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Acan, Biljana and Ivanković, Ljilja (2008) Zajednica Arka: jedinstvo u različitostima [The Arc: Unity in Differences]. Nova Prisutnost, 6 (3). pp. 464-472. ISSN 1848-8676

Bakmaz, Marina and Zubić, Zrinka (2008) Zajednica "Vjera i svjetlo" [Organization "Faith and Light"]. Nova Prisutnost, 6 (3). pp. 473-483. ISSN 1848-8676

Czovek, Tamas (2008) Creation and Mission. Acta Missiologiae, 1. pp. 107-124. ISSN 2060-2104

Dabić, Goran (2008) Lik, narav i spasenjsko poslanje vjernika laika u Crkvi [The Figure, Nature and Salvational Mission of The Lay Faithful in the Church]. Bogoslovska smotra, 78 (3). pp. 559-581. ISSN 1848-9648

Danilov, Andrei (2008) Pentecostal and Orthodox in Common Cause. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 16 (3). p. 16.

Davies, D. P. (2008) Who does Theology? Transformation, 25 (2). pp. 73-79.

Gonda, László (2008) Meghívás a hit asztalához. Gondolatok a missziói kommunikáció kérdéséhez [Invitation to the table of faith. Thoughts on the issue of mission communication]. Mediárium, II (1-2). pp. 12-17.

Gorniak-Kocikowska, Krystyna (2008) Tensions in Poland over Ecumenical Dialogue. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 28 (1). pp. 9-18.

Hibbert, Richard Y. (2008) Defilement and Cleansing: A Possible Approach to Christian Encounter with Muslims. Missiology: An International Review, 36 (3). pp. 343-355. ISSN 2051-3623

Hošek, Pavel (2008) Towards a dialogical ´global theology´: Wolfhart Pannenberg and Wilfred Cantwell Smith. Communio Viatorum, 50. pp. 257-275.

Ivanović, Filip (2008) Ancient Glory and New Mission: The Serbian Orthodox Church. Studies in World Christianity, 14 (3). pp. 220-232. ISSN 1750-0230

Jackson, Darrell (2008) Proselytism in a Central and Eastern European perspective. Journal of European Baptist Studies, 8. pp. 18-36.

Jambrek, Stanko (2008) The Great Commission in the Context of the Evangelical Churches of Croatia in the Second Part of the Twentieth Century. Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology, 2 (2). pp. 153-179. ISSN 1846-4599

Jambrek, Stanko (2008) Veliko poslanje u kontekstu crkava reformacije baštine u Hrvatskoj u drugoj polovici dvadesetoga stoljeća [The Great Commission in the Context of the Evangelical Churches of Croatia in the Second Part of the Twentieth Century]. Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology, 2 (2). pp. 215-239. ISSN 1846-4599

Kalkandjieva, Daniela (2008) ‘Secular Orthodox Christianity’ versus ‘Religious Islam’ in Postcommunist Bulgaria. Religion, State and Society, 36 (4). pp. 423-434. ISSN 1465-3974

Karpov, Vyacheslav and Lisovskaya, Elena (2008) Religious Intolerance among Orthodox Christians and Muslims in Russia. Religion, State and Society, 36 (4). pp. 361-377. ISSN 1465-3974

Kerovec, Roko (2008) Kristovo uskrsnuće i eshatološka vizija Božjeg kraljevstva kao platforma evangelizacijske prakse: izazovi i mogućnosti evanđeoskog poslanja [The Resurrection of Christ and the Eschatological Vision of the Kingdom of God as the Platform for Evangelistic Practice: The Challenges and Possibilities of the Evangelical Commission]. Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology, 2 (2). pp. 249-266. ISSN 1846-4599

Klingsmith, Scott (2008) Factors in the Rise of Missionary Sending Movements in East-Central Europe. Acta Missiologiae, 1. pp. 153-176.

Kodácsy, Tamas (2008) Interdisciplinary Courses and the Christian Identity of a University. Acta Missiologiae, 1. pp. 55-66. ISSN 2060-2104

Kool, Anne-Marie (2008) Leadership Issues in Central and Eastern Europe: Continuing Trends and Challenges in Mission and Missiology. Acta Missiologiae, No.1,2. pp. 135-152.

