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UNSPECIFIED (2014) Crkva, evangelizacija i sveze koinonie. Izvješće o međunarodnim konzultacijama između Katoličke crkve i Svjetske evanđeoske alijanse (1993. - 2002.) [Chruch, Evangelism, and the Bonds of koinonia. Report on International Consultations Between the Catholic Church and the World Evangelical Alliance (1993 - 2002)]. Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology, 8 (2). pp. 281-306. ISSN 1846-4599

Alikin, Valerii (2021) Current Developments and Challenges to Theological Education in Russia. Journal of European Baptist Studies, 21 (1). pp. 24-44. ISSN 1213-1520

Aliyeva, Yuliya (2021) Everyday Nationalism and Non-Traditional Christian Communities in Baku. New Diversities, 23 (2). pp. 43-63. ISSN 2199-8108

Altanov, Velislav (2012) Religious Revitalization among Bulgarians during and after the Communist Time. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 32 (3). Art.4. ISSN 1069-4781

Andronoviene, Lina and Parushev, Parush R. (2004) Church, State, and Culture: On the Complexities of Post-Soviet Evangelical Social Involvement. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology (3). pp. 194-212. ISSN 2789-1577

Anonymous (2013) Persecuted Uzbek Evangelicals Wish Their Story Told. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 21 (4). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2576-344X

Bargár, Pavol (2019) Learning about Spirituality Together with “Seekers”; Reading Together towards Life in the Czech Postsecular Context. International Review of Mission, 108 (2). pp. 326-336. ISSN 1758-6631

Bargár, Pavol (2018) Narrativity as a Locus Hermeneuticus for Ecumenical Theology: Culture, Koinonia and Transformation. Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies, 35 (1). pp. 30-43. ISSN 1759-8931

Bargár, Pavol (2020) The Role and Story of Christian Identity. Acta Missiologica, 14 (1). pp. 20-33. ISSN 2453-7160

Bargár, Pavol (2021) Toward Comm/unity Amid Brokenness. Christian Mission as (a Pursuit of) Relational Anthropology. International Review of Mission, 110 (2). pp. 231-245. ISSN 1758-6631

Beliakova, Nadezhda and Kliueva, Vera (2023) Anti-Cult Movement and Religious Freedom for Religious Minorities in the Russian Arctic. Religions, 14 (8). p. 1062. ISSN 2077-1444

Beliakova, Nadezhda and Kliueva, Vera (2023) Diversity of Shades of Silence: Russian Evangelicals during the War in Ukraine. Review of Ecumenical Studies, 15 (3). pp. 478-504. ISSN 2359-8107

Belopopsky, Alexander (2004) Between Chaos and Kairos: Churches, Ecumenism and the WCC in Central and Eastern Europe 1989-2003. The Ecumenical Review, 56 (1). pp. 77-84. ISSN 1758-6623

Benham, Stephen John (2007) Music Ministry in the Ukrainian Evangelical Christian-Baptist Church. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 15 (3). pp. 9-11.

Bjelajac, Branko (2015) The Challenges and Opportunities of Diverse Backgrounds in the Evangelical Churches in Serbia. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 35 (2). pp. 29-38. ISSN 1069-4781

Bjelajac, Branko (2002) Protestantism in Serbia. Religion, State and Society, 30 (3). pp. 169-218. ISSN 1465-3974

Bjelajac, Branko (1998) The Second Balkan Evangelical Conference. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 18 (5). Art. 5. ISSN 1069-4781

Bjørnlund, Matthias (2019) “If I die, I die”: women missionary workers among Danes, Armenians, and Turks, 1900-1920. International Journal of Armenian Genocide Studies, 4 (1). pp. 55-79. ISSN 1829-4405

Bogešić, Rober (2019) Crkva i mediji - evangelizacija i manipulacija [The Church and the Media - Evangelism or Manipulation. Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology, 13 (1). pp. 97-109. ISSN 1846-4599

Bogomilova, Nonka (2015) Problems of Teaching Religion in Public Schools in Bulgaria Today: Retrospective and Prospective. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 35 (1). Art. 2. ISSN 1069-4781

Brumbelow, Gary (1995) The other side of Russia: Evangelical ministries in Siberia. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 3 (2). pp. 1-3. ISSN 2576-344X

Buda, Daniel (2021) Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism: An Overview of Their Relationship from the Perspective of Moral Values. Religions, 12 (6). p. 383. ISSN 2077-1444

Budiselić, Ervin (2014) Christian Witness for the 21st Century: Contemporary, yet Orthodox and Radical. Bogoslovni vestnik, 74 (3). pp. 399-412. ISSN 1581-2987

Budiselić, Ervin (2020) Pojam učeništva u Capetownskom iskazu o predanju: Teološki osvrt [The notion of discipleship in the Cape Town Commitment: A theological review]. Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology, 14 (2). pp. 19-34. ISSN 1846-4599

Cacanoska, Ružica (2018) Protestantism in Macedonia Today. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 38 (1). pp. 1-29. ISSN 1069-4781

Carr, Chris (2013) House Church Planting in Bashkortostan, Russia. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 21 (2). pp. 4-7. ISSN 2576-344X

Cherenkov, Mykhailo N. (2022) The Church at War: Overseas Front. Bogomyslie, 32 (1).

