastern Europe: Realities, Perspectives, Trends. Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series (34). Regnum Books International, Oxford, UK, pp. 587-602. ISBN 9781911372172

Fabiny, Tibor (2013) The drama of reconciliation in the post-Communist Hungarian Lutheran Church. In: Mission as ministry of reconciliation. Regnum Edinburgh centenary series (16). Regnum Books International, Oxford, pp. 231-238. ISBN 9781498224123

Kalaitzidis, Pantelis and Asproulis, Nicholas (2012) Greek Religious Nationalism and the Challenges of Evangelization, Forgiveness and Reconciliation. In: Just Peace: Orthodox Perspectives. WCC Publications, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 68-89. ISBN 978-2-8254-1554-2

Kalenychenko, Tetiana (2024) Meeting the other: Peacebuilding and religious actors in a time of war. In: Dispossession: Anthropological Perspectives on Russia’s War Against Ukraine. Routledge, pp. 225-241. ISBN 978-1-032-46622-4

Kuzmič, Peter (2012) Christianity in Eastern Europe. A story of pain, glory, persecution and freedom. In: Introducing World Christianity. Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA; Oxford, pp. 77-90. ISBN 9781405182485 1405182482

Kuzmič, Peter (2013) The journey from war to peace in Bosnia: a contextual reflection of an active participant. In: Mission as ministry of reconciliation. Regnum Edinburgh centenary series (16). Regnum Books International, Oxford, pp. 223-230. ISBN 9781498224123

Măcelaru, Marcel V. (2012) Babel – From Text to Symbol: Possibilities for Reconciliation in the Hebrew Bible. In: Reconciliation: The Way of Healing and Growth. Theologie Ost-West, 16 (16). Lit Verlag, Zurich, 51–58.

Oprean, Daniel G. (2012) Reconciliation in Church and Society: Church’s Ministry as God’s Reconciliation Agency. In: Reconciliation: The Way of Healing and Growth. Theologie Ost-West (16). Lit Verlag, Wien.

Penner, Peter F. (2007) Peace Identity – Peace Witness? A Case Study from East European Context. In: Anabaptism and Mission. Schwarzenfeld: Neufeld Verlag.

Quanrud, John (2018) Paying the price: Gerasim Kyrias and the personal cost of social engagement. In: Proceedings from the Balkan Conference on the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Institute for Albanian and Protestant Studies, Tirana, pp. 255-263. ISBN 978-9928-104-85-4

Raychynets, Fedor (2019) Церковь, миссия и политика в Евангелии от Матфея [Church, mission and politics in the Gospel of Matthew]. In: Новые горизонты миссии 2 [New horizons of mission 2: The mission, the world and the church]. Kolloquium Publishing, Cherkassy, Ukraine, pp. 35-55. ISBN 978-966-8957-71-0

Shenk, David W. (2019) Peacemaking in Albania and Kosovo. In: Fruit to harvest: witness of God's great work among Muslims. William Carey Press, Littleton, CO. ISBN 9781645081623

Songulashvili, Malkhaz (2013) Georgian case of reconciliation and diakonia. In: Mission as ministry of reconciliation. Regnum Edinburgh centenary series (16). Regnum Books International, Oxford, pp. 239-251. ISBN 9781498224123

Ubeivolc, Vladimir (2015) Целостная миссия [Holistic mission]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on Missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing, pp. 397-410.

Wachsmuth, Melody J. (2020) Suffering and Missional Praxis: Analyzing Roma Narratives Through a Theological and Missiological Lens. In: Provocări și tendințe actuale în științele socio-umane [Current trends and challenges in social sciences]. Editura Universității „Aurel Vlaicu”, Arad, Romania, pp. 13-20. ISBN 978-973-752-839-1

Zagidulin, Ruslan (2019) Миссия и Шалом [Mission and Shalom]. In: Новые горизонты миссии 2 [New horizons of mission 2: The mission, the world and the church]. Kolloquium Publishing, Cherkassy, Ukraine, pp. 103-117. ISBN 978-966-8957-71-0

Conference or Workshop Item

Elsner, Regina (2020) "The Church is Always with the People": An Orthodox Paradigm in Political Turmoil. In: Berkley Forum "Orthodoxy in the Belarus Protests", Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs, Georgetown University. (Submitted)


Raber, Mary and Penner, Peter F., eds. (2011) History and Mission in Europe: Continuing the Conversation. Schwarzenfeld, Germany: Neufeld Verlag.

