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Asamoah-Gyadu, Johnson Kwabena (2012) To the Ends of the Earth”: Mission, Migration and the Impact of African-led Pentecostal Churches in the European Diaspora. Mission Studies, 29 (1). pp. 23-44. ISSN 0168-9789
Brüning (Bruening), Alfons (2012) Religious Conversions in Early 18th Century Ukraine. In: Theatrum Humanae Vitae. Studii na poshanu Natalii Iakovenko [Studies in Honor of Natalia Iakovenko]. Laurus, Kyiv, pp. 605-624. ISBN 978-966-2449-15-0
Dani, Eszter (2012) Traits and Methodologies of Authentic Evangelism. International Review of Mission, 101 (2). pp. 388-392. ISSN 1758-6631
Flyugrant, Sergei (2012) Исследование «Великого поручения» в Евангелии от Матфея 28:18-20 [An Analysis of the Great Commandment in the Gospel of Matthew 28:18-20]. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology (2012/S). pp. 32-45. ISSN 2789-1577
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Kovaliv, Petr (2012) Истинное Богословие Креста и Миссия Церкви [True Theology of the Cross and the Mission of the Church]. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology (2012/S). pp. 97-127. ISSN 2789-1577
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Raychynets, Fedor (2012) Церковь перед государством: миссия свидетельства и напоминания [Church and government: The Mission of Witness and Reminder]. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology (2012/S). pp. 79-98. ISSN 2789-1577
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Zorgdrager, Heleen (2012) Moral guardian or kenotic servant? A theological view on the role of the churches in empowering civil society in Ukraine. Religion in Eastern Europe, 32 (4). pp. 26-32.