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Bargár, Pavol (2017) The Current Discourse on Refugees in Europe in Light of the Sacred: A Czech Case. A Cultural Sociological Approach in Dialogue with a Missiological Perspective. Acta Missiologiae, 5. pp. 15-24.

Bargár, Pavol (2017) Misia Pravoslávnej cirkvi v súčasnom svete: misiologická reflexia dokumentu svätého a veľkého koncilu Pravoslávnej cirkvi [Mission of the Orthodox Church in Today's World: Missiological Reflection of the Document of the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodoy Church]. Acta Missiologica, 11 (1). pp. 23-31. ISSN 2453-7160

Bargár, Pavol (2017) Pondering "The Mission of the Orthodox Church in Today's World": A Protestant Missiological Reflection. International Review of Mission, 106 (2). pp. 389-399. ISSN 1758-6631

Bazzell, Pascal D. (2017) God is on the Move: Challenges and Opportunities for Christian Communities in Europe. Acta Missiologiae, 5. pp. 57-64.

Boyd, Timothy L. Sr. (2017) Factors advancing or limiting evangelical mission in Ukraine. Doctoral thesis, Columbia Biblical Seminary.

Brudiu, Razvan (2017) Evanghelizarea ca aspect al libertatii religioase in mentalitatea societatii postmoderne (Evangelism as an Aspect of Religious Freedom in the Mentality of Postmodern Society). Jurnalul Libertății de Conștiință (Journal for freedom of conscience), 5 (1). pp. 106-117. ISSN 2495-1757

Brînzea, Nicolae (2017) The relationship between worship and culture in the mission of the Church. Altarul Reintregirii, XXII (Sup. 1). pp. 175-186. ISSN Print 1584-8051, Online 2457-9394

Cherenkov, Mykhailo N. (2017) Целостная миссия в условиях войны: пакет идей [Holistic mission in the midst of war: some ideas]. Kiev: Mission Eurasia.

Cherenkov, Mykhailo N. (2017) Theologizing on the Maidan: "Maidan theology" in the Experience and Reflections of the Younger Generation of Ukrainian Protestants. Acta Missiologiae, 5. pp. 81-100.

Chilcote, Paul W. and Schuler, Ulrike (2017) Methodist Bible Women in Bulgaria and Italy. Methodist History, 55 (1-2). pp. 108-127. ISSN 0026-1238

Chilcote, Paul W. and Schuler, Ulrike (2017) Methodist Women Missionaries in Bulgaria and Italy. Methodist History, 55 (3). pp. 180-196. ISSN 0026-1238

Chmielewski, Marek (2017) Missionary attitude as an essential dimension of Catholic spirituality. Rocznik Teologii Katolickiej, 16 (3). pp. 53-68. ISSN 1644-8855

Collins, Kathleen (2017) Faith and Reason: Christian Strategies Under Post-Soviet Repression in Central Asia. The Review of Faith & International Affairs, 15 (1). pp. 43-55.

Constantineanu, Corneliu (2017) God in Public: A Prolegomena to Public Theology in the Romanian Context. Journal of Humanistic and Scoial Studies, 1. pp. 167-176.

Csiszár, Klára A. (2017) Mission als Dauerzustand von Kirch-Sein und ihre praktisch-ekklesiologische Konsequenzen [The mission as a permanent state of the Church’s existence and its practical-ecclesiological consequences]. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai - Theologia Catholica Latina, 62 (1). pp. 62-101.

Ecis, Kristina (2017) Interpretation of the Great Commission in Latvia: An Analysis of Lutheran and Baptist Documents. Glocal Conversations, 4. pp. 14-30.

Elliott, Mark R. (2017) Greenhouse Gardening for the Purpose of Self-Sustaining Ministry in the Former Soviet Union. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 25 (4). ISSN 2576-344X

Elliott, Mark R. (2017) Lessons learned in Eurasia Ministry: Mostly the hard way. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 37 (5). pp. 23-48.

Florescu, Marius (2017) Idei Misionare Ortodoxe Desprinse Dintr-un Curs mai Vecht de „Îndrumari Misionare” [Orthodox missionary ideas inspired from an older course of “Missionary Guidance”]. Altarul Banatului, XXVIII (10-12). pp. 87-89.

Florescu, Marius (2017) Misiunea Bisericii in documentele celei de A X-A Adunari Generale a Consiliului Ecumenic al Bisericilor [Mission of the Church in the documents of Tenth General Assembly of the World Council of Churches]. Analele Universității de Vest din Timișoara. Seria Teologie, 23. pp. 76-80.