Kool, Anne-Marie (2008) Trends and Challenges in Mission and Missiology in “Post-Communist” Europe. Mission Studies, 25. pp. 21-36.

Koprek, Katarina (2008) Glazba kao sredstvo evangelizacije. Razmišljanja o duhovnoj, svetoj i liturgijskoj glazbi [Music as a Means of Evangelization. Thoughts on Spiritual, Sacred and Liturgical Music]. Obnovljeni život: časopis za filozofiju i religijske znanosti, 63 (2). pp. 127-136. ISSN 1849-0182

Kowalewski, Wojciech (2008) Towards an Integrative Approach in Post-Communist Missiological Thinking: A Polish Study Case. Acta Missiologiae, 1. pp. 67-90.

Kuburić, Zorica (2008) The Role of Religion in Identity Formation and Social Distancing in the Balkans. Divided God and Intercultural Dialog, 2008. pp. 153-70.

Kurg, Ingmar (2008) Evangelisatsioon kui kommunikatsioon: religioonisotsioloogiline vaatlus krusaadi Pro Christ näitel [Evangelization as Communication, Observations in Sociology]. Usuteaduslik Ajakiri, 1 (57). pp. 65-83. ISSN 1406-6564

Lankauskas, Gediminas (2008) On the charisma, civility, and practical goodness of "modern" Christianity in post-Soviet Lithuania. Focaal, 51. pp. 93-112.

Ledbetter, Dale Alan (2008) Baptist Church Planting in Odessa, Ukraine. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 16 (1). pp. 7-9.

Leutar, Zdravka and Josipović, Ana Marija (2008) Neke dimenzije religioznosti mladih [Some Dimensions of Religiosity Amongst Young People]. Nova Prisutnost, 6 (3). pp. 397-420. ISSN 1848-8676

Magda, Ksenija (2008) Jedinstvo kao preduvjet kršćanskog poslanja: misiološko čitanje Rim 15,1-12 [Unity as a Prerequisite for a Christian Mission: A Missional Reading of Rom 15:1-12]. Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology, 2 (1). pp. 39-51. ISSN 1846-4599

Malancea, Mihai (2008) Principii teologice privind modelul evanghelic de misiune I [Theological principles regarding an evangelical model of mission]. Pulsul Slujirii - Pulse of Ministry, 14. pp. 31-42.

Masarik, Albin (2008) Misijný cieľ pohrebnej kázne [Mission intentions of funeral preaching]. Evanjelikálny teologický časopis, 2. pp. 28-34. ISSN 1336-1783

McBrien, Julie and Pelkmans, Mathijs (2008) Turning Marx on his Head: Missionaries, ‘Extremists’ and Archaic Secularists in Post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan. Critique of Anthropology, 28 (1). pp. 87-103.

Mojzes, Paul (2008) Orthodoxy and Islam in the Balkans: Conflict or Cooperation? Religion, State and Society, 36 (4). pp. 407-421. ISSN 1465-3974

Murzaku, Ines A. (2008) Inter-Church and Inter-Religious Tensions in Postcommunist Eastern Europe: The Case of Albania. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 28 (1). pp. 1-8.

Penner, Peter F. (2008) Western Missionaries in Central and Eastern Europe. Acta Missiologiae, 1. pp. 33-54.

Peterlin, Davorin (2008) Was there a Formative Russian Influence on Yugoslavian Baptists? Religion, State and Society, 36 (1). pp. 65-104.

Peterlin, Davorin (2008) Yakov Mikhailovich Chernozubov: A Siberian Baptist Remembered. Baptist Quarterly, 42 (5). pp. 354-377.

Peyrouse, Sébastien (2008) Christian Movements in Central Asia: Managing a Religious Minority in Soviet Times. Acta Slavica Iaponica, 25. pp. 135-161.

Peyrouse, Sébastien (2008) The Partnership between Islam and Orthodox Christianity in Central Asia. Religion, State and Society, 36 (4). pp. 393-405. ISSN 1465-3974

Poperechniy, Pavel (2008) Реакция христиан на страдания общества: уроки притчи о добром самарянине [How can Christians react to the pain in society: lessons from the Good Samaritan]. Pulsul Slujirii - Pulse of Ministry, 14. pp. 3-9.

