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Abramović, Anja (2018) Preobraćenje huligana [Conversions of the Hooligans]. Religija i tolerancija, 16 (29). pp. 89-98. ISSN 1821–3545

Achim, George Daniel (2013) Mărturisirea lui Hristos în temniţele comunistemodel de misiune şi slujire creştină [Witnessing to Christ in Communist Prisons – A Model of Christian Mission and Service]. Altarul Reintregirii, XVIII (Supl.3). pp. 159-174. ISSN Print 1584-8051, Online 2457-9394

Agadjanian, Alexander (2013) Reform and Revival in Moscow Orthodox Communities: Two Types of Religious Modernity. Archives de sciences sociales des religions, 162. pp. 75-94. ISSN 1777-5825

Agignoaei, Alexandru Nicolae (2022) MISIUNEA ESHATOLOGICĂ A BISERICII FAȚĂ DE LUME ÎN AFARA CULTULUI DIVIN PUBLIC: VALORI UMANE ȘI LIBERTATE RELIGIOASĂ ATÂT AICI ȘI ACUM, CÂT ȘI ACOLO ȘI ATUNCI [The Eschatological Mission of the Church to the World Outside Public Divine Worship: Human Values and Religious Freedom Both 'here and now' and 'there and then']. Jurnalul Libertății de Conștiință, 10 (3). pp. 220-252.

Aleinik, Volha (2014) Evangelism as Authentic Discipleship. International Review of Mission, 103 (1). pp. 116-120. ISSN 1758-6631

Aleksov, Bojan (2004) Perceptions of Religious Conversion in the Formation of the Serbian National Consciousness. In: Evangelization, Conversion, Proselytism. Yugoslav Society for the scientific study of religion, Komren Sociological Encounters Punta, Niš, Serbia, pp. 41-53. ISBN 86-83119-99-8

Alieva, Anna (2012) Image of Christianity in Perception of Contemporary Russians (in Connection to Aims of Christian Mission in Russia). Вестник Свято-Филаретовского института (Vestnik of the St. Philaret’s Christian Orthodox Institute), 6. pp. 142-155. ISSN ISSN 2658-7599 (Print), 2713-3141 (Online)

Alizade, Anar (2019) Christianity in Azerbaijan: From past to present. Moral Values Promotional Fund, Baku. ISBN 978-9952-8305-4-5

Altanov, Velislav (2012) Religious Revitalization among Bulgarians during and after the Communist Time. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 32 (3). Art.4. ISSN 1069-4781

Altnurme, Riho (2010) Theological education in Baltic countries. In: Handbook of Theological Education in World Christianity: Theological Perspectives – Regional Surveys – Ecumenical Trends. Regnum Books International, Oxford, pp. 525-530. ISBN 978-1-870345-88-0

Anderson, John (2002) The treatment of relgious minorities in South-Eastern Europe: Greece and Bulgaria compared. Religion, State & Society, 30 (1). pp. 9-31. ISSN 1456-3974

Andretsov, Anton (2018) Краткий ретроспективный анализ истории и миссионерской деятельности различных христианских групп на территории Средней Азии (III-XV вв.) [Brief retrospective analysis of the history and missionary activity of various Christian groups on the territory of Central Asia (III-XV centuries)]. In: Миссия в евро-азиатском пространстве [Mission in Eurasian Space]. Bible for All, St. Petersburg, pp. 130-147. ISBN 978-5-7454-1524-1

Apostolache, Ioniţă (2018) About the Crete Council Document: "Mission of the Church in Today's World". Orthodox Considerations on the "Dignity of Human Person". Orthodox Theology in Dialogue (4). pp. 155-177. ISSN 2668-5353

Arjakovsky, Antoine (2010) Theological education in the Ukraine: The case of the Master of Ecumenics program in Lviv. In: Handbook of Theological Education in World Christianity: Theological Perspectives – Regional Surveys – Ecumenical Trends. Regnum Books International, Oxford, pp. 525-530. ISBN 978-1-870345-88-0

Ashurov, Barakatullo (2019) Tajikistan. In: Christianity in South and Central Asia. Edinburgh Companions to Global Christianity . Edinburgh University Press, pp. 65-69. ISBN 9781474439824


Babiy, Alla Semionovna (2002) A historical survey of the non-Russian and foreign mission activity of the Russian Orthodox Church. Masters thesis, University of South Africa, Pretoria.