Glavaš, Dražen (2017) Integration of Faith and Work: A Missing Element in the Discussion of Economic Migration in Croatia. Acta Missiologiae, 5. pp. 65-80.

Glavaš, Dražen (2017) Kršćanin nedjeljom, ateist ponedjeljkom. Kako premostiti jaz između vjere i rada u hrvatskoj kulturi - II. dio [Christian on Sunday and Atheist on Monday. Bridging the Faith and Work Gap in Croatian Culture - Part II]. Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology, 11 (2). pp. 169-198. ISSN 1846-4599

Goldan, Vasile-Lucian V. (2017) Multicultural religious proselytism or missionary activity in the postmodern secularized society? Management Intercultural (38). pp. 27-32.

Goren’kov, Denis and Meleshko, Andrey (2017) Служение профессиональным сообществам [Ministry to professional societies]. Kiev: Mission Eurasia.

Halasova, Tereza (2017) Christian Organizations and Their Involvement in Rescue of Refugees. Case Studies of Foundation Generation 21, Peace and Good, and Estera Foundation in the Visegrad Group Countries. Acta Missiologiae, 5. pp. 25-44.

Hamarová, Mariana (2017) Milovať, žiť a radovať sa: Významné posolstvo misiológie pre región Strednej a Východnej Európy pre rok 2017 [To Love, Live and Delight: A Significant Message of Missiology for the Regions of Central and Eastern Europe for the Year 2017]. Acta Missiologica, 11 (1). pp. 117-125. ISSN 2453-7160

Hardy, Mária (2017) Medzinárodná konferencia Znamenia čias pre misie v súčasnosti plná nových podnetov pre misiológiu [International Conference Signs of the Times for Today's Mission Full of New Stimuli for Missiology]. Acta Missiologica, 11 (1). pp. 107-116. ISSN 2453-7160

Hlásek, Vít (2017) Missio Dei: laying a Foundation for a Missional Ecclesiology of the Church of the Brethren. Masters thesis, Norwegian School of Theology.

Hosaflook, David (2017) Albania and the Albanians in the Annual Reports of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 1820-1924. Institute for Albanian and Protestant Studies, Tirana. ISBN 978-1946244079

Hosaflook, David (2017) Lëvizja Protestante te shqiptarët (1816–1908) [Protestant Movement among the Albanians 1816-1908]. Doctoral thesis, University of Tirana, Faculty of History and Filology.

Hovorun, Cyril (2017) Засади політичної теології в українському контексті [Principles of political theology in the Ukrainian context]. In: Українська публічна теологія [Ukrainian public theology]. Open Orthodox University St. Sophia-Wisdom; Dukh i Litera, Kyiv, pp. 1-30. ISBN 978-966-378-517-2

Irby, Joshua T. (2017) Responding to Upheaval and Migration: As Seen in the Life of Adeline Paulina Irby (1831-1911). Acta Missiologiae, 5. pp. 45-56.

Kalem, Hrvoje (2017) Teologija laika - polazeći od prenošenja i priopćavanja vjere [Theology of the Laity - Starting From the Transmission and Communication of Faith]. Vrhbosnensia: časopis za teološka i međureligijska pitanja, 21 (2). pp. 439-465. ISSN 2233-1387

Kalenychenko, Tetiana (2017) Фокус на капелані: формування ролі та місії душпастирів для військовослужбовців [Focus on the chaplaincy: Shaping the Role and Mission of Military Chaplains]. СОФІЯ. Гуманітарно-релігієзнавчий вісник [SOFIA. Humanitarian and religious bulletin], 1 (8). pp. 20-28.

Kalenychenko, Tetiana (2017) Public Religion During the Maidan Protests in Ukraine. Euxeinos, 24. pp. 23-38.

Keskin, Serhat (2017) Church-state relations in post-Soviet Georgia: “deprivatization” of Georgian orthodoxy. Other thesis, Middle East Technical University.

Kliueva, Vera and Poplavsky, Roman (2017) From an Encounter with God to a Life with God: Typology of Conversion in Russian Pentecostal Churches. PentecoStudies, 16 (2). pp. 178-201. ISSN 2041-3599

Koosa, Piret (2017) Negotiating faith and identity in a Komi village: Protestant Christians in a pro-Orthodox sociocultural environment. Doctoral thesis, University of Tartu.