Puljić, Želimir (2008) Put ljepote za evangelizaciju i dijalog [The Road of Beauty for Evangelization and Dialogue]. Vrhbosnensia: časopis za teološka i međureligijska pitanja, 12 (1). pp. 168-176. ISSN 2233-1387

Raguž, Ivica (2008) Crkveni pokreti kao crkva u pokretu: Promišljanja o ekleziološkome identitetu crkvenih pokreta [Church Movements Like the Church in Motion: Thoughts About the Ecclesiological Identity of Church Movements]. Bogoslovska smotra, 78 (2). pp. 385-403. ISSN 1848-9648

Sawatsky, Walter (2008) Orthodox-Evangelical Protestant Dialogue on Mission-Challenges and Shifting Options. Acta Missiologiae, 1. pp. 11-32. ISSN 2060-2104

Shore, Paul (2008) The Life and Death of a Jesuit Mission: The Collegium in Uzhgorod, Transcarpathia (1650–1773). Slavonic and East European Review, 86 (4). pp. 601-633. ISSN 0037-6795

Sivov, Plamen (2008) The Church as an Agent of Community Development in Bulgaria. Studies in World Christianity, 14 (3). pp. 214-219. ISSN 1750-0230


Sremac, Srđan (2008) Protestantsko obraćenje i pravoslavno preumljenje: uticaj obraćenja / preumljenja na promenu ličnosti [Protestant conversion and Orthodox "preumljenje": Influence of conversion / "preumljenje" On Changes in Personality]. Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology, 2 (2). pp. 283-296. ISSN 1846-4599

Stachowski, Zbigniew (2008) The Polish Church and John Paul II’s Evangelization Mission in Slavic Countries. Religious Studies and Theology, 27 (1). pp. 115-125.

Turlac, Oleg P. (2008) Обращение по дороге, ведущей в Газу: практические аспекты христианского свидетельства. Комментарий на Деяния 8:26-40 [A conversion on the path to Gaza: practical aspects of Christian witness according to Acts 8:26-40]. Pulsul Slujirir - Pulse of Ministry, 14. pp. 16-29.

Vargović, Zoran (2008) Pristup čovjeku u kontekstu pastoralne brige [Approach to People in the Context of Pastoral Care]. Nova Prisutnost, 6 (3). pp. 373-394. ISSN 1848-8676

White, John E. (2008) The Unveiled and Broken Missionary. Acta Missiologiae, 1. pp. 125-134. ISSN 2060-2104

Wunderink, Susan (2008) Eastern Europe's Evangelical Hub: A scholar discusses the development of evangelicalism in Ukraine (An interview with Catherine Warner by Susan Wunderink). Christianity Today.

Zorec, Franc (2008) Misijonska razsežnost v katehezi [Missionary Dimension in Catechesis]. Bogoslovni vestnik, 68 (2). pp. 265-277. ISSN 1581-2987

Zovkić, Mato (2008) Faith and National Identity of Catholics in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Building a Better Bridge: Muslims, Christians and the Common Good: A Record of the Fourth Building Bridges Seminar Held in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, May 15–18, 2005.

Zvagulis, Peter (2008) Countering the Impact of Hate Speech: A Mission of Peacemaking and Reconciliation. Acta Missiologiae, 1. pp. 91-106.

Book Section

Constantineanu, Corneliu (2008) Reconciliation as a Missiological Category for Social Engagement: A Pauline Perspective from Romans 12:9-21. In: Bible and Mission: A Conversation Between Biblical Studies and Missiology. Neufeld Verlag Schwarzenfeld, Germany, pp. 132-159. ISBN 978-3937896694

Gelu, Călina I. (2008) Despre multitudinea raporturilor religiei cu cetatea [About the multitude of relations of religion with the state]. In: Ethos şi Etnos. Aspecte teologice şi sociale ale mărturiei creştine [Ethos and ethnos: theological and social aspects of Christian testimony]. Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 472-485.

Gelu, Călina I. (2008) Public Space and Private Space in the Ecumenical Debate. In: Itinerario e il contenuto del formare ecumenico. Istituto di Studi Ecumenici S. Bernardino, Venice, Italy, pp. 186-218.