Bairachtaris, Augustinos (2019) Reconsidering the Ecological Mission of the Church. Theologia: Quarterly Edition of the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece, 90 (3). pp. 237-263. ISSN 1105-154X

Bairachtaris, Augustinos (2009) The ecclesiological dimension of Mission according to the Orthodox perspective. ΓΡΗΓΟΡΙΟΣ ΠΑΛΑΜΑΣ [Gregorios Palamas], 841 (Nov-De). pp. 743-762. ISSN 1011-3010

Balcárek, Petr (2014) Martyrdom of Orthodox Christian in Czechoslovakia (1945-1990): Some Preliminary Remarks, Typology and Ideas of Future Research. International Journal of Orthodox Theology, 5 (3). pp. 245-269. ISSN 2190-0582

Bargár, Pavol (2017) Misia Pravoslávnej cirkvi v súčasnom svete: misiologická reflexia dokumentu svätého a veľkého koncilu Pravoslávnej cirkvi [Mission of the Orthodox Church in Today's World: Missiological Reflection of the Document of the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodoy Church]. Acta Missiologica, 11 (1). pp. 23-31. ISSN 2453-7160

Bargár, Pavol (2017) Pondering "The Mission of the Orthodox Church in Today's World": A Protestant Missiological Reflection. International Review of Mission, 106 (2). pp. 389-399. ISSN 1758-6631

Bates, Dana (2016) Christianity with and for the Younger Generation: A Case Study in Orthodox Youth Mission. In: Mission in Central and Eastern Europe: Realities, Perspectives, Trends. Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series (34). Regnum Books International, Oxford UK, pp. 168-189. ISBN 9781911372172

Bates, Dana (2013) The Glory of God is Humanity Fully Alive: Exploring Eastern Orthodoxy as a resource for human development in conversation with the capability approach. Doctoral thesis, University of Middlesex.

Bayram, Mushfig and Kinahan, John (2018) Uzbekistan: Religious Freedom Survey, 2017. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 38 (3). pp. 91-124. ISSN 1069-4781

Bel, Valer (2014) Christian mission in God’s plan to save the world. Theologia Orthodoxa, 59 (2). pp. 163-174. ISSN 2065-9474

Bel, Valer (2002) Evanghelie si cultura [The Gospel and the Culture]. Theologia Orthodoxa, 47 (1-2). pp. 89-106. ISSN 2065-9474

Bel, Valer (2002) Misiune, parohie, pastoraţie : coordonate pentru o strategie misionară [Mission, Parish, Pastorate: Coordinates for a Missionary Strategy]. Renaşterea, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. ISBN 9789739793957

Bel, Valer (2004) Misiunea bisericii în lumea contemporană [The Mission of the Church in the Contemporary World]. Misiunea bisericii în lumea contemporană, 1 . Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. ISBN 9789736102745

Bel, Valer (2005) Misiunea prin activitatea didactică religioasă [The Mission Through the Religious Educational Activity]. Theologia Orthodoxa, 50 (2). pp. 21-28. ISSN 2065-9474

Bel, Valer (2001) Participarea mirenilor la misiunea bisericii [The participation of the laymen at the mission of the church]. Theologia Orthodoxa, 46 (1-2). pp. 83-100. ISSN 2065-9474

Bel, Valer (1998) Propovaduirea Evangheliei [The Preaching of the Gospel]. Theologia Orthodoxa, 43 (1-2). pp. 77-86. ISSN 2065-9474

Bel, Valer (2012) Sensul Crestin al martiriului [The Christian meaning of martyrdom]. Theologia Orthodoxa, 57 (1). pp. 109-112. ISSN 2065-9474

Bel, Valer (1996) Temeiurile teologice ale misiunii [The Theological Bases of the Mission]. Theologia Orthodoxa, 41 (1-2). pp. 23-36. ISSN 2065-9474