Kostadinova, Olga (2017) Социална функция и дейности на Българската Православна Църква [Social function and activities of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church]. Икономика и управление [Economics and Management], 13 (2). pp. 208-222. ISSN 2683-1325

Kozhuharov, Valentin (2017) Children and Young People's Conversion to Christianity: Eastern Orthodox View. In: Conversion and Transformation: Children and Youth in Mission Contexts. Christian Literature Fund, Wellington, South Africa. ISBN 9781868045037

Kravtsev, Andrey (2017) Russian Baptist Mission Theology in Historical and Contemporary Perspective. Doctoral thesis, Trinity Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

Kurg, Ingmar (2017) Entweltlichung – paavst Benedictus XVI hingetõmbepaus [Entweltlichung – Period of Respite for the Pope Benedict XVI]. Usuteaduslik Ajakiri, 1 (71). pp. 70-90. ISSN 1406-6564

Leutar, Ivan and Leutar, Zdravka (2017) Duhovnost kao resurs snage i otpornosti obitelji u rizičnim okolnostima [Spirituality as a Resource of Power and Resilience of Families in Risk Circumstances]. Nova Prisutnost, 15 (1). pp. 65-87. ISSN 1848-8676

Malancea, Mihai (2017) Vocația și misiunea Prințului Isus venit din cer ca Salvator Și Medic Suprem [The vocation and mission of the Prince Jesus as Savior and supreme Physician]. Pulsul slujirii - Pulse of Ministry, 25. pp. 7-27.

Mazur, Jerzy (2017) Bearing Witness as an Ever-Relevant Mission. Rocznik Teologii Katolickiej, 16 (3). 89 -107. ISSN 1644-8855

Meleshko, Andrey and Teteryatnikov, Konstantin (2017) Миссия в Евразии: опыт и новые инициативы церквей, Часть 1+2 [Mission in Eurasia: overview and new initiatives, Part 1+2]. Kiev: Mission Eurasia.

Meleshko, Andrey and Teteryatnikov, Konstantin (2017) Модели и методология в области основания новых церквей [Models and methodologies for planting new churches]. Kiev: Mission Eurasia.

Mihailov, Gheorghe (2017) Creștinii Evanghelici din Republica Moldova În diaspora Europeană: Provocări, Soluții, Perspective [Evangelical Christians in the Republic of Moldova in the European Diaspora: Challenges, Solutions, Perspectives]. Pulsul Slujirii - Pulse of Ministry, 25. pp. 50-65.

Mihalič, Špela (2017) Družina kot kraj evangelizacije [Family as a Place of Evangelization]. Diploma thesis, Univerza v Ljubljani, Teološka fakulteta.

Miller, Christopher L. (2017) American missionaries and the formation of modern Bulgarian national consciousness. East European Quarterly, 45 (3-4). pp. 163-184. ISSN 0012-8449 (print), 2469-4827 (online)

Milovanović, Aleksandra Djurić (2017) Alternative Religiosity in Communist Yugoslavia: Migration as a Survival Strategy of the Nazarene Community. Open theology, 3. pp. 447-457.

Mitko, A.E. (Hegumen Serapion) (2017) Миссионерство и прозелитизм [Mission work and Proselytism]. NOMOTHETIKA: Философия. Социология. Право [Nomothetica: Philosophy. Sociology. Law], 10(259 (84). pp. 177-184.

Molteni, Francesco (2017) Religious Change among Cohorts in Eastern Europe: A Longitudinal Analysis of Religious Practice and Belief in Formerly Communist Countries. Religion and Society in Central and Eastern Europe, 10 (1). pp. 35-53.

Murzaku, Ines A. (2017) Ad maiorem Dei gloriam: The Jesuits in Albania. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 37 (6). Article 4. ISSN 1069-4781

Nagy, Dorottya (2017) World Christianity as a Theological Approach: A Reflection on Central and Eastern Europe. In: Relocating World Christianity. Interdisciplinary Studies in Universal and Local Expressions of the Christian Faith. Theology and Mission in World Christianity, 7 . Brill, Boston, MA, USA, pp. 143-161. ISBN 978-90-04-34262-0

Nagy-Ajtai, Ágnes (2017) A pünkösdi mozgalom missziótörténete 1940 és 1989 között [The mission history of the pentecostal movement 1940-1989]. Egyháztörténeti szemle, year 1. pp. 77-96.