Cherenkov, Mykhailo N. (2020) How Are Anti-Missionary Laws Influencing the Evangelical Church in Russia? The Christian Post, 23 Sep.

Cherenkov, Mykhailo N. (2017) Theologizing on the Maidan: "Maidan theology" in the Experience and Reflections of the Younger Generation of Ukrainian Protestants. Acta Missiologiae, 5. pp. 81-100.

Cherenkov, Mykhailo N. (2011) Постсоветские евангельские церкви в поисках подходящей миссиологии: глобальные тенденции и местные реалии [Toward Appropriate Missiology for Post-Soviet Evangelicals: Global Missiological Trends and Local Realities]. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology (12). pp. 49-58. ISSN 2789-1577

Cohen, Emil and Kanev, Krassimir (1999) Religious Freedom in Bulgaria. Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 36 (1-2). pp. 243-263. ISSN 2162-3937

Colda, Ioan Colda (2015) The Cathedral of National Salvation and the Palace of the Gospel: Desiring the Salvation of the Romanian Nation through the Gospel of Christ. Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății de Conștiință), 2 (1).

Constantineanu, Corneliu and Terinte, Ciprian Flavius (2013) Religion in the Public Square: A Theological Exploration on Religion, Freedom and Democracy. European Journal of Science and Theology, 9 (5). pp. 91-97. ISSN 1842-8517

Csiszér, Monika (2005) Hungarian Church Ministries Among Roma. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 13 (2). p. 16. ISSN 2576-344X

Divisenko, Olga V. and Belov, Alexei E. and Divisenko, Konstantin S. (2021) Spiritual Well-Being of Russian Orthodox and Evangelical Christians: Denominational Features. Religions, 12 (6). p. 392. ISSN 2077-1444

Dmitrievsky, Vasily Lvovich (2010) The Great Commission in Russian Context. Global Missiology, 1 (8).

Dosov, Mirzabek (2020) Богословско-миссиологическое осмысление миграции в контексте книги Бытие [Theological and missiological reflections on migration from Genesis]. Pulsul slujirii - Pulse of Ministry, 27. pp. 61-78.

Drake, Williams (2020) Romania Thirty Years After the Fall of Communism: Retrospect and Prospect. Journal of Global Christianity, 6 (1). pp. 5-13.

Ecis, Kristina (2019) Business as Mission - A Case Study from Latvia. Glocal Conversations, 7 (1). pp. 14-24. ISSN 2296-7176

Eflova, Maria and Daen, Dina (2014) Religious identities in a multicultural Russian society. Religion and Society in Central and Eastern Europe, 7(1), 23-34, 7 (1). pp. 23-34.

Elliott, Mark R. (1989) Bibles East, Letters West: Religious Glasnost and the Availability of Scriptures in the Soviet Union. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 9 (6). pp. 27-33. ISSN 1069-4781

Elliott, Mark R. (1996) East European Missions, Perestroika, and Orthodox-Evangelical Tensions. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 16 (2). Art. 3. ISSN 1069-4781

Elliott, Mark R. (2021) Latest Developments Affecting Russian Protestant Seminaries and Churchesand Churches. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 41 (6). Art 4. ISSN 1069-4781

Elliott, Mark R. (1993) Western Ministries in East Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union: Crosspurposes or the Purposes of the Cross? East-West Church & Ministry Report, 1 (1). p. 16. ISSN 2576-344X

Elliott, Mark R. (2014) The impact of the Ukrainian crisis on religious life in Ukraine and Russia. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 22 (3). pp. 6-16. ISSN 2576-344X

Erolova, Yelis (2021) Cases of contemporary re-Islamization among Roma in Bulgaria. Romani Studies, 31 (2). pp. 211-230. ISSN 1757-2274

Fairbairn, Donald M. Jr. (2012) Lessons from Protestant Missions to Russia. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 32 (4). Article 5. ISSN 1069-4781

Fajfr, Daniel (2006) Expatriate Christian Workers and Czech Evangelicals. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 14 (3). pp. 11-13.