Himcinschi, Mihai (2008) Ethos misionar ortodox [Orthodox mission ethos]. In: Etica, etnie, confesiune. Edit. Renaşterea, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 57-69. ISBN 979-973-1714-11-0

Irby, Joshua T. (2008) The Protestant Contribution to Education in 19th Century Bosnia-Herzegovina, as seen in the work of Adeline Paulina Irby. In: Conference Proceedings from the Balkan Conferenceon the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Institute for Albanian and Protestant Studies, Tirana, pp. 107-136.

Kasselouri-Hatzivassiliadi, Eleni (2008) Women and Mission in the New Testament. In: Einheit der Kirche im Neuen Testament [Church Unity in the New Testament]. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament . Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, Germany, pp. 103-120. ISBN 978-3-16-149560-1

Kowalewski, Wojciech (2008) Evangelicals and Socio-Political Involvement in Post-Communist Poland. In: Dynamizing Evangelical Witness in Post-Communist Era. ECM, Prague, pp. 63-77.

Mamulea, Mona (2008) Religion, Ecumenism and Cultural Identity: A Romanian Controversy of Modern Period. In: Itinerario e il contenuto del formare ecumenico. Istituto di Studi Ecumenici S. Bernardino, Venice, Italy, pp. 110-119.

Opatrný, Aleš (2008) Mezináboţenský dialog v Čechách [Interfaith dialogue in Czech]. In: Všechno je milost: sborník k poctě 80. narozenin Ludvíka Armbrustera. Praha: Karolinum.

Parushev, Parush R. (2008) A Baptist's Perspective on the Ecumenical Plurality of Missional Witness to the Way of Christ. In: Ökumene des Lebens als Herausforderung der wissenschaftlichen Theologie [Ecumenism of Life as a Challenge for Academic Theology]. Beiheft zur Ökumenischen Rundschau (82). Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Verlag Otto Lembeck, pp. 275-296.

Penner, Peter F. (2008) The Use of the Book of Acts in Mission Theology and Praxis. In: Bible and Mission: A Conversation Between Biblical Studies and Missiology. Schwarzenfeld: Neufeld Verlag.

Vagramenko, Tatiana (2008) Традиционная культура ненцев Ямала в представлении христианских миссионеров: язычество или «Ветхий Завет»? [Traditional culture of the Yamal Nenets in the view of Christian missionaries: paganism or the ‘Old Testament’?]. In: Радловский сборник: научные исследования и музейные проекты МАЭ РАН в 2007 г. [Radlovskii sbornik: nauchnye issledovaniia i muzeinye proekty MAE RAN v 2007 g.]. Muzei anthropologii i etnografii Rossiiskoi akademii nauk, St. Petersburg, pp. 257-263.

Vokoun, Jaroslav (2008) Ekumenické koncily jako model ekumenismu [Ecumenical Councils as a model of ecumenism]. In: Všechno je milost: sborník k poctě 80. narozenin Ludvíka Armbrustera. Praha: Karolinum.

van Gorder, Andrew Christian (2008) Post-Soviet Protestant missionary efforts in Central Asia. In: Muslim-Christian Relations in Central Asia. Central Asian Studies . Routledge, pp. 91-111. ISBN 9780415776080

van Gorder, Andrew Christian (2008) The history of Christianity in Central Asia. In: Muslim-Christian Relations in Central Asia. Central Asian Studies . Routledge, pp. 49-60. ISBN 9780415776080

Conference or Workshop Item

Kool, Anne-Marie (2008) Missionair gemeente zijn in Oost en West [Being a Missionary congregation in East and West]. In: Themadag Gemeentecontacten van Het Central and Eastern European Institute for Mission Studies (CIMS) [Theme day for Congregational twinning links organized by The Central and Eastern European Institute for Mission Studies], 9th February 2008, Sionspoort, Houten. (Unpublished)

Radford, David (2008) The conversion of Kyrgyz to the Christian faith - A case study on a new religious movement in the post-Soviet era. In: International Conference: Twenty Years and More: Research into Minority Religions, New Religious Movements and 'the New Spirituality', April 2008, London, UK.