Beliakova, Nadezhda and Kliueva, Vera (2023) Anti-Cult Movement and Religious Freedom for Religious Minorities in the Russian Arctic. Religions, 14 (8). p. 1062. ISSN 2077-1444

Belopopsky, Alexander (2004) Between Chaos and Kairos: Churches, Ecumenism and the WCC in Central and Eastern Europe 1989-2003. The Ecumenical Review, 56 (1). pp. 77-84. ISSN 1758-6623

Bigović, Igor (2011) How to Cope With Memories? - Mission of the Church in the Balkans. Bogoslovni vestnik, 71 (1). pp. 19-38. ISSN 1581-2987

Bigović, Radovan (2000) Crkva i društvo [Church and Society]. Hilandarski fond pri Bogoslovnom fakultetu Srpske pravoslavne crkve; Zajednica Sveti Nikola, Pariz, Belgrade, Serbia.

Bjørnlund, Matthias (2019) “If I die, I die”: women missionary workers among Danes, Armenians, and Turks, 1900-1920. International Journal of Armenian Genocide Studies, 4 (1). pp. 55-79. ISSN 1829-4405

Bleiziffer, William (2001) Missio Dei - fundamentul misionar al bisericii [Missio Dei - the missionary foundation of the church]. In: Cultura Creștină [Christian culture]. Serie nouă Anul IV . Blaj, pp. 199-203.

Bogdanović, Dajana (2018) Successful Practices in Local Communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Religija i tolerancija, 16 (30). pp. 237-252. ISSN 1821–3545

Bogomilova, Nonka (2015) Problems of Teaching Religion in Public Schools in Bulgaria Today: Retrospective and Prospective. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 35 (1). Art. 2. ISSN 1069-4781

Boldişor, Adrian (2018) Reflections on the Mission of the Orthodox Church After the Holy and Great Council of Crete. Inter-Christian and Inter-Religious Perspectives. Orthodox Theology in Dialogue (4). pp. 118-154. ISSN 2668-5353

Bornovolokov, Oleg (2019) Контекстуализация в контексте Православия [Contextualisation in relation to the Russian Orthodox Church]. In: Новые горизонты миссии 2 [New horizons of mission 2: The mission, the world and the church]. Kolloquium Publishing, Cherkassy, Ukraine, pp. 188-205. ISBN 978-966-8957-71-0

Boswell, W. Benjamin (2007) Liturgy and Revolution Part II: Radical Christianity, Radical Democracy, and Revolution in Georgia. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 27 (3). Art.2. ISSN 1069-4781

Bourdeaux, Michael (1991) The Gospel’s Triumph Over Communism. Bethany House Publishers, United States of America. ISBN 978-1556612282

Bowers, Sarah (2005) Finding the spirituality of Ukrainian students in a post Soviet world: a visual ethnography. Doctoral thesis, King's College London.

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Bria, Ion (1968) Aspecte dogmatice ale unirii Bisericilor creştine [Dogmatic Aspects of the Union of Christian Churches]. Doctoral thesis, Editura Institutuliu Biblic si de Misiune Ortodoxa.

Bria, Ion (1993) Dynamics of Liturgy in Mission. International Review of Mission, 82 (327). pp. 317-325. ISSN 1758-6631

Bria, Ion (2003) Dynamics of Resurrection in the Church's Tradition and Mission. International Review of Mission, 92 (365). pp. 256-264. ISSN 1758-6631

Bria, Ion (1986) The Eastern Orthodox in the Ecumenical Movement. The Ecumenical Review, 38 (2). pp. 216-227. ISSN 1758-6623

Bria, Ion (1999) Evangelism, Proselytism, and Religious Freedom in Romania: An Orthodox Point of View. Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 36 (1-2). pp. 163-183. ISSN 2162-3937

Bria, Ion (1992) A Fresh Breath of Spirituality. The Ecumenical Review, 44 (4). pp. 429-432. ISSN 1758-6623

Bria, Ion (1996) Liturgy After the Liturgy: Mission and Witness From an Orthodox Perspective. World Council of Churches, Geneva, Switzerland. ISBN 9782825411896