Fedorov, Vladimir (2003) Ecumenical Missionary Needs and Perspectives in Eastern and Central Europe Today: Theological Education with an Accent on Mission as First Priority in Our Religious Rebirth. International Review of Mission, 92 (364). pp. 66-83. ISSN 1758-6631

Ferenczi, Jason and Kohl, Manfred and Kobyakovsky, Igor and Karnauh, Alexander and Achkasov, Maxsim and Sannikov, Sergey and Raber, Mary and Novakovets, Vasilii (2006) Эффективность богословского образования в Украине: Исследовательский проект [The Effectiveness of Theological Education in Ukraine: A Research Project]. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology (7). pp. 178-205. ISSN 2789-1577

Flyugrant, Sergei (2012) Исследование «Великого поручения» в Евангелии от Матфея 28:18-20 [An Analysis of the Great Commandment in the Gospel of Matthew 28:18-20]. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology (2012/S). pp. 32-45. ISSN 2789-1577

Forster, Joel (2024) Leaving your country for work: feeling guilty or being on mission? Evangelical Focus.

French, April L. (2015) Evangelical Women in Siberia as Preservers of Memory. Keston Newsletter, 22. pp. 1-7.

French, April L. (2018) The "Lived Religion" of Evangelical Christian-Baptist Women in Soviet Siberia (1945-1991). Quaestio Rossica, 6 (2). pp. 454-467.

Froese, Paul (2004) After Atheism: An Analysis of Religious Monopolies in the Post-Communist World. Sociology of Religion, 65 (1). pp. 57-75.

Geychenko, Alexander (2014) Вся Церквь несет все Евангелие всему миру: Итоги обсуждения Лозанской богословской рабочей группы [The Whole Church Carries the Gospel to the Whole World: Discussion Results of the Lausanne Theological Group]. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology (2014/S). pp. 153-168. ISSN 2789-1577

Gibson, Dwight (1993) Evangelical Alliances: They Make Common Cause and Common Sense. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 1 (2). p. 3. ISSN 2576-344X

Glanzer, Perry L. (2001) Christian Conversion and Culture in Russia: A Clash of Missionary Expectations and Cultural Pressures. Missiology: An International Review, 29 (3). pp. 319-329. ISSN 2051-3623

Glavaš, Dražen (2017) Kršćanin nedjeljom, ateist ponedjeljkom. Kako premostiti jaz između vjere i rada u hrvatskoj kulturi - II. dio [Christian on Sunday and Atheist on Monday. Bridging the Faith and Work Gap in Croatian Culture - Part II]. Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology, 11 (2). pp. 169-198. ISSN 1846-4599

Glendenning, Cezarina (2021) "Ne vode svi putovi do Boga, ali Bog ide svim putovima do ljudi": Doktrina prethodne milosti kao paradigma misijskog djelovanja [“Not all roads lead to God, but God walks all roads to reach people.” The Doctrine of Prevenient Grace as a Paradigm for Mission]. Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology, 15 (1). pp. 79-91. ISSN 1846-4599

Glendenning, Cezarina (2021) „Ne vode svi putovi do Boga, ali Bog ide svim putovima do ljudi“. Doktrina prethodne milosti kao paradigma misijskog djelovanja [“Not All Roads Lead to God, but God Walks All Roads to Reach People.” The Doctrine of Prevenient Grace as a Paradigm for Mission]. Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology, 15 (1). pp. 79-91. ISSN 1846-4599

Gorbachev, Alexey (2013) Ministerial Education in Russia and other Slavic Countries of CIS. The Lausanne Global Analysis, 2 (4). pp. 13-15.

Gordyeyev, Oleksiy (2011) Сотрудничество Церкви с СМИ как инструмент внедрение евангельских ценностей в культуру [Cooperation of the Church With Media as a Tool for Implementation of Evangelical Values in the Culture]. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology (12). pp. 147-161. ISSN 2789-1577

Gouverneur, Joe (2007) Underground Evangelism: Missions During the Cold War. Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies, 24 (2). pp. 80-86. ISSN 1759-8931

Grzymała-Moszczyńska, Halina (1999) Proselytism in Poland. Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 36 (1-2). pp. 94-115. ISSN 2162-3937

Gustafson, Scott (2020) The Lebanese Evangelical Church’s Response to the Syrian Crisis: The Shaping of Identity. International Bulletin of Mission Research, 45 (1). pp. 51-61. ISSN 2396-9407

Harris, Mark J. (2007) Crisis of Soteriology: Danger and Opportunity for Western Evangelical Evangelism in Eastern Orthodox Russia. Global Missiology, 4 (4). pp. 3-9.

Harris, Mark J. (2003) Evangelical Missions in Russia: How They Are Misunderstood and the Opportunities that Remain. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 11 (2). pp. 10-11.

Henke, Tamara (2019) Proselytism vs. Evangelism: Challenging Relations between Evangelicals and the Romanian Orthodox Church. Evangelical Missions Quarterly, 55 (3). pp. 19-22.

