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Angelov, Theodor (2001) The Baptist Movement in Bulgaria. Journal of European Baptist Studies, 1 (3). pp. 8-18. ISSN 1213-1520

Anonymous (2012) Kazakh Church Dependence upon Foreign Support and Ways to Overcome it. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 20 (4). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2576-344X

Asamoah-Gyadu, Johnson Kwabena (2006) African Initiated Christianity in Eastern Europe: Church of the “Embassy of God” in Ukraine. International Bulletin of Mission Research, 30 (2). pp. 73-75. ISSN 2396-9407

Asamoah-Gyadu, Johnson Kwabena (2012) To the Ends of the Earth”: Mission, Migration and the Impact of African-led Pentecostal Churches in the European Diaspora. Mission Studies, 29 (1). pp. 23-44. ISSN 0168-9789

Asamoah-Gyadu, Johnson Kwabena (2010) "Unwanted Sectarians": Spirit, Migration and Mission in an African-led Mega-Size Church in Eastern Europe. Evangelical Review of Theology, 34 (1). pp. 71-78. ISSN 0144-8153


Bargár, Pavol (2014) Nigerian-Initiated Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches in the Czech Republic: Active Missionary Force or a Cultural Ghetto? Exchange, 43 (1). pp. 48-67.

Beláňová, Andrea and Havlíček, Tomáš and Klingorová, Kamila and Vojtíšek, Zdeněk (2020) Building the Church and Missionizing in a 'Religiously Indifferent' Country: Korean Protestant Churches in Czechia. Journal of Religion in Europe, 12 (3). pp. 310-335.

Bjelajac, Branko (2003) ПРОТЕСТАНТИЗАМ У СРБИЈИ. Прилози за историју реформацијског наслеђа у Србији I. део [Protestantism in Serbia. Contributions to the History of the Reformation Heritage in Serbia, Part 1]. Alfa i Omega, Belgrade, Serbia. ISBN 86-81809-34-2

Bjelajac, Branko (2010) ПРОТЕСТАНТИЗАМ У СРБИЈИ. Прилози за историју реформацијског наслеђа у Србији II. део [Protestantism in Serbia. Contributions to the History of the Reformation Heritage in Serbia, Part 2]. Soteria, Belgrade, Serbia. ISBN 978-86-81809-90-7

Borbieva, Noor O'Neill (2023) New churches and the religious freedom agenda in Kyrgyzstan. In: The Central Asian World. Routledge, London, 17 pages. ISBN 9781003021803

Brumbelow, Gary (1995) The other side of Russia: Evangelical ministries in Siberia. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 3 (2). pp. 1-3. ISSN 2576-344X

Budiselić, Ervin (2013) Pravilno razumijevanje evanđelja kao ključ za zdravu evangelizaciju, život i službu Crkve [A Proper Understanding of the Gospel as the Key for Healthy Church Evangelism, Life and Ministry]. Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology, 7 (1). pp. 9-32. ISSN 1846-4599

Bütösi, János (1998) "Csodák" a missziói konferencián Debrecenben ["Miracles" at the mission conference in Debrecen]. Református Tiszántúl, 6 (3). pp. 15-16.


Carr, Chris (2013) House Church Planting in Bashkortostan, Russia. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 21 (2). pp. 4-7. ISSN 2576-344X

Carr, Chris (2010) Training and Encouraging Key Russian Evangelical Leaders and Believers in Ufa and Bashkortostan, Russia, to Adopt House- and Cell-Church Models and Methods as Viable Possibilities for Church Planting. Doctoral thesis, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City, Missouri..

Chilcote, Paul W. and Schuler, Ulrike (2017) Methodist Bible Women in Bulgaria and Italy. Methodist History, 55 (1-2). pp. 108-127. ISSN 0026-1238

Chilcote, Paul W. and Schuler, Ulrike (2017) Methodist Women Missionaries in Bulgaria and Italy. Methodist History, 55 (3). pp. 180-196. ISSN 0026-1238

Clausen, Matthias and Herbst, Michael and Schlegel, Thomas (2013) Alles auf Anfang. Missionarische Impulse für eine Kirche in nachkirchlicher Zeit [Everything back to the beginning. Missionary impulses for a church in post-church times]. BEG, 19 . Neukirchen-Vluyn.


Dani, Eszter (2012) Traits and Methodologies of Authentic Evangelism. International Review of Mission, 101 (2). pp. 388-392. ISSN 1758-6631

Didara, Miroslav (2005) Developing a Deeper Understanding of God: a Strategy for Revitalizing the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Croatia. Doctoral thesis, Andrews University.