Schreiter, Robert J. and Jorgensen, Knud, eds. (2013) Mission as Ministry of Reconciliation. Regnum Edinburgh centenary series, 16 . Regnum Books International, Oxford. ISBN 1498224121; 9781498224123

Rakaj-Vrugtman, Leonie and Takovski, Aleksandar and Jusić, Tarik and Zekavica, Nenad and Borovska, Viktorija, eds. (2019) Role of Religion in the Western Balkans’ Societies. Instituti për Demokraci dhe Ndërmjetësim, Tirana, Albania. ISBN 978-9928-4385-3-9

Cherenkov, Mykhailo N. (2017) Целостная миссия в условиях войны: пакет идей [Holistic mission in the midst of war: some ideas]. Kiev: Mission Eurasia.

Constantineanu, Corneliu (2009) Encountering the Other: Studies in Reconciliation. Cluj-Napoca, RO: Casa Cărții de Știință.

Constantineanu, Corneliu (2010) The Social Significance of Reconciliation in Paul’s Theology: Narrative Readings in Romans. Library of New Testament Studies: London / New York: T&T Clark.

Himcinschi, Mihai (2010) Violenţa - o analiză misionară şi teologică [Violence - a missionary and theological analysis]. Edit. Reîntregirea, Alba Iulia.

Kulichev, Khristo Khristov (2008) Заслугите на протестантите за българския народ / Zaslugite na protestantite za bŭlgarskii︠a︡ narod [The Merits of the Protestants for the Bulgarian People]. University of St. Kliment Okhridski, Sofia, Bulgaria. ISBN 9789546700674

Lukešová, Anna (ed.) (1990) Spravedlnost, mír a integrita stvoření: Příspěvky ke „konciliárnímu proces“ z členských církví Ekumenické rady církví v ČSSR [Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation: Contributions to the “Conciliatory Process” of Member Churches of the Ecumenical Council of Churches in Czechoslovakia]. Ústřední církevní nakladatelství, Praha.

Merdjanova, Ina and Brodeur, Patrice (2010) Междурелигиозният диалог за изграждане на мир на Балканите [Interreligious Dialogue for Peace-Building in the Balkans]. Фондация ДЕМОС [Demos Foundation], Silistra, Bulgaria. ISBN 9789549265514

Penner, Peter F. and Ubeivolc, Vladimir and Rusin, Ivan and Zagidulin, Ruslan (2015) Новые горизонты миссии: размышления о missio Dei в постсоветском пространстве [New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on missio Dei in the FSU]. Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing.

Rogers, Tomas Bamat (2008) Pursuing just peace: an overview and case studies for faith-based peacebuilders. Catholic Relief Services, Baltimore.

Salajka, Milan (1983) Křesťané v zápasech o mír a pokoj ve světě: k dvacátému pátému výročí zaloţení Křesťanské mírové konferenc [Christians discussing Peace in the World: The 20th Anniversary of the Christian Peace Conference]. Praha: Regionální sdruţení KMK v ČSSR.

Savić, Svenka (2017) Doprinos izgradnji mira sveštenica protestantskih crkava u Vojvodini [Women Pastor's Contribution to Peacebuilding in Protestant Churches in Vojvodina]. Udruženje "Ženske studije i istraživanja" / Futura Publikacije, Belgrade, Serbia. ISBN 978-86-7188-172-2


Brickell, Claire (2013) Migration with a mission: geographies of evangelical mission(aries) to post communist Albania. Doctoral thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

Constantineanu, Corneliu (2006) The Social Significance of Reconciliation in Paul's Theology, With Particular Reference to the Romanian Context. Doctoral thesis, University of Leeds / Oxford Centre for Mission Studies.

Goodwin, Stephen R. (2005) Fractured Land, Healing Nations: A Contextual Analysis of the Role of Religious Faith Sodalities Towards Peace-Building in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Doctoral thesis, The University of Edinburgh.

Magda Džafić, Ela (2011) The Role and Responsibility of Religion and Religious Communities in the 1991-1995 Wars in Former Yugoslavia. Masters thesis, Trinity College Dublin.

Parushev, Parush R. (2006) Walking in the Dawn of the Light: On the Salvation Ethics of the Ecclesial Communities in the Orthodox Tradition from a Radical Reformation Perspective. Doctoral thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary.

Tatsiun, Radislav (2021) Миротворчий потенціал сучасної протестанської теології в Україні [The peacemaking potential of modern Protestant theology in Ukraine]. Doctoral thesis, Ukrainian Dragomanov Pedagogical University.

Tomková, Barbora (2009) Vliv Jana XXIII. na zachování světového míru v souvislosti se změnou smýšlení katolické církve [Influence of John XXIII to maintain world peace in connection with changing the mind of the Catholic Church]. Other thesis, Prague: Univerzita Karlova.

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