Herbst, Michael (2007) Evangelism in Theological Education. International Review of Mission, 96 (382). pp. 263-276. ISSN 1758-6631

Herbst, Michael (2013) Event-ualität. Neue Normalität in Gemeinde und Kirche? [Event-uality. New normalcy in church and faith community?]. Theologische Beiträge, 44. pp. 202-217. ISSN 0342-2372

Hibbert, Richard Y. and Hibbert, Evelyn Catherine (2016) Diagnosing Church Health Across Cultures: A Case Study of Turkish Roma (Millet) Churches in Bulgaria. Missiology: An International Review, 44 (3). pp. 243-256. ISSN 2051-3623

Hosaflook, David (2018) The Theological and Geographical Origins of Protestantism in Albania. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 38 (1). Art. 9. ISSN 1069-4781

Hoskins, Daniel Gene (2015) Russification as a factor in religious conversion. Making Lenin roll over in his grave. Culture and Religion, 16 (4). pp. 430-444.

Jambrek, Stanko (2007) The Bible among the Croatian people: Translating, printing and distributing the Bible in the context of proclaiming the Gospel. Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology, 1 (1). pp. 47-79. ISSN 1846-4599

Jambrek, Stanko (1997) Evangelism and Proselytism in Croatia. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 17 (5). ISSN 1069-4781

Jambrek, Stanko (2008) Veliko poslanje u kontekstu crkava reformacije baštine u Hrvatskoj u drugoj polovici dvadesetoga stoljeća [The Great Commission in the Context of the Evangelical Churches of Croatia in the Second Part of the Twentieth Century]. Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology, 2 (2). pp. 215-239. ISSN 1846-4599

Jemna, Dănuț and Mănăstireanu, Dănuț (2021) When the Gap between Academic Theology and the Church Makes Possible the Orthodox–Evangelical Dialogue. Religions, 12 (4). p. 274.

Jonovski, Jovan (2019) Evangelical Protestant Churches in the Republic of Macedonia after World War II (1947-2017). Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 39 (4). Art. 4. ISSN 1069-4781

Jung, Se-jin (2022) Argument for Mission and Regional Studies: Russia’s Historical Influence in Central Asia, and Mission Implications and Directions. Korean Journal of Christian Studies, 123 (1). pp. 269-299.

Juran, Ján and Ondrasek, Lubomir Martin (2020) A Reflection on Religion and Churches in Slovakia 30 Years After the Fall of Communism. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 40 (8). Art. 2. ISSN 1069-4781

Kerovec, Roko (2009) Evangelizacija i obitelj: odnos u legitimnoj napetosti [Evangelism and Family: A Legitimate Tension]. Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology, 3 (2). pp. 283-298. ISSN 1846-4599

Kerovec, Roko (2008) Kristovo uskrsnuće i eshatološka vizija Božjeg kraljevstva kao platforma evangelizacijske prakse: izazovi i mogućnosti evanđeoskog poslanja [The Resurrection of Christ and the Eschatological Vision of the Kingdom of God as the Platform for Evangelistic Practice: The Challenges and Possibilities of the Evangelical Commission]. Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology, 2 (2). pp. 249-266. ISSN 1846-4599

Kishkovsky, Leonid (1993) The Mission of the Russian Orthodox Church After Communism. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 1 (3). pp. 1-2. ISSN 2576-344X

Kochetkov, George (2002) Russian Orthodox and Protestants: Dialogue on Missions. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 22 (5). Article 3. ISSN 1069-4781

Komakhidze, Boris (2021) Negotiating Urban Religious Space in Batumi: The Case of Catholics and Protestants. New Diversities, 23 (2). pp. 65-78. ISSN 2199-8108

Komissarov, Val (1996) Missionaries: In and Out of Fashion. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 4 (4). pp. 6-7. ISSN 2576-344X

Kondyuk, Denys (2012) Формирование самоидентификации в контексте миссии [Identity Formation in the Context of Mission]. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology (2012/S). pp. 62-78. ISSN 2789-1577

Kool, Anne-Marie (1999) Tien jaar geopende deuren, 1988-1998. Een evaluatief moment. De ontwikkelingen in de gereformeerde en evangelicale kerken in Midden- en Oost-Europa en de betekenis daarvan voor missionaire-diakonale gemeente-contacten [Ten years open doors, 1988-1998. An evaluation moment. The developments in the Reformed and Evangelical churches in Central and Eastern Europe and their significance for missionary-diaconal congregational contacts]. Admainfo, 18, 5. pp.1-7.

Koosa, Piret (2016) Evangelical silence in a Komi village. Ethnologia Europaea, 46 (2). pp. 58-73.

Koosa, Piret (2015) Sometimes we’ll have to prove that we’re not crocodiles: Evangelical Christians’ Stigmatisation as Sectarians in a Komi Village. Études finno-ougriennes, 47. ISSN 2275-1947

Koosa, Piret (2013) Sowing the Seeds of Faith: A Case Study of an American Missionary in the Russian North. Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics, VII (1). pp. 31-48.