Floss, Karel and Hošek, Pavel and Štampach, Odilo Ivan and Vojtíšek, Zdeněk, eds. (2008) Cesty k porozumění jinému: teologie, religionistika a mezináboţenský dialog v pojetí Wilfreda Cantwella Smithe [Ways to understand the Other: Theology, religion, and interfaith dialogue in the concept of Wilfred Cantwell Smith]. Praha: Dingir.

Procházka, Pavel, ed. (2008) Dynamizing evangelical witness in post-communist era : increasing effectiveness of the evangelical churches in the Slovak Republic by making the best of critical theology. Praha:ECM. ISBN 9788073560195

Veronis, Luke Alexander, ed. (2008) Lynette's Hope: The Witness of Lynette Katherine Hoppe's Life and Death. Conciliar Press Ministries, California, United States of America. ISBN 9781888212990

Veronis, Luke Alexander, ed. (2008) Lynette's hope : the witness of Lynette Katherine Hoppe's life and death. Conciliar Press Ministries, Ben Lomond, California, USA. ISBN 9781888212990

Călina, I. Gelu (2008) Misiologie: Curs Universitar Missiology: University Textbook. Universitaria, Craiova:.

David, Jiří (2008) Novodobý stav Velké Rusi neboli Moskevska: přijetí a vyhnání otcú Tovaryšstva Jeţíšova, zburcované převraty a revoluce, mravy a ctnosti lidu, jak politické, tak církevní, krátce popsané [The modern state of Great Russia or Muscovite: the adoption and expulsion of the fathers of Jesus' Communion, the crackdowns of the revolution and the morals and virtues of the people, both political and ecclesiastical, briefly described]. Olomouc: Refugium Velehrad-Roma. ISBN 978-80-86715-96-4

Filipi, Pavel (2008) Po ekumenickém chodníku: příručka ke vztahům a moţnostem spolupráce mezi církvemi [Along the ecumenical walkway: a guide to relationships and the possibilities of co-operation among churches]. Praha: Kalich. ISBN 978-80-87098-05-9

Gelu, Călina I. (2008) Misiologie. Curs universitar [Missiology: University course]. ed. Universitaria, Craiova. ISBN 9786065100695

Grams, Rollin Gene (2008) Bible and Mission: A Conversation Between Biblical Studies and Missiology. "An occasional publication of the International Baptist Theological Seminary" . Neufeld Verlag, Schwarzenfeld, Germany.

Himcinschi, Mihai (2008) Misionarismul vieţii ecleziale [The mission of the ecclesial life). Edit. Reîntregirea, Alba Iulia. ISBN 978- 973-7879-91-2

Himcinschi, Mihai (2008) Mărturie şi dialog. Aspecte misionare în societatea actuală [Testimony and dialogue. Missionary aspects in today's society]. Edit. Reîntregirea, Alba Iulia.

Kozhuharov, Valentin (2008) Misionerskata deinost na Ruskata pravoslavna cyrkva dnes. Dokumenti i analizi [The Missionary Activity of the Russian Orthodox Church Today. Documents and Analysis]. Vesta, Veliko Tyrnovo. ISBN 978-965-543-028-2

Kulichev, Khristo Khristov (2008) Заслугите на протестантите за българския народ / Zaslugite na protestantite za bŭlgarskii︠a︡ narod [The Merits of the Protestants for the Bulgarian People]. University of St. Kliment Okhridski, Sofia, Bulgaria. ISBN 9789546700674

Oprenov, Theodor (2008) Божието слово и мисията на баптистката църга в България [The Word of God and the mission of the Baptist Church in Bulgaria]. [not identified], Sofia, Bulgaria.

Oprenova, Dimitrina V. (2008) Baptists and Political Activity in Bulgaria: Mapping the Features of the Bulgarian Baptist Theology of Culture in Relation to Their Political Involvement. International Baptist Theological Seminary (IBTS), Prague, Czech Republic.

Procházka, Pavel (2008) Kapitoly z ekumeniky [Ecumenical Chapters]. Banská Bystrica: Univerzita Mateja Bela, Občianske zdruţenie Pedagóg.

Rogers, Tomas Bamat (2008) Pursuing just peace: an overview and case studies for faith-based peacebuilders. Catholic Relief Services, Baltimore.