Bria, Ion (1980) Martyria / Mission: The Witness of the Orthodox Churches Today. World Council of Churches, Geneva, Switzerland. ISBN 978-2825406281

Bria, Ion (1998) The Orthodox Church in Post-Communist Eastern Europe. The Ecumenical Review, 50 (2). pp. 157-163. ISSN 1758-6623

Bria, Ion (2000) Orthodoxy and Mission. International Review of Mission, 89 (352). pp. 49-59. ISSN 1758-6631

Bria, Ion (1991) Renewal in Mission: Challenge and Response. International Review of Mission, 80 (317). pp. 55-59. ISSN 1758-6631

Bria, Ion (1986) Symbolic values in the contemporary experience of Orthodoxy. International Review of Mission, 75 (299). pp. 270-278.

Bria, Ion (1995) A new typology for gospel and culture syntax: from an Eastern European Orthodox perspective. International Review of Mission, 84 (334). pp. 273-283.

Broz, Ludek (2009) Conversion to religion?:negotiating continuity and discontinuity in contemporary Altai. In: Conversion after socialism: disruptions, modernisms and technologies of faith in the former Soviet Union. Berghahn Books, New York, pp. 17-37. ISBN 9781845456177

Brudiu, Razvan (2015) Euharistie și martiriu – evenimente ecleziale în misiunea Bisericii (Eucharist and martyrdom - ecclesial events in the mission of the Church). Altarul Reintregirii, 20 (2). pp. 55-68. ISSN Print 1584-8051, Online 2457-9394

Brudiu, Razvan (2017) Evanghelizarea ca aspect al libertatii religioase in mentalitatea societatii postmoderne (Evangelism as an Aspect of Religious Freedom in the Mentality of Postmodern Society). Jurnalul Libertății de Conștiință (Journal for freedom of conscience), 5 (1). pp. 106-117. ISSN 2495-1757

Brudiu, Razvan (2014) Rolul misionar al pelerinajului în societatea actuală (The Missionary Role of Pilgrimage in Contemporary Society). Altarul Reintregirii, 19 (Sup.2). pp. 113-123. ISSN Print 1584-8051, Online 2457-9394

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Buda, Daniel (2016) Inter-Orthodox Consultation for a Response to the Faith and Order Text "The Church: Towards a Common Vision". Review of Ecumenical Studies, 8 (3). pp. 433-445. ISSN 2359-8107

Buda, Daniel (2019) Mission and People with Disabilities. A Few Thoughts and Facts from an Orthodox Perspective. International Review of Mission, 108 (1). pp. 100-111. ISSN 1758-6631

Buda, Daniel (2018) Mission in Secularised Contexts of Europe: An Orthodox Perspective, with Special Reference to the Romanian Context. In: Mission in Secularised Contexts of Europe: Contemporary Narratives and Experiences. Regnum Studies in Mission . Fortress Press, Minneapolis, MN, USA, pp. 86-98. ISBN 978-1506477749

Buda, Daniel (2021) Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism: An Overview of Their Relationship from the Perspective of Moral Values. Religions, 12 (6). p. 383. ISSN 2077-1444

Buda, Daniel (2018) The World Council of Churches’ Relationships with Pentecostalism: A Brief Historical Survey and Some Recent Perspectives on Membership Matters. International Review of Mission, 107 (1). pp. 81-97. ISSN 1758-6631

Burgess, John (2011) Monasticism as a Force for Religious and Cultural Renewal in Post-Communist Russia. Journal of Religion in Europe, 4 (2). pp. 225-244. ISSN 1874-8929


Cacanoska, Ružica (2003) Protestantizmot vo makedonija i sovremenoto malcinsko-hristijansko versko strukturiranje [PROTESTANTISM IN MACEDONIA AND CONTEMPORARY MINORITY-CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STRUCTURING]. Teme - Journal for Social Sciences, 27 (3). pp. 437-449. ISSN 1820-7804

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Chelidze, Ana (2014) Ethno-Nationalistic and Religious-Nationalistic Components of Identity in Post-Soviet Georgia. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 34 (2). Art.1. ISSN 1069-4781

Cherecheş, Ciprian (2006) Ereziile secolului I din perspectiva teologiei misionare [Heresies of the First Century From the Perspective of Missionary Theology]. Theologia Orthodoxa, 51 (2). pp. 139-169. ISSN 2065-9474


Cherhaţ, Adrian (2012) Accentul eshatologic al misiunii crestine [The eschatological accent of Christian mission]. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai - Theologia Orthodoxa, LVII (1). pp. 121-132.