Kovacevic, David (2018) National identity and missionary processes: The case of Croatia. Acta Missiologiae, 6. pp. 21-33. ISSN 2060-2104

Kovaliv, Petr (2012) Истинное Богословие Креста и Миссия Церкви [True Theology of the Cross and the Mission of the Church]. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology (2012/S). pp. 97-127. ISSN 2789-1577

Kovács, Ábrahám (2019) Is Christ Proclaimed to Christians? The Impact of Scottish Evangelicalism on Hungarian Theology, Piety, and Praxis (1841-1945). Perichoresis, 17 (4). pp. 111-131.

Kravtsev, Andrey (2013) Христиане и «неспасенные»: Сравнительный анализ взглядов Джона МакАртура и Рика Уоррена на людей вне церкви [Christians and the Unsaved: A Comparative Examination of John MacArthur’s and Rick Warren’s Views of People Outside the Church]. Theological Reflections: Euro-Asian Journal of Theology (14). pp. 265-278.

Kravtsev, Andrey (2016) Миссионерские структуры в Российском союзе ЕХБ: прошлое, настоящее, будущее [Missionary Sending Structures in the Russian Baptist Union: the Past, Present, and Future]. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology (16). pp. 29-48. ISSN 2789-1577

Kushner, Mario (2020) Razumiješ li to što čitaš? - Trajno crkveno obrazovanje kao odgovor na suvremene izazove evangelizacije svijeta [Do You Understand What You're Reading? - Lasting Religious Education as a Response to the Contemporary Challenges in Reaching the World for Christ]. Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology, 14 (1). pp. 85-96. ISSN 1846-4599

Kuzmič, Peter (1992) Christian Mission in Europe. Themelios, 18. pp. 21-25. ISSN 0307-8388

Kuzmič, Peter (1996) The Communist Impact on the Church in Eastern Europe. Evangelical Review of Theology, 20 (1). pp. 60-76. ISSN 0144-8153

Kuzmič, Peter (1993) Problems and Possibilities in European Ministry Today. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 1 (1). p. 7. ISSN 2576-344X

Kuzmič, Peter (1994) A Vision for Theological Education for Difficult Times. Religion, State and Society, 22 (2). pp. 237-243. ISSN 1465-3974

Lee, Paul (2021) China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Mission Opportunities and Challenges. Great Commission Research Journal, 13 (1). pp. 19-37.

Leete, Art (2013) «Бог говорит на моем родном языке»: этническая стратегия Коми церкви ["God speaks my language": ethnic strategy of the Komi church]. Антропологический форум [Anthropological forum], 18. pp. 256-275.

Leete, Art and Koosa, Piret (2012) The churches were opened and lots of missionaries arrived: Dialogue between Komi identity and faith. Folklore. Electronic Journal of Folklore, 51. pp. 171-190.

Liutkevičius, Eugenijus (2023) “Ghosts of Missionaries”: On Contemporary Baptist Mission in Ukraine. Journal of Religion in Europe, 16 (3). pp. 267-287. ISSN 1874-8910

Louw, Maria (2023) Sharing Being: Alterity and Sharing as an Existential Question amongst Kyrgyz Christian Converts. Ethnoscripts, 25 (1). pp. 102-119. ISSN eISSN 2199-7942

Lubbers, Rik and Lubbers, Matched (2018) Christian Alienation in Kosovo: Mission from the Margin. Vista, 30.

Lutsan, Ihor (2023) Models of Social Activity of Protestant Churches In The Context of Russia's Military Aggression Against Ukraine. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 43 (8). Art.4. ISSN 1069-4781

Macek, Petr (1991) The Role of the Church in the Czechoslovak Revolution. The Ecumenical Review, 43 (3). pp. 349-355. ISSN 1758-6623

Magda Džafić, Ela (2015) In Search of a Crisis in Croatia. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 35 (2). pp. 7-14. ISSN 2693-2148

Malov, Alexander (2020) On the Phenomenon of Leadership and the Theology of Hospitality Among Evangelical Christians of Eurasia. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology, 18 (2). pp. 71-89. ISSN 2789-1577

Medved, Goran (2023) Theosis in Discipleship: Becoming Godlike Disciples. Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology, 17 (1). pp. 57-64. ISSN 1846-4599

Milkov, Kostake (2018) The Independent Churches and Proselytism in the Balkans. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 38 (1). pp. 129-144. ISSN 1069-4781

Milkov, Kostake (2013) The Independent Churches and Proselytism.