Dolista, Josef (2000) Misijní práce jako aktuální výzva všem křesťanům [Mission engagement as a current challenge to all Christians]. Studia theologica II, 2. pp. 51-57.

Dubrovskiy, Mikhail (2012) Соборность – следующий шаг в реформации [Conciliarity (Sobornost') as the next step of Reformation]. In: Восстановление оснований [Restoring the foundations]. Философско-религиозные тетради. Материалы второй ежегодной конференции «Реформация vs Революция» [Philosophical and religious notes. Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference "Reformation vs. Revolution"] (4). Evangelical Christians-Baptists in Russia, Moscow, pp. 91-99. ISBN 978-5-905150-04-3

Dubrovskiy, Mikhail (2011) Оправдание будущего как богословско-социальная задача Церкви [The justification of the future as a theological-social task of the Church]. In: Философско-религиозные тетради. Материалы Первой Философско-религиозной Конференции [Philosophical and religious notes. Proceedings of the First Philosophical-Religious Conference]. Evangelical Christians-Baptists in Russia, Moscow, pp. 38-46. ISBN 978-5-905150-02-9

Duke, James W. (2001) The Impact of Orthodoxy, Politics, and Economics on Baptist Mission Work in Bulgaria. Masters thesis, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Dyck, Johannes (2018) Миссионерская стратегия раннего южнорусского баптизма (1860-1887) [Missionary strategy of early Baptists in South Russia (1860-1887)]. In: Миссия в евро-азиатском пространстве [Mission in Eurasian Space]. Bible for All, St. Petersburg, pp. 109-129. ISBN 978-5-7454-1524-1


Edworthy, Mark S. (2011) International Mission Board Church Planting in Central and Eastern Europe. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 19 (4). pp. 4-6. ISSN 2576-344X

Elliott, Mark R. (2020) The Arduous Path of Post-Soviet Protestant Theological Education. Academic books, 35 . Asbury theological seminary. ISBN 9781648170058

Elliott, Mark R. (2020) Dependency Versus Sustainability in Missions in the Russian and African Contexts. Missiology: An International Review, 48 (1). pp. 83-93. ISSN 2051-3623

Eždenci, Slavko (2011) An assessment of the viability of church planting in Belgrade. Acta Missiologiae, 3 (2). pp. 7-32.


Fodorean, Daniel (2016) Noile modele ecleziale în postmodernitate [New ecclesial models in postmodernity]. Pulsul Slujirii - Pulse of Ministry, 24. pp. 78-88.

Fodorean, Daniel (2020) "Replantarea Bisericii": De la concept la implementare ["Replanting the Church": From Concept to Implementation]. Jurnal Teologic, 19 (1). pp. 51-83.

Freitinger, Pavel (1981) Karel Machotka: Úryvek z práce o přestupovém hnutí na Domaţlicku [Karel Machotka: An excerpt from the work on the transfer movement in Domaţlicko]. Křesťanská revue, 48. pp. 61-69.


Gaál, Sándor (2005) "A kezdeményező egyház" - Victor János egyházépítő szolgálata különös tekintettel a misszióra és a gyülekezetépítésre [“Initiative Church” - János Victor’s Contribution to the Issue of Church Development with Special Attention to Missions and Church Growth in the Reformed Church in Hungary]. Doctoral thesis, Debreceni Református Hittudományi Egyetem.

Golovin, Sergei L. (2009) Worldview: The Missing Dimension of Evangelism in Post Communist Societies. Doctoral thesis, Wilmore, KY: Asbury Theological Seminary.

Gonda, László (2004) Dimenzió és intenció. Missziológiai szempontok a gyülekezeti megújulás kérdéséhez [Dimension and intention. Missiological aspects of congregational renewal]. In: En Christ. Tanulmányok a 85. Dr. Bütösi János tiszteletére [In Christ: Studies in honor of the 85th birthday of Dr. János Bütösi]. Debreceni Református Hittudományi Egyetem, Debrecen, pp. 187-195.


Halasova, Tereza (2014) Sociologické a teologické příčiny vzniku Církve víry [Sociological and Theological Causes of Formation of the Faith Church]. Masters thesis, Charles University, Prague.

Hanes, Pavel (2013) Teologické princípy evanjelizácie [Theological principles of evangelism]. Misiologické fórum, 4. pp. 32-39. ISSN 1805-7934

Herbst, Michael (2013) Church Planting – Was lernen wir von neuen Gemeindegründungen? [What do we learn from new church plants?]. Lebendige Seelsorge, 64. pp. 2-7.

Herbst, Michael (2013) Kirche mit Mission. Beiträge zu Fragen des Gemeindeaufbaus [Church with a mission. Contributions to questions of church planting]. BEG, 20 . Neukirchen-Vluyn.