Negrov, Alexander and Cherenkov, Mykhailo N. and Penner, Peter F. (2017) Вера и труд [Faith and work]. St. Petersburg: SPbCU.

Noble, Tim (2017) Kirche und Zivilgesellschaft / Theologie und Zivilreligion [Church and civil society / theology and civil religion]. Ökumenische Rundschau, 66:2. pp. 222-236.

Noble, Tim (2017) Mission as Hospitality towards the Other. In: Reforming Theology. Migrating Church. Transforming Society. A Compendium for Ecumenical Education. Hamburg: Missionshilfe Verlag, 192–197.

O'Flynn, Thomas (2017) ‘The Nestorian Mission’ (1833–69) of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions in Azerbaijan and Kurdistan. In: The Western Christian Presence in the Russias and Qājār Persia, c.1760–c.1870. Studies in Christian Mission (47). Brill Academic Publishers, pp. 585-674. ISBN 9789004313545

O'Flynn, Thomas (2017) Scottish and Jesuit Missionaries in the North Caucasus and the Imperial Russian Dominions: Karass, Astrakhan, Mozdok, Orenburg, the Crimea and Odessa (1805–30s). In: The Western Christian Presence in the Russias and Qājār Persia, c.1760–c.1870. Studies in Christian Mission (47). Brill Academic Publishers, pp. 326-474. ISBN 9789004313545

Oleinik, Olga (2017) The Orthodox Mission Network. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 25 (3). pp. 11-12. ISSN 2576-344X

Oprean, Daniel G. (2017) Love, Light, Delight: Conversations in Central and Eastern Europe on Present Day Documents on Mission. In: Forum of Central and Eastern European Association for Mission Studies, 13-17 February, 2017. (Unpublished)

Park, Sung-Kon (2017) Missional Ecclesiology: Missionary Encounters between the Presbyterian Church of Korea (Tonghap) and Protestant Churches in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Doctoral thesis, Károli Gáspár Reformed University.

Pembeci, Baris Isci (2017) Religion and the Construction of Ethnic Identity in Kyrgyzstan. Region: Regional Studies of Russia Eastern Europe and Central Asia, 6 (1). pp. 133-152.

Peremota, Irina (2017) Church Interpreting in Evangelical Churches with Russian-Language Services. Masters thesis, Riga:University of Latvia.

Ptak, Robert (2017) Wezwanie do nawrócenia i misji w Ecclesia in Europa Jana Pawła II [Call to conversion and mission in John Paul II Ecclesia in Europa]. Sympozjum, 33 (2). pp. 101-111.

Puiescu, Robert Marian (2017) Libertatea de Constiinta a migrantilor - Spatiu de misiune pentru Biserica Crestina [Freedom of Conscience of Migrants – Space for Mission for the Christian Church]. Jurnalul Libertății de Conștiință [Journal for the freedom of conscience], 5 (1). pp. 146-155.

Ringvee, Ringo (2017) Survival Strategies of New Religions in a Secular Consumer Society: A Case Study from Estonia. Nova Religio, 20 (3). pp. 57-73. ISSN 1092-6690

Rommen, Edward (2017) Into All the World: an Orthodox Theology of Mission. Orthodoxy and Mission (1). St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, Yonkers, New York, USA. ISBN 978-0881415841

Rusin, Ivan (2017) Этическое измерение теологии миссии Лесли Ньюбигина [Ethical dimension of Leslie' Newbigin's mission theology]. Філософія та політологія в контексті сучасної культури [Philosophy and political science in the context of contemporary culture], 20 (5). pp. 39-47.

Rusin, Ivan (2017) Теоцентричность миссии в современном протестантском богословии [Theocentric mission in contemporary Protestant theology. Moderní věda [Modern science], 4. pp. 127-133. ISSN 2336-498X

Rusin, Ivan (2017) Триадологические основания миссии согласно с теологией Леси Ньюбигина [Triadic foundation of mission according to Lesslie Newbigin's theology]. Практична філософія [Practical philosophy], 4. pp. 105-111.

Rusin, Ivan (2017) Миссионерская протестантская герменевтика XX–XXI столетий [Missionary Protestant hermeneutic of the 20th-21st centuries]. Актуальні проблеми філософії та соціології [Current problems of philosophy and sociology]. pp. 90-94.

Rusin, Ivan (2017) Концепция миссии в современном протестантском богословии [The concept of mission in contemporary Protestant theology]. Практична філософія [Practical philosophy], 3. pp. 81-88.