Milkov, Kostake (2015) The Witness of Evangelical Communities in Contested Balkan Identities. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 35 (2). pp. 1-6. ISSN 1069-4781

Miller, Christopher L. (2017) American missionaries and the formation of modern Bulgarian national consciousness. East European Quarterly, 45 (3-4). pp. 163-184. ISSN 0012-8449 (print), 2469-4827 (online)

Mitrofanova, Anastasia and Riazanova, Svetlana and Benda, Richard (2020) Soteriology of Suffering: Evangelical Christians in Russia and the Trauma of Political Repression. Religions, 11 (591). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2077-1444

Mladenovska-Tešija, Julijana (2015) Be Salt on Earth: Can Evangelical Churches Make a Difference in Croatia? Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 35 (3). Art. 4. ISSN 1069-4781

Myronovych, Dmytro (2015) Narrativization of Religious Conversion Experience in the Environment of Evangelical Protestantism in Ukraine. Władza Sądzenia, 6. pp. 96-114. ISSN 2300-1690

Máté-Tóth, András (2021) Pray and Vaccinate: Worship and Pastoral Care in Times of Pandemic in Hungary. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 41 (1). pp. 155-161. ISSN 2693-2148

Măcelaru, Marcel V. (2014) Theology Encounters Globalization. European Journal of Science and Theology, 10 (1). pp. 67-78. ISSN 1842-8517

Mănăstireanu, Dănuț (1998) Evangelical Denominations in Post-Communist Romania (pt. 1). East-West Church & Ministry Report, 6 (2). pp. 1-3. ISSN 2576-344X

Mănăstireanu, Dănuț (1998) Evangelical Denominations in Post-Communist Romania (pt. 2). East-West Church & Ministry Report, 6 (3). pp. 7-10. ISSN 2576-344X

Neagoe, Alexandru (2018) Uspjeh kroz neuspjeh: Lukin paradoksalni pogled na kršćansko poslanje Židovima [Success through Failure: Luke’s Paradoxical View of the Christian Mission to the Jews]. Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology, 12 (2). pp. 221-229. ISSN 1846-4599

Negrov, Alexander and Malov, Alexander (2021) Eco-Theology and Environmental Leadership in Orthodox and Evangelical Perspectives in Russia and Ukraine. Religions, 12 (5). p. 305. ISSN 2077-1444

Novák, David (2005) Czech Evangelicals and Evangelism. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 13 (1). pp. 8-10.

Oh, Chong Jin (2013) Soviet Korean (Koryo-In) in Central Asia and Korean religious activities in post-Soviet Central Asia. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 53 (2). pp. 211-224.

Opria, Ihor and Fedkov, Oleksandr (2022) The Restoration of Church Orthodox Brotherhoods and Their Missionary Work in Right-Bank Ukraine. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 42 (2). Art. 9. ISSN 1069-4781

Paljević-Kraljik, Judita (2022) Povijest Biblije365 [The History of Biblija365]. Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology, 16 (2). pp. 213-220. ISSN 1846-4599

Panych, Olena (2023) Ukrainian Evangelicals and the War. Review of Ecumenical Studies Sibiu, 15 (3). pp. 459-477. ISSN 2359-8107

Parfenova, Evgenia (2015) Preaching of Repentance as an Important Part of Ecclesial Mission in Contemporary Protestant Churches in Russia. Вестник Свято-Филаретовского института (Vestnik of the St. Philaret’s Christian Orthodox Institute), 15. pp. 84-96. ISSN ISSN 2658-7599 (Print), 2713-3141 (Online)

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Book Section

Alpi, Federico (2022) Early Protestant Missionary Activity, Heresy and Church in Ottoman Armenia (1782–1909). In: Missions and Preaching: Connected and Decompartmentalised Perspectives from the Middle East and North Africa (19th-21st Century). Leiden Studies in Islam and Society (15). Brill Academic Publishers, pp. 294-322. ISBN 978-90-04-44962-6

Andretsov, Anton (2018) Краткий ретроспективный анализ истории и миссионерской деятельности различных христианских групп на территории Средней Азии (III-XV вв.) [Brief retrospective analysis of the history and missionary activity of various Christian groups on the territory of Central Asia (III-XV centuries)]. In: Миссия в евро-азиатском пространстве [Mission in Eurasian Space]. Bible for All, St. Petersburg, pp. 130-147. ISBN 978-5-7454-1524-1

Ashurov, Barakatullo (2019) Tajikistan. In: Christianity in South and Central Asia. Edinburgh Companions to Global Christianity . Edinburgh University Press, pp. 65-69. ISBN 9781474439824

Bargár, Pavol (2016) Mission in the Czech Republic: An Ecumenical Perspective. In: Mission in Central and Eastern Europe: Realities, Perspectives, Trends. Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series (34). Regnum Books International, Oxford, UK, pp. 270-291. ISBN 9781911372172

Bornovolokov, Oleg (2019) Контекстуализация в контексте Православия [Contextualisation in relation to the Russian Orthodox Church]. In: Новые горизонты миссии 2 [New horizons of mission 2: The mission, the world and the church]. Kolloquium Publishing, Cherkassy, Ukraine, pp. 188-205. ISBN 978-966-8957-71-0

Boukis, Sotiris (2020) When the Temples Close: The Transformation of the Church into an Online "Synaxix". A Reflection on the Ecclesiological, Pastoral and Ministerial Challenges and Opportunities. The Example of the Evangelical Church of Greece. In: The Church in a Period of Pandemic. Can the present pandemic crisis become a meaningful storm for renewal in our churches? CEMES and Fordham Publications, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 231-238.