Herbst, Michael (2012) Konversion und Gemeindeaufbau. Eine praktisch-theologische Skizze [Conversion and church planting. A practical theological sketch]. In: Konversion zwischen empirischer Forschung und theologischer Reflexion. BEG (18). Neukirchen-Vluyn, pp. 205-229.

Hervey, John Kendall (2002) Vision, values and systems for a church planting movement in Kazakhstan. Doctoral thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary.

Hibbert, Evelyn Catherine and Hibbert, Richard Y. (2018) Walking Together On The Jesus Road: Intercultural Discipling. William Carey Library, Pasadena, California, USA. ISBN 978-0878080694


Jambrek, Stanko (2008) The Great Commission in the Context of the Evangelical Churches of Croatia in the Second Part of the Twentieth Century. Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology, 2 (2). pp. 153-179. ISSN 1846-4599

Jones, Keith G. (2011) European Baptist Federation Church Planting. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 19 (1). pp. 11-12. ISSN 2576-344X

Jonovski, Jovan (2019) Evangelical Protestant Churches in the Republic of Macedonia after World War II (1947-2017). Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 39 (4). Art. 4. ISSN 1069-4781


Kadar, Ferenc (2007) Egyház itt és most. Az ekkléziasztika művelésének alapjai, eredményei és mai lehetőségei [Church here and now. The basics, results and current possibilities of cultivating ecclesiastics]. Doctoral thesis, Debrecen University of Divinity.

Keller, Timothy J. and Paas, Stefan (2014) Center Church Europe: Doing Balanced, Gospel-Centered Ministry in Your City. Franeker: Uitgeverij Van Wijnen.

Kißkalt, Michael (2002) Arbeit in einer älteren Großstadtgemeinde. Die Evangelisch-Freikirchliche Gemeinde Berlin-Charlottenburg, in Sterbende und wachsende Gemeinden [Work in an older urban community. The Evangelical Free Church Berlin-Charlottenburg, in Dying and growing congregations]. Theologisches Gespräch, 4. pp. 29-36.

Kool, Anne-Marie (2000) Are Western Ministries Serious about Partnership with Hungary’s Historic Churches? East-West Church & Ministry Report, 8 (4). p. 16.

Kool, Anne-Marie (2005) Church Planting: A Compliment and a Warning. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 13 (2). p. 16.

Kool, Anne-Marie (2004) A romák közötti szolgálat tervezésekor átgondolásra érdemes témák [Themes relevant to reflect on in planning ministry among Roma]. In: En Christo. Tanulmányok a 85 éves Dr. Bütösi János tiszteletére. Debreceni Református Hittudományi Egyetem, Debrecen, pp. 164-176. ISBN 9638429437, 9789638429438

Koosa, Piret (2013) Sowing the Seeds of Faith: A Case Study of an American Missionary in the Russian North. Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics, VII (1). pp. 31-48.

Kovács, Ábrahám (2005) Missziói, egyházépítési és egyházi megújulási elgondolások találkozása és gyakorlati megvalósulása a Budapesti Református Egyházban a 19. század végén [Missions, Church planting and renewal ideas and practical implementation in the Budapest Reformed Church in the late 19th century]. In: Horizont. L’Harmattan, Budapest-Pápa, pp. 154-179.

Kuburić, Zorica (2004) Is Conversion Result of Church Missionary Work or Proselytism? In: Evangelization, Conversion, Proselytism. Yugoslav Society for the scientific study of religion, Kompen Sociological Encounters Punta, Niš, pp. 67-74.


Ledbetter, Dale Alan (2008) Baptist Church Planting in Odessa, Ukraine. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 16 (1). pp. 7-9.

Lee, Jong-Sil (2007) My View of the Mission of Pastor Jiří P. Štorek. Mission Today (January-June), (Jan/J. p. 4.

Lee, Yong Bum (2009) Developing a Strategic Church Planting Through Cell Ministry in Albania. Doctoral thesis, Regent University.

Leete, Art (2013) «Бог говорит на моем родном языке»: этническая стратегия Коми церкви ["God speaks my language": ethnic strategy of the Komi church]. Антропологический форум [Anthropological forum], 18. pp. 256-275.

Linder, Üllas (2019) Adam Reinhold Schiewe - A Cross-Border Man of Faith: A Baptist Trailblazer in Estonia, Poland, Ukraine, Germany, and Russia. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 39 (1). Art. 2. ISSN 1069-4781

Lubbers, Rik and Lubbers, Matched (2018) Christian Alienation in Kosovo: Mission from the Margin. Vista, 30.