Chiorean, Claudia (2019) Thirty Years Later: Being Orthodox in Romania, Then and Now. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 39 (7). Art. 4. ISSN 1069-4781

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Ciobotea, Daniel D. I. (1989) Unity and Mission: An Orthodox Perspective. International Review of Mission, 78 (309). pp. 30-36. ISSN 1758-6631

Clendenin, Daniel B. (1997) Why I'm not Christian. Christianity Today, 41 (1). pp. 32-38. ISSN 0009-5753

Codreanu, Lucian Nicodim (2009) IMAGINEA ÎN MISIUNEA ORTODOXĂ [THE IMAGE IN THE ORTHODOX MISSION]. Theologia Orthodoxa, 54 (2). pp. 231-242. ISSN 2065-9474

Colda, Ioan Colda (2015) The Cathedral of National Salvation and the Palace of the Gospel: Desiring the Salvation of the Romanian Nation through the Gospel of Christ. Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății de Conștiință), 2 (1).

Coleman, Heather J. (2002) Becoming a Russian Baptist: Conversion Narratives and Social Experience. The Russian Review, 61 (1). pp. 94-112.

Collins, Kathleen (2018) Christian Repression and Survival in Post-Soviet Central Asia. In: Under Caesar’s Sword: How Christians Respond to Persecution. Cambridge University Press, pp. 162-198. ISBN 9781108348331, 9781108425308

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Costin, Silviu Marcel (2015) Misiune prin Euharistie în parohia de azi. Exemple pastorale din opera Sfântului Ioan Gură de Aur [Mission through Eucharist in Today’s Parish. Pastoral Examples from the Works of Saint John Chrysostom]. Altarul Reintregirii, XX (3). pp. 115-127. ISSN Print 1584-8051, Online 2457-9394

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Danilov, Andrei (2008) Pentecostal and Orthodox in Common Cause. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 16 (3). p. 16.

Davis, Howard (2005) Mediating Religion in Post-Soviet Russia: Orthodoxy and National Identity in Broadcasting. Studies in World Christianity, 11 (1). pp. 65-86. ISSN 1750-0230

Dimitriadis, Nikolaos (2013) Ἡ Ὀρθόδοξη συμβολὴ στὴ θεμελίωση τοῦ θεμιτοῦ τοῦ διαθρησκειακοῦ διαλόγου στὴν παγκόσμια χριστιανικὴ ἱεραποστολή [The Orthodox contribution to the foundation of the legitimate interfaith of dialogue in the global Christian mission]. Theologia: Quarterly Edition of the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece, 84 (4). pp. 33-40. ISSN 1105-154X

Divisenko, Olga V. and Belov, Alexei E. and Divisenko, Konstantin S. (2021) Spiritual Well-Being of Russian Orthodox and Evangelical Christians: Denominational Features. Religions, 12 (6). p. 392. ISSN 2077-1444

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Dragne, Ion (2019) Misiune și secularizare în viziunea lui Anastasie Yannoulatos [Mission and secularisation in the vision of the theologian Anastasios Yannoulatos]. Altarul Reintregirii, XXIV (2). pp. 33-40. ISSN Print 1584-8051, Online 2457-9394

Dragutinović, Predrag (2007) Мисија и комуникација у раном Хришћанству : путовања хришћана као израз јединства Цркве у Новом завету и Апостолским оцима [Mission and Communication in Early Christianity: The Journeys of Christians as an Expression of the Unity of the Church in the New Testament and the Apostolic Fathers]. Doctoral thesis, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Pravoslavni Bogoslovski fakultet.

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Elliott, Mark R. (1996) East European Missions, Perestroika, and Orthodox-Evangelical Tensions. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 16 (2). Art. 3. ISSN 1069-4781

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