Sahibovna Utebayeva, Dinara and Durbelinovna Kurmanaliyeva, Ainura and Urinbasarovna Kantarbayeva, Zhanna and Uteshovich Abzhalov, Sultanmurat (2017) Features of Missionary Activities in Kazakhstan. Social Research Results. European Journal of Science and Theology, 13 (5). pp. 155-170. ISSN 1842-8517

Sandu, Dan (2017) The “Evangelising” Orthodoxy Revisited: An Eastern Orthodox Perspective. Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii »Alexandru Ioan Cuza« din Iaşi. Teologie Ortodoxă, 22 (1). pp. 33-60.

Sannikov, Sergey (2017) Сучасне богословське осмислення сакраментального вимiру мiсiонерськоi дiяльностi [Contemporary theological interpretation of the sacramental dimension of missionary activity]. Схід. Філософські науки, 5 (151). pp. 97-101.

Savić, Svenka (2017) Doprinos izgradnji mira sveštenica protestantskih crkava u Vojvodini [Women Pastor's Contribution to Peacebuilding in Protestant Churches in Vojvodina]. Udruženje "Ženske studije i istraživanja" / Futura Publikacije, Belgrade, Serbia. ISBN 978-86-7188-172-2

Schreiter, Robert J. (2017) Osobité charakteristiky kresťanského zmierenia významné aj pre súčasnú misijnú činnosť [The Distinctive Characteristics of Christian Reconciliation Relevant for Current Mission Activities]. Acta Missiologica, 11 (1). pp. 8-22. ISSN 2453-7160

Sibgatullina, Gulnaz (2017) Daniil Sysoev: Mission and Martyrdom. Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations, 28 (2). pp. 163-182.

Siu Fong Liu (2017) Mission Strategy and Leadership Training: A Missiological Study and Action Research for Diaspora Chinese Congregations in Ukraine. Doctoral thesis, Logos Evangelical Seminary.

Soloviy, Roman (2017) The Emerging Phenomenon of the church in the context of theological and ecclesiological transformations in modern Western Protestantism. Doctoral thesis, Dragomanov National Pedagogical University in Kiev.

Sonea, Cristian (2017) Missio Dei – the Contemporary Missionary Paradigm and Its Reception in the Eastern Orthodox Missionary Theology. Review of Ecumenical Studies, 9 (1). pp. 70-91. ISSN 2359-8107

Tatsiun, Radislav (2017) Миротворчий характер Царства: соціальна справедливість як наявність світу у світлі біблійної ідеї Ювілейного року [The peace-making nature of the Kingdom: social justice as the presence of the world in the light of the biblical idea of the Jubilee year]. Практична філософія. Науковий журнал, 4. pp. 137-146.

Tatsiun, Radislav (2017) Ответственность христиан за общество согласно Ап. Петра в контексте мировоззрения украинских протестантов [The responsibility of Christians for society according to the Apostle Peter in the context of the worldview of Ukrainian Protestants]. Філософія та політологія в контексті сучасної культури [Philosophy and politology in the context of contemporary culture], 6 (21). pp. 43-52. ISSN 2312-4342

Tatsiun, Radislav (2017) Ответственность христиан за общество согласно Новому Завету в контексте мировоззрения украинских протестантов [The responsibility of Christians for society in accordance with the New Testament in the context of the world view of Ukrainian Protestants]. Актуальні проблеми філософії та соціології [Current problems of philosoophy and sociology], 20. pp. 136-139.

Trusiewicz, Daniel (2017) Baptist Church Planting in Eastern Europe. Vista, 28.

Tsvirinko, Vyacheslav (2017) Иммигранты – особая нива для благовестия [Immigrants - a special domain for witnessing]. Pulsul slujirii - Pulse of Ministry, 25. pp. 28-49.

Ubeivolc, Vladimir (2017) A New Way of Being a Missional Church in Eastern Europe [Moldova and beyond]. Vista, 28.

Utebayeva, Dinara Sahibovna and Kurmanaliyeva, Ainura Durbelinovna and Kantarbayeva, Zhanna Urinbasarovna and Abzhalov, Sultanmurat Uteshovich (2017) Features of missionary activities in Kazakhstan social research results. European Journal of Science and Theology, 13 (5). pp. 155-170. ISSN 1842-8517

Vagramenko, Tatiana (2017) ‘Blood’ Kinship and Kinship in Christ’s Blood: Nomadic Evangelism in the Nenets Tundra. Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics, 11 (1). pp. 151-169.