Löfstedt, Torsten (2020) Megachurches in Russia and other parts of the Former Soviet Union. In: Handbook of Megachurches. Brill Handbooks on Contemporary Religion (19). Brill, pp. 284-301. ISBN 978-90-04-39988-4, 978-90-04-41292-7


Matošević, Lidija and Šeba, Enoh and Knežević, Ruben (2022) Two Protestants, Three Churches: Croatian Protestantism: Churches, Denominations, and Theological Institutions. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 42 (9). Art.3. ISSN 1069-4781

McCurry, Don (2006) A Church Planted through Songs in the Night. In: All the world is singing: glorifying God through the worship music of the nations. Authentic, Tyrone, GA, pp. 8-12. ISBN 9781932805819

Meleshko, Andrey and Teteryatnikov, Konstantin (2017) Миссия в Евразии: опыт и новые инициативы церквей, Часть 1+2 [Mission in Eurasia: overview and new initiatives, Part 1+2]. Kiev: Mission Eurasia.

Meleshko, Andrey and Teteryatnikov, Konstantin (2017) Модели и методология в области основания новых церквей [Models and methodologies for planting new churches]. Kiev: Mission Eurasia.

Moore, Art (1993) Albanian Encouragement Project. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 1 (2). p. 5.


Nagy, Dorottya (2010) Feuerdrachen: Chinesische Gemeinschaften in Mittel- Und Osteuropa [Fire dragons: Chinese communities in Central and Eastern Europe]. China Heute, 29.4. pp. 235-245.

Nahapetyan, Asatur (2015) Миссия как евангелизм и насаждение церквей [Mission as evangelism and church planting]. In: Новые Горизонты Миссии (New Horizons of Mission: contemplations on Missio Dei in the FSU). Cherkassy, Ukraine: Kolloquium Publishing, pp. 298-304.

Novák, David (2012) Trojúhelník evangelium, kultura, církev [The triangle of gospel, culture, church]. Misiologické info, 2. pp. 6-9. ISSN 1803-1390


Oprenov, Theodor (2008) Божието слово и мисията на баптистката църга в България [The Word of God and the mission of the Baptist Church in Bulgaria]. [not identified], Sofia, Bulgaria.


Pierce, Alexander (2007) Evangelizing Russian-speaking Muslims in Kazakhstan through contextualizing the Scriptures: a case study. Doctoral thesis, Western Seminary, Portland, OR.


Rakhuba, Sergey and Cherenkov, Mykhailo N. and Melnichuk, Alexei and Golovin, Sergei L. (2009) International Evangelical Mission Forum, Irpen, Ukraine. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 17 (2). p. 1.


Sallee, Lawerence Raymond (2002) Training Russian lay pastors: important issues as identified by Russian church planters. Doctoral thesis, Columbia International University.

Sawatsky, Walter (2012) Serious mission partners in Eastern Europe: Reflections on 20 years of post-communism. Mission Focus Annual Review, 20. pp. 145-169.

Sazonov, Veniamin (2019) Миссия в контексте миллениумов [Mission in a millennials' context]. In: Новые горизонты миссии 2 [New horizons of mission 2: The mission, the world and the church]. Kolloquium Publishing, Cherkassy, Ukraine, pp. 222-242. ISBN 978-966-8957-71-0

Serapion (Mitko), Hegumen (2019) К вопросу об организации миссионерского служения в новообразованной епархии: практический аспект [On the question of organizing missionary services in a newly formed eparchy: practical aspects]. Вестник Екатеринбургской духовной семинарии [Vestnik Ekaterinburgskoy dukhovnoy seminarii], 2 (26). pp. 98-106.

Shim, Sungjae (2010) Contextualized church planting among Uighur people in Kazakhstan. Masters thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary.

Simon, János (2011) Ekkléziológiai lehetőségek a posztmodernben: Lesslie Newbigin és a missziói ekkléziológia [Ecclesiological Possibilities in Postmodernity: Lesslie Newbigin and Missionary Ecclesiology]. Studia Doctorum Theologiae Protestantis, 2 (1). pp. 243-256. ISSN 2069 - 0991

Sinichkin, Аlexey (2011) Все ради миссии [Everything for the mission]. Irpen’: Spiritual Renewal.

Siu Fong Liu (2017) Mission Strategy and Leadership Training: A Missiological Study and Action Research for Diaspora Chinese Congregations in Ukraine. Doctoral thesis, Logos Evangelical Seminary.

Slavík, Michael (1996) Evangelizace velkoměsta [Urban evangelization]. Teologické texty, 7 (1). pp. 25-27.