Broz, Ludek (2009) Conversion to religion?:negotiating continuity and discontinuity in contemporary Altai. In: Conversion after socialism: disruptions, modernisms and technologies of faith in the former Soviet Union. Berghahn Books, New York, pp. 17-37. ISBN 9781845456177

Cherenkov, Mykhailo N. (2019) Глобализация, миссия и Царство [Globalisation, mission and the Kingdom of God]. In: Новые горизонты миссии 2 [New horizons of mission 2: The mission, the world and the church]. Kolloquium Publishing, Cherkassy, Ukraine, pp. 80-102. ISBN 978-966-8957-71-0

Cherenkov, Mykhailo N. (2016) Церковь завтрашнего дня: возвращение к «открытому христианству» [The church of tomorrow: returning to "Open Christianity]. In: Тело Христово: константы и метаморфозы священного. Философско-религиозные тетради [Philosophical and religious notes] (8). Evangelical Christians-Baptists in Russia, Moscow, pp. 61-74. ISBN 978-5-905150-08

Colda, Teodor–Ioan (2016) Is There a Theological Side to the Romanian Exodus? In: The Phenomenon of Migration. Scientia Moralitas Research Institute, pp. 304-315. ISBN 978-1-945298-04-2

Collins, Kathleen (2018) Christian Repression and Survival in Post-Soviet Central Asia. In: Under Caesar’s Sword: How Christians Respond to Persecution. Cambridge University Press, pp. 162-198. ISBN 9781108348331, 9781108425308

Dina, Andi (2018) Between Harmony and Conflict: The Evangelical Community of Albania. In: Fruitful Minorities: The Witness and Service of Christian Communities in Predominantly Islamic Societies. hristians under Pressure: Studies in Discrimination and Persecution (1). Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft, pp. 85-92. ISBN 978-3-86269-160-9

Dosov, Mirzabek (2019) Миссия и народы [Mission and the nations]. In: Новые горизонты миссии 2 [New horizons of mission 2: The mission, the world and the church]. Kolloquium Publishing, Cherkassy, Ukraine, pp. 18-34. ISBN 978-966-8957-71-0

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Radford, David (2019) Kyrgyzstan. In: Christianity in South and Central Asia. Edinburgh Companions to Global Christianity . Edinburgh University Press, pp. 70-82. ISBN 9781474439824

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Hoskins, Daniel Gene (2014) Conversion Narratives in Context: Muslims Turning to Christ in post-Soviet Central Asia. Doctoral thesis, University of South Africa.

Kirkpatrick, John William (1987) A Christian Response to Marxism in Eastern Europe. Masters thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary.

Koosa, Piret (2017) Negotiating faith and identity in a Komi village: Protestant Christians in a pro-Orthodox sociocultural environment. Doctoral thesis, University of Tartu.

Krasteva-McCauley, Stela V. (2014) Evangelical Christianity and Roma Communities in Post-Socialist Bulgaria. Doctoral thesis, University of California.

Kröker, Jakob (2009) Die Problematik der Bekehrung eines kommunistisch geprägten Juden: eine sozio-missiologische Fallstudie des Bekehrungsprozesses der kommunistisch geprägten Juden [Conversion of Jews to Christianity who are shaped by communism]. Masters thesis, University of South Africa, Pretoria.

Leininger, Andy (2005) Developing multiple groups of disciple-makers in Belarus. Doctoral thesis, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Liutkevičius, Eugenijus (2020) Transformation of Evangelicalism: The Ukrainian Case. Doctoral thesis, University of Birmingham.

Long, Esther Grace (2005) Identity in evangelical Ukraine: Negotiating regionalism, nationalism, and transnationalism. Doctoral thesis, University of Kentucky.

Magda Džafić, Ela (2011) The Role and Responsibility of Religion and Religious Communities in the 1991-1995 Wars in Former Yugoslavia. Masters thesis, Trinity College Dublin.

Malancea, Mihai (2007) O Paradigma Contemporana Evanghelica a Misiunii Crestine Printre Musulmanii din Asia Centrala Postsovietica [A Contemporary Evangelical Paradigm of Christian Mission Among Muslims in Post-Soviet Central Asia]. Doctoral thesis, University of Bucharest.

Marchis, Valbona Pumo (2004) The beginning and development of the evangelical movement in Albania from 1816 to 1940: a historical perspective. Diploma thesis, Evangelical Theological Seminary, Osijek, Croatia.