Vagramenko, Tatiana (2017) Indigeneity and Religious Conversion in Siberia: Nenets ‘Eluding’ Culture and Indigenous Revitalization. In: Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews. Comparative Studies on Contemporary Eurasia, India and South America. LIT Verlag. Ethnologie: Forschung und Wissenschaft, pp. 207-229. ISBN 9783643956446

Vassiliadis, Petros (2017) Mission and Theology: Teaching Missiology on the Basis of Together towards Life. International Review of Mission, 106 (1). pp. 51-58. ISSN 1758-6631

Vassiliadis, Petros (2017) The Social Dimension of the Orthodox Liturgy: From Biblical Dynamism to a Doxological Liturgism. Review of Ecumenical Studies, 9 (2). pp. 132-153. ISSN 2359-8107

Vavřínek, Vladimír (2017) The Puzzle of the Cyrillo-Methodian Mission [The Puzzle of the Cyrillo-Methodian Mission]. Byzantinoslavica - Revue internationale des Etudes Byzantines, LXXV (1-2). pp. 70-98.

Vavřínek, Vladimír (2017) The Puzzle of the Cyrillo-Methodian Mission. Byzantinoslavica - Revue internationale des Etudes Byzantines, LXXV (1-2). pp. 70-98.

Voogt, Ryan J. (2017) Making religion acceptable in communist Romania and the Soviet Union, 1943-1989. Doctoral thesis, University of Kentucky.

Voulgaraki, Evi (2017) Ὁ Ἰωνάς καί ἡ Ἀποκλειστικότητα τῆς Σωτηρίας [Jonah and the Exclusivity of Salvation]. Ανθίβολα [Antivola - Annual Publication of Christian Dialogue and Culture], 1. pp. 213-241. ISSN 2585-2140

Voulgaraki, Evi (2017) Reading the Document on Mission of the Holy and Great Council from a Missiological Point of View. International Review of Mission, 106 (1). pp. 136-150. ISSN 1758-6631

Vrabec, Norbert and Graca, Martin (2017) Mobile Applications in the Context of the New Evangelization. European Journal of Science and Theology, 13 (4). pp. 123-135. ISSN 1842-8517

Vukic, Neven (2017) The Russian Orthodox Church and Interreligious Dialogue. Exchange: Journal of Missiological and Ecumenical Research, 46 (2). pp. 157-179.

Wachsmuth, Melody J. (2017) The Good Life: Descriptors of Change in Roma Pentecostal Communities in Serbia and Croatia. Spiritus: ORU Journal of Theology, 2 (1-2). pp. 99-118. ISSN 2573-6345

Wachsmuth, Melody J. (2017) Misija i reformacija: Lekcije iz iskustva reformatora i anabaptista [Mission and Reformation: Lessons from the Reformers and the Anabaptists]. Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology, 11 (2). pp. 157-168. ISSN 1846-4599

Wachsmuth, Melody J. (2017) Movements in Mission: Christianity Among the Roma (Gypsies). Mission Frontiers, Ju-Aug.

Whiteman, Kristina (2017) The Work of the Orthodox Christian Mission Center in Albania. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 25 (4). pp. 13-15. ISSN 2576-344X

Zhankabayev, Ali (2017) Using the Book of Acts for developing leaders for Church planting movements in Kazakhstan. Doctoral thesis, Bakke Graduate University.

Zrinščak, Siniša (2017) Church, state and society in post-communist Europe. In: Religion and the State: A Comparative Sociology. Anthem Press, pp. 157-182. ISBN 9780857288073

Zweininger, Jakob (2017) Islam und Evangelium im zentralasiatischen Kirgisistan: eine missiologische Studie zu den Gründen der Hinwendung der post-sowjetischen Kirgisen zum Islam und Christentum. Edition AfeM, Mission academics 40 . VTR, Nürnberg.

Šimunović, Milan (2017) Prenošenje vjere u promijenjenim okolnostima suvremenoga svijeta: pomaci u stvaranju misionarskoga lica Crkve u kršćanskim zajednicama [Sharing Faith in the Changed Circumstances of Contemporary World: Movements in Creating a Missionary Face of the Church in Christian Communities]. Biblioteka Missio . Papinska misijska djela u Republici Hrvatskoj, Zagreb, Croatia. ISBN 978-953-95635-1-4

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