Springer, Elaine (1993) Three Approaches to Christian Ministry in Russia. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 1 (2). p. 4. ISSN 2576-344X

Sprogis, Peteris and Fokrote, Liva (2011) Non-Formal Education as a Tool for Church Planting in Latvia. Common Ground Journal, 8 (2). pp. 34-42. ISSN 1547-9129

Strannik, Yevgeni A. (2019) Developing spiritually healthy leaders for the Vineyard churches in Russia. Doctoral thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary.


Talos, Vasile Alexandru (2008) Church in the apostolic spirit: A strategy for building indigenous apostolic congregations in the cultural context of Eastern Orthodox and post-Communist Romania. Doctoral thesis, Asbury Theological Seminary.

Teteryatnikov, Konstantin (2018) Социологические измерения миссионерских инициатив евангельских церквей Евразии: результаты исследования [Sociological dimensions of missionary initiatives of Evangelical churches in Eurasia: research results]. Богомыслие, 22. pp. 82-94. ISSN 2523-4188

Trusiewicz, Daniel (2017) Baptist Church Planting in Eastern Europe. Vista, 28.

Turlac, Oleg P. (2004) Moldovan Outreach to Central Asia and Russia. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 12 (4). pp. 7-8.


Ubeivolc, Vladimir (2019) Миссия в контексте сельского урбана [Mission in a rural urban context]. In: Новые горизонты миссии 2 [New horizons of mission 2: The mission, the world and the church]. Kolloquium Publishing, Cherkassy, Ukraine, pp. 170-187. ISBN 978-966-8957-71-0


Vagramenko, Tatiana (2018) Chronotopes of Conversion and the Production of Christian Fundamentalism in the Post-Soviet Arctic. Sibirica: Interdisciplinary Journal of Siberian Studies, 17 (1). pp. 63-91. ISSN 1361-7362

Vesa, Benedict (2022) ‘Online/Offline’ Missionary Paradigm: The Challenge of Redefining the Profile of the ‘Contemporary Church’ in Reference to the Romanian Reality. Acta Missiologiae, 10. ISSN 2060-2104

Vidović, Dane (2008) Iz baptističke riznice: prilozi za istoriju baptista na Baniji [From the Baptist Treasury: Contributions for the History of Baptists in Banija]. Savez baptističkih crkava u Srbiji [Baptist Union Serbia], Belgrade, Serbia. ISBN 978-86-87745-00-1

Vlasin, Alexandru (2019) A Romanian Perspective on Mission in Europe. Vista, 34.

Vogel, Jiri (2022) Ekleziologicke modely v budoucnosti [Ecclesiological models of the future]. Theologicka revue, 93 (1). pp. 8-21. ISSN 1211-7617

Vogel, Peter (2018) Миссия Бога и Церкви в контексте миграционных процессов [Mission of God and of the Church in the context of migration]. In: Миссия в евро-азиатском пространстве [Mission in Eurasian Space]. Bible for All, St. Petersburg, pp. 187-198. ISBN 978-5-7454-1524-1


Wachsmuth, Melody J. and Magda, Ksenija (2014) "Poznavanje Tijela" u transkulturalnim odnosima: Kritička analiza misionarskog partnerstva u Jugoistočnoj Europi [“Discerning the Body” in Cross-Cultural Relationships: A Critical Analysis of Missional Partnership in Southeastern Europe]. Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology, 8 (1). pp. 25-43. ISSN 1846-4599

Wardin Jr., Albert (1991) The Baptists in Bulgaria. Baptist Quarterly, 34 (4). pp. 148-159. ISSN 0005-576X

Watkins, Myra (2022) Public Missiology in Post-Christian Czech Society. In: Public Theology for Global Witness: Essays in Public Missiology. First Fruits Press, Wilmore, KY, pp. 45-74. ISBN 1648171397, 9781648171390

Währisch-Oblau, Claudia (2006) ‘We Shall be Fruitful in this Land’: Pentecostal and Charismatic New Mission Churches in Europe. In: Fruitful in this Land. Pluralism, Dialogue and Healing in Migrant Pentecostalism. Uitgeverij Boekencentrum, Zoetermeer, pp. 32-46.


Zhankabayev, Ali (2017) Using the Book of Acts for developing leaders for Church planting movements in Kazakhstan. Doctoral thesis, Bakke Graduate University.


Černý, Pavel (1998) Dynamika života církve: poznámky k praktické eklesiologii [The Dynamics of Church Life: Notes on Practical Ecclesiology]. Studijní texty Evangelikálního teologického semináře v Praze, 3 . Oliva, Praha. ISBN 9788085942347

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