Mariş, Marius Daniel (2006) Teologia biblică a creaţiei-bază pentru dialogul creştin dintre evanghelici şi Biserica Ortodoxă în România postcomunistă [The Biblical Theology of Creation as Basis for the Christian Dialogue Between Evangelicals and the Orthodox Church in Post-Communist Romania]. Doctoral thesis, Bucharest University.

Mikeshin, Igor (2016) How Jesus Changes Lives: Christian Rehabilitation in the Russian Baptist Ministry. Doctoral thesis, University of Helsinki.

Nestorova-Matejic, Tatyana Khristova (1985) American Missionaries in Bulgaria: (1858-1912). Doctoral thesis, The Ohio State University.

Paul-Faina, Vasile E. (2013) Ongoing leadership development in evangelical churches in post-communist Romania: A case study. Doctoral thesis, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

Peremota, Irina (2017) Church Interpreting in Evangelical Churches with Russian-Language Services. Masters thesis, Riga:University of Latvia.

Pierce, Alexander (2007) Evangelizing Russian-speaking Muslims in Kazakhstan through contextualizing the Scriptures: a case study. Doctoral thesis, Western Seminary, Portland, OR.

Prevette, William C. (2008) Faith-based Organizations and Evangelical Churches in Romania: An investigation of partnership in reference to children and youth in crisis between 1990 and 2004. Doctoral thesis, Oxford Centre for Mission Studies; University of Wales.

Radford, David (2011) Religious Conversion and the Reconstruction of Ethnic Identity: An Investigation into the Conversion of Muslim Kyrgyz to Protestant Christianity in Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia. Doctoral thesis, Flinders University of South Australia.

Rulinskas, Artūras (2018) Cultivating the Preacher in the Free Christian Church of Lithuania. Doctoral thesis, Acadia University.

Rusin, Ivan (2019) Місіонльна теологія Леслі Ньюбігіна [Missional theology of Leslie Newbigin]. Doctoral thesis, National Pedagogical University of Dragomanov, Kiev, Ukraine.

Samland, James Arthur (2007) Towards an Evangelical Understanding of Roman Catholicism in Eastern Europe. Doctoral thesis, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

Smits, Alfred Yanis (1997) An assessment of theological education in post-Marxist Europe With a proposed model for the Latvian setting. Doctoral thesis, McMaster Divinity College.

Solomon, Christy G. (2019) Behind the Iron Curtain: The impact of persecution on evangelical worship. Doctoral thesis, Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA.

Soon, Don Ho (2001) A study on the missionary community "Izvor" as a missionary strategy in Eastern Europe. Doctoral thesis, Ashalnd Theological Seminary.

Spann, Matthew Edward (2001) Directing a program to train evangelicals for witness to people of Eastern Orthodox background in or from Eastern Europe. Other thesis, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Stănculescu, Adrian (2002) Romanian Evangelical Christianity: Historical Origins and Development Prior to the Communist Period. Masters thesis, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

Stutzman, Linford (1997) Gramsci's theory of cultural hegemony applied to contemporary evangelical mission activity in Albania. Doctoral thesis, Catholic University of America.

Syniy, Valentin (2021) Сучасне християнське лідерство в освіті [Contemporary Christian leadership in education]. Doctoral thesis, Ukrainian Dragomanov Pedagogical University.

Tatsiun, Radislav (2021) Миротворчий потенціал сучасної протестанської теології в Україні [The peacemaking potential of modern Protestant theology in Ukraine]. Doctoral thesis, Ukrainian Dragomanov Pedagogical University.

Todorović, Dragan (2011) Протестантизација Рома Југоисточне Србије [Protestantization of the Roma of Southeastern Serbia]. Doctoral thesis, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet u Beogradu.

Vagramenko, Tatiana (2014) Religious Conversion and Nenets Bricolage: Making Modernity in the Polar Ural Tundra. Doctoral thesis, National University of Ireland, Maynooth (Ireland).

Waltz, William D. (1999) A case study of Zaporozhye Bible College as a model for providing Bible college education in modern-day Ukraine. Doctoral thesis, Dallas Theological Seminary.

Yuchkovski, Alexander (2015) A comparison of the evangelical movement in Russia in the 1920s and the 1990s. Doctoral thesis, Middlesex University / Oxford Centre for Mission Studies.

Zhankabayev, Ali (2017) Using the Book of Acts for developing leaders for Church planting movements in Kazakhstan. Doctoral thesis, Bakke Graduate University.


Fetler Malof, Josef (2015) The Story of the Fetler Family Band, 1934-1944. [Video]


Kool, Anne-Marie (1995) Paradigm changes in the Hungarian Protestant Theology of Mission and its effect on the present situation. a case study. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Malancea, Mihai Misiunea si evanghelismul din perspectiva Bisericii Evanghelice [Mission and evangelism from the perspective of the Evangelical Church]. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 21:19:46 2025 CET.