Ubeivolc, Vladimir (2008) Концепция социального служения евангельских церквей [A Concept for Social Ministry for Evangelical Churches]. Chisinau: ‘Nachalo Zhizni’.

Vidović, Dane (2008) Iz baptističke riznice: prilozi za istoriju baptista na Baniji [From the Baptist Treasury: Contributions for the History of Baptists in Banija]. Savez baptističkih crkava u Srbiji [Baptist Union Serbia], Belgrade, Serbia. ISBN 978-86-87745-00-1


Atanasov, Miroslav A (2008) Gypsy Pentecostals: The Growth of the Pentecostal Movement among the Roma in Bulgaria and Its Revitalization of Their Communities. Doctoral thesis, Wilmore, KY: Asbury Theological Seminary.

Bargár, Pavol (2008) Mýty moderného človeka [Myths of the Contemporary Man: An Application of the "Mythic Reading" Method to the Selected Works of the World of the World Literature of the 20th and 21st Centuries]. Doctoral thesis, Protestant Theological Faculty of the Charles University, Prague.

Bulzan, Ovidiu Simion (2008) Church architecture and Baptist missions in Transylvania 1871--1918: A study of the role played by vernacular architecture in the missionary efforts of the Baptists in Transylvania, 1871 -1918. Doctoral thesis, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Clement, Daniel Joseph (2008) Evaluation of Campus Crusade for Christ's missionary training in Romania. Doctoral thesis, Columbia International University.

Gonda, László (2008) The Service of Evangelism, the Evangelism of Service: The Influence of John R. Mott, Hendrik Kraemer, Willem A. Visser’t Hooft and Johannes C. Hoekendijk on the Development of the Understanding of Mission in the Reformed Church in Hungary (1910–1968). Doctoral thesis, University of Utrecht.

Hibbert, Richard Y. (2008) Stagnation and Decline Following Rapid Growth in Turkish-Speaking Roma Churches in Bulgaria. Doctoral thesis, Deerfield, IL: Trinity International University.

Magda, Ksenija (2008) Paul's Territoriality and Mission Strategy: Searching for the Geographical Awareness Paradigm behind Romans. Doctoral thesis, London School of Theology.

Markov, Alexandr (2008) Mission strategy in the conditions of contemporary Russia. Masters thesis, IBTS Prague.

Nagy, Dorottya (2008) Migration and Theology: The Case of Chinese Christian Communities in Hungary and Romania in the Globalisation-Context. Doctoral thesis, University of Utrecht.

Pali, Nathan D. (2008) The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints enters Albania, 1992-1999. Masters thesis, Brigham Young University Provo, Utah, USA.

Prevette, William C. (2008) Faith-based Organizations and Evangelical Churches in Romania: An investigation of partnership in reference to children and youth in crisis between 1990 and 2004. Doctoral thesis, Oxford Centre for Mission Studies; University of Wales.

Rybecká, Ludmila (2008) Teologická povaha evangelizace a její význam pro duchovní ţivot evangelizátora [The Theological Nature of Evangelisation and its Meaning for the Spiritual Life of the Evangelizer]. Other thesis, Praha: KTF UK.

Talos, Vasile Alexandru (2008) Church in the apostolic spirit: A strategy for building indigenous apostolic congregations in the cultural context of Eastern Orthodox and post-Communist Romania. Doctoral thesis, Asbury Theological Seminary.

Vanderwerf, Mark (2008) A missiological examination of national identity in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Doctoral thesis, Ashbury Theological Seminary.

Weonjin, Choi (2008) An Appraisal of Korean Baptist Missions in Kazakhstan, Central Asia. Doctoral thesis, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Šoltésová, Viktória (2008) Participácia katechézy na ovplyvňovaní hodnotových orientácií rómskych detí [Contribution of catechesis in influencing the values of Romani children values]. Doctoral thesis, PF UMB.

Žďánská, Barbora (2008) Ekumenismus a mezináboţenský dialog v době globalizace a v kontextu trvale udrţitelného rozvoje [Ecumenism and Interfaith Dialogue in the Age of Globalization and in the Context of Sustainable Development]. Masters thesis, Praha: FHS